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July 11, 1978 - Image 14

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Michigan Daily, 1978-07-11

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Page 14-Tuesday, July 11, 1978-The Michigan Daily
Shcharansky, Ginzburg go before courts

kt nued 5irom5Pagel)
rejected the idea of postponing nuclear
arms negotiations in protest. Vance is
to meet with Soviet Foreign Minister
Andrei Gromyko in Switzerland
tomorrow to try to advance a new
treaty limiting nuclear arms.
In New York, a Carter aide said Van-
ce would carry with him a personal
message from Carter to Soviet
President Leonid Brezhnev. Edward
Nezvinsky, U.S. representative to the
U.N. Commission on Human Rights,
told a rally in support of Soviet Jews
that the message will make clear "the
strength of our nation's concern and
commitment to the freedom of these
dissidents on trial."
THE PROSECUTION of the 30-year-
old Shcharansky, a computer expert
who became a key member in the
Jewish emigration movement, and the
41-year-old Ginzburg, a longtime
human rights activist, follows a long
Soviet campaign against dissent.
The Carter administration says the
fate of the two men could have an im-
portant impact on East-West detente.
Presidept Carter has personally cham-
pioned their cause, and Vance contends
they are being tried for "asserting fun-
damental human rights."
Two other trials also got under way
yesterday, one involving Lithuanian
human rights activist Viktorus
Pytatkus, being tried in Vilnius,
Lithuania, and the other an espionage
case against a 38-year-old office
worker, Anatoly Filatov. Dissident
sources in Moscow said Pyatkus was
delivered to the courtroom under force
by four guards and refused to take part.

After 90 minutes the proceedings were
recessed for two days, the sources said.
A COURT spokesperson reported
Filatov pleaded guilty. He did not name
the country Filatov allegedly spied for,
but said he was recruited by a foreign
intelligence service" while on a
business trip to algeria in 1974 and
"betrayed his country." Filatov's trial
is to resume today.
Shcharansky's wife, Natalia, told a
news conference in Paris she believes

further statements by Carter and the
Congress might enable her husband to
"be free and go out from Russial"
Ms. Shcharansky, a resident of Israel
who said she went to Paris to help
mobilize world opinion on her
husband's behalf, suggested that
Congress pass a resolution in the case.
In New York, thousands of American
Jews and others gathered at a noontime
rally to protest the Shcharansky trial.
Three hours earlier a bomb exploded
near the Manhattan offices ofathe Soviet

travel agency Intourist, causing little
damage and no injuries. No one'im-
mediately claimed responsibility for
the blast.
Western reporters, diplomats, in-
cluding U.S. Embassy representatives,
and the defendants' comrades from the
dissident movement were barred from
the trials in Moscow and Kaluga. They
waited outside for word from the defen-
dants' relatives or court officials on
what was happening.

Officials say extension unlikely

(Continued from Page 2)
may rest on an unknown senator not yet
named to fill a vacancy. That panel is
expected to wait until the House com-
mittee acts before holding hearings.
The proposed amendment would ban
discrimination on grounds of sex.
Under current law, three-quarters of
the 50 states must approve the proposed
amendment by next March if it is to
become law. Thirty-five of the 38 states
necessary already have done so,
although three of those have also voted
to rescind their approval.
WHILE congressional aides say it's
almost a certainty that the proposal to
extend the 1979 deadline for seven years
is doomed, efforts are under way in the
House to find a compromise.
One possibility under discussion, said
to have the grudging support of some
women's leaders as well as
congressional backers of the ERA, is
to extend the current deadline for four
years instead of seven.



o Despite public optimism, one un-
decided committee member, Rep.
Hamiltion Fish (R-N.Y.) told a group of
ERA supporters he understood 20
members of the 34-member panel are
against the seven-year extension.
THE SEVEN-YEAR extension was
approved by a House judiciary sub-
committee on a 4-3 vote. Edwards, the
subcommittee chairman, had hoped to
have the full committee debate the
measure this week, but aides say that
has been put off because of lack of sup-
It is understood that a proposed
seven-year extension would fail the full
judiciary panel by a margin of four or
five votes. One source said a vote on a
four-year extension would result in a
Extending the deadline until 1983
would allow ERA backers to use the
1978, 1980 and 1982 state legislative elec-
tion campaigns to back pro-ERA can-
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proposed amendment has not passed.
ONE OTHER proposed amendment
would specifically permit states to
rescind previous ratifications of the
controversial amendment, currently an
area of dispute. Women's groups and
the bill's strongest backers are strongly
determined to resist that proposal.
In the Senate, meanwhile, a six-
member Judiciary subcommittee,
headed by Sen. Birch Bayh (D-Ind.)
will hold hearings after the House panel
Of the six members, Bayh and Sens.
James Abourezk (D-S.D.), and Howard
Metzenbaum (D-Ohio), favor the ex-
tension. Sen. Orrin Hatch, (R-Utah) is
opposed, Sen. William Scott (R-Va.), a
conservative, is officially undecided.
No replacement has been named for
the late Sen. James Allen, (D-Ala.),
who was the committee's sixth mem-

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