It's bloody tough
ST. ANDREWS, Scotland (AP) -
"Watch out for the Road Hole," warned
Arnold Palmer as 155 golfers set out
today in the British Open.
The Old Course at St. Andrews is the
most famous of all golf courses, and the
461-yard Road Hole, the 17th, is one of
the world's most notorious. For 200
years it has been ruining the cards of
complacent golfers as they come in
eight of the clubhouse.
IF YOU HIT through the green, by as
much as a yard, your ball rolls down a
hill and into the road.
That was what happened to Palmer in
1960. He had to chip back from the road
for a bogey five. Kel Nagle of Australia
edged one stroke ahead and won the
title from Palmer by that one stroke.
St. Andrews, where the game has
been played for more than four cen-
turies, is the mecca of world golfers.
When they get here they are puzzled by
the undulating fairways, hidden
bunkers and huge two-hole greens.
THE BOOKIES made Tom Watson
and Jack Nicklaus, the stars of last
year's dramatic British Open at Tur-
nberry, joint favorites at 6-1. Watson
edged Nicklaus by one hole in the 72-
hole tournament after an exciting nip-
and-tuck battle between the two men on
the last day.
Lee Trevino and South Africa's Gary
Player were 14-1, and Green and
Spain's Severieno Ballesteros 16-1.
Watson won the title in 1975 and 1977.
Nicklaus won it in 1966 and 1970 and has
been runner-up six times.
"I'm beginning to like the golf cour-
se," he said. "At first I was indifferent
to it because I didn't know where to hit
the ball. Now I'm learning about the
"This is typical of the natural Scot-
tish golf courses. You have a tremen-
dous number of bounces to contend
with. The greens are the most severe
and the most undulating I have ever
The Michigan Daily--Wednesday, July 12, 1978-Page 15
IM Deadlines:
July 10-Volleyball (co-rec)
Handball (m/w)
Paddleball (m/w)
July 11-Squash (m/w)
July 12-Innertube water polo (co-rec )
July 19-Golf (m/w)
Entries for these events should be submitted to the IM building as soon
as possible
Flash: FUN!!
All the fun you want in a New Games minifestival, to be held Saturday,
July 15, noon to 4 p.m. at Palmer Field. New Games is a revolutionary con-
cept in receational sport that emphasizes cooperation over competition,
equalization of activities for men and women, and most of all, fun! Check out
the games that will be happening at Palmer Field this Saturday.
You may now purchase non-enrolled returning student user passes for $5
at the CCRB, Monday thru Friday, 8:30-4:30 and Wednesday 5:30-9:00 p.m.
Think I got ripped off?
This man just bought a horseithat
could be a worse purchase than
Steve Martin's gasoline-powered
turtleneck. For a mere $10,000, Jack
Morgan claimed a four-legged crit-
ter auctioned as Lebon, but bears a
great resemblance to Cinzano, a
foreign breed worth its weight in
pesos. Lebon won a controversial
race at Belmont last September as a
distant underdog when stories cir-
culated that Lebon was actually the
champion Cinzano. Morgan either
bought into a great deal or soon will
be in line at Elmer's Glue Factory.
Before it's
too late.. .
Order your
summer subscription
Call 764-0558
No way to water ski
This picture may look out of focus
to you, but think how it must have
looked to Noel Waters. You see, Noel
is the person who is supposed to be
driving this hydroplane in Olympia,
Washington, but instead was seen in
midair flying away from his boat.
The tip flipped when it should have
flopped, precipitating this picture of
the hydroplane perpendicular-to the
water. Speaking of precipitation,
Waters ended up in the drink (what
do you expect, Henny Youngman?)
and swam away unscathed.
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Spring or Summer $3.50
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