The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, July 12, 1978-Page 11 Senate WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate yesterday approved a $36 billion military authorization bill including $2 billion for a nuclear aircraft carrier that could be the last in a long line of these giant ships. The bill, authorizing funds for weapons spending and research in the budget year beginning Oct. 1, was ap- proved on an 87-2 vote with only Sens. Mark Hatfield (R-Ore.), and William Proxmire (D-Wis.), in dissent. A HOUSE-APPROVED version of the bill would authorize $38 billion. Dif- ferences between them will have to be ironed out by Senate and House negotiators. Earlier, by a voice vote, the Senate adopted a policy statement asserting that future aircraft carriers must be substantially smaller and less costly than the current line of 1,000-foot-long ships. Critics described the large carriers as "helpless dinosaurs in the ocean" which are highly vulnerable to guided missiles and "may last only 10 minutes spproves military spending bill after the outbreak of war." carrier of this type." By a 68-22 vote, the Senate also rejec- Even so, they said they would not op- He said, however, the policy ted an amendment by Sen. Gary Hart pose the nuclear carrier that had been statement "can't bind or prohibit any (D-Colo.), to kill a provision added to the authorization bill by the President." authorizing $983 million for the first Senate Armed Services Committee The statement would require that all nine production models of the F-18 over the objections of the Carter ad- future carriers be smaller ones "unless fighter aircraft. ministration. and until the President has fully ad- THE HOUSE already has approved vised the Congress that construction of HART DESCRIBED his proposal ass construction of a carrier - the fifth of such ships is not in the national in- move away from large-deck carriers the Nimitz class. terest." and toward smaller, less expensive Sen. John Culver (D-Iowa) said his EVEN THEN, the amendment would ships carrying planes that take off ver- carrier amendment puts the President require the President to give Congress tically or in a short distance. He said and the Pentagon "on notice that this proposals for alternatives to the large the F-18 will lock the Navy into buying No. 12 is the last one." Culver noted that ships. more large-deck carriers. the Navy has said it needs no more than 12 big carriers. "Many of us have said we don't need the 12th one or it's highly DAILY EARLY BIRD MATINEES ---Adults $1.25 questionable," Culver said, adding, MIC S OUNT IS FOR SHOWS STAR TING BEFORE 1:30 however, that he would support the MON. thew SAT. 10 A.M. Of__:36 P.M. SUN. 8 HOLS. 12 Noon tit1:30_P.M. ship SEN. JOHN STENNIS (D-Miss.) EVENING ADMISSIONS ATER 5:00, $3.50 ADULTS chairman of the Armed Services Coi Monday-Saturday 1:30-5:00, Admission $2.50 Adult and Students mittee, supported Culver's amen- Sundays and Holidays 1:30 to Close, $3.50 Adults, $2.50 Students dment, saying: "I hope and think it's Sunday-Thursday Evenings Student & Senior Citizen Discounts true this is the last bill that will have a Children 12 And Under. Admissinns $1 . Anti-smoking groups fume over trademark WASHINGTON (AP) - Two anti- smoking groups, presumably united in their hatred of burning tobacco, may become locked in court battle over the similarity of their names. Get ready for ASH vs. NASH. The aggrieved group is Action on Smoking and Health, a 10-year-old out- fit claiming to be "the only national nonprofit organization devoted solely to the problems of smoking and health and nonsmoker's rights." ASH FILED SUIT in U.S. District Court against NASH - the National Association for Smoking and Health, Inc. - claiming trademark in- fringement, unfair competition and common law deceit. The suit says NASH is peddling an "anti-smoking spray can" and anti- smoker sentiments. ASH is especially disturbed on the latter, pointing out that it is against the noxious habit, not the smoker behind the cigarette. THE 11-PAGE complaint is full of complications. It seems that ASH lear- ned that NASH was to be sold but it ap- parently can't find the group. The com- plaint says NASH's last known address was on East Jewell Avenue in Denver. ASH is concerned that its reputation "as a source of expert advice and reliable information in the field of smoking and health and nonsmokers' rights" might vanish like a puff of smoke through confusion with the more direct-action NASH. According to the suit, NASH's anti- smoker spray "in essence directed the user to spray a smoker and-or the smoker's smoking material with the contents of the can." The spray sells for $4.95 a can with discounts for bulk pur- chases. THE INTEREST of ASH in NASH was aroused when people started sen- ding in a nationally-syndicated column praising Paul Wright as "a genuine American hero." Wright is identified as the founder, executive director and principal incorporator of NASH. The columnist, Bob Greene, quotes Wright as saying, "when you see someone smoking in a public place, ask him politely to put his cigarette out. If he refuses spray the hell out of him." ASH says people were confused and uncertain on whether NASar really was ASH. And, ASH claims, NASH inten- tionally used marks designed to look as if they originated with ASH. The federal court-is asked to put a stop to all these actions and to assess damages for injury. It also is asked to seize "all profits received from the sale of goods or ser- vices" identified as coming from National Association for Smoking and Health or NASH." Neither Wright nor anyone else with NASH could be reached for comment. 'Neil Simon's 0:30 4:00 THECHEAP 4. DETECTIVE" 9:15 Work patterns studied (ContinuedfromPage3)- ONE PREDICTION states that study reports a possible consequence of within seven years half of the U.S. in- the forecast. "The forecast in this dustrial companies will hold "regularly report could trigger a group having the scheduled information and motivation power, to materially affect the timing sessions with both hourly and salaried of this event, and precipitate them to employees on such company subjects take action causing an early or late oc- as history, products, markets and com- currence," the study reports. petition." Smith said the study reflects the in- Smith said a major theme of the creasing desire of workers to be more study illustrates the growing use of active in their companies' decision- computer management in ac- making processes. -He said business comodating workers' needs. equtivessmarylhaye t adopt.-different .University 'researchers,- Rtertil mseasur tormoreadequately Motivate Colding and Lester Colwell, are ,co-