Vol. LXXXVIlI, No. 40-S m DTuesday, July 11, 1978 Sixteen Poges Ann Arbor, Michigan Ten Cents Referendums stack all By MICHAEL ARKUSH question before the electorate. Most of yesterday: This fall's election ballot will be the nine proposals contained more than . A move to raise the state's drinking stacked with nine referendums, in- 300,000 signatures. age to 21. Supporters claim they will cluding proposals designed to revamp The most publicized proposal, the win an easy victory in November. If the the state's tax and criminal justice Tisch Amendment, which would cut proposal passes, it will override the systems. property taxes significantly, received legislature's bill to raise the drinking A spokesman for the Elections enough signatures to qualify for the age to 19. Division of the State Department ballot. The amendment would also limit " A referendum that would require yesterday said nine petitions had been the amount of state income taxes that persons convicted of certain serious filed before the 5 p.m. deadline. He said could be levied. felonies to serve minimum sentences' the division would check the validity of Another tax limitation amendment to without getting time off for good the petitions before officially placing be placed on the ballot would limit the behavior. them on the ballot. total of state and local taxes to the - A proposal to grant collective APPROXIMATELY266,000 signa- tures are needed to put a constitutional present ratio of taxes to total personal income. AMONG THE other petitions filed bargaining rights to the state police. " A move by the Citizens for More Sensible Financing of Education to for- ballot ce the legislature to adopt a system whereby parents would be given cer- tificates for the cost of educating their children. The amendment would also remove almost all property taxes for school financing. " A proposal whereby voters will decide this year if they want to have a constitutional convention meet and propose a revised constitution. " A referendum initiated by the legislature to deny bail to anybody arrested for a violent felony if they had already been convicted of two or more See VOTERS, Page 11 Soviet dissidents go before court MOSCOW (AP) - Climaxing an 18- month Kremlin crackdown on dissiden- ts, Anatoly Shcharansky and Alexander Ginzburg went before Soviet courts yesterday in trials that have drawn the United States into a volatile confron- tation with Moscow over human rights. Shcharansky's wife, in Paris, ap- pealed to the United States to intercede anew to help free her husband, who faces a possible death penalty if convic- ted of espionage. IN WASHINGTON, President Car- ter's press secretary Jody Powell, said, "This sort of repressive action, which strikes at the conscience of the entire world, is a defeat not for those who ad- vocate and work for human rights and dignity, but rather it is a defeat and a sign of weakness on the part of those very forces of oppression and injustice which we protest." Shcharansky, appearing before a three-judge panel in a central Moscow courthouse, pleaded innocent to the treason charge, rejecting as "absurd" allegations that he spied for the CIA, his brother Leonid said. "I consider all that I did was right," Leonid quoted his brother as telling the court in an hour-long defense. "I think they will give him the death sentence," he added. IN THE CITY of Kaluga, 100 miles south of here, Ginzburg, accused of an- ti-Soviet agitation and propaganda, also denied the charges against him. Irina Ginzburg said her husband, who could get up to 10 years at hard labor, told the three judges he might modify his plea if his guilt is proved at the trial. U.S. Secretary of State Cyrus Vance said the trials of the two Jewish dissidents "raise serious questions" about Soviet compliance with the 1975 Helsinki human rights accords, but he See SHCHARANSKY, Page 14 Daily Photo by JOHN KNOX AFTER HER SPEECH yesterday in the Michigan League ballroom, National Highway Traffic Safety Adminis- trator Joan Claybrook is greeted by members of the American Association for Automotive Medicine and the International Ac intin fn Arridont Tr ffic Medicine_ Association or Accuei ralc necl. Speakers push By RICHARD BERKE Joan Claybrook, administrator of the National High- way Traffic Administration, (NHTA) yesterday criticized the medical profession for not taking enough initiative in dealing with highway deaths. At a noon luncheon launching an international con- ference on automotive safety, Claybrook told several hundred: participants in the Michigan League Ballroom that "only a unique cadre of doctors have dedicated their lives and careers to the prevention of automotive injury." THE WEEK-LONG conference, jointly sponsored by the American Association for Automotive Medicine and the International Association for Accident and Traffic Medicine, marks one of the first times national and inter- nationalsafety groups 'ave met. Cl-aybrook, a longtime auto safety advocate who has worked for consumer advocate Ralph Nader, said General Motors did not hire a doctor until last year to work on automotive medicine. She said her agency has no doctors on its staff, a deficiency she plans to correct. Using 'seat belts is by far the safest precaution a dar ra. tnkp nronrdino n r.ars-a.whn da.. a 1 0A I traffic safety airbags, which she considers critical safety devices. CLAYBROOK, WHO SOME auto company executives have dubbed "the dragon lady," had no bad words for Consumers Union, the group which recently called Chrysler Corporation's Omni and Horizon models unsafe because of poor steering mechanisms. NHTA refuted Consumers Union's warning against driving those cars, saying the group found faults in the car which weren't ap- plicable to real life situations. "We have always worked close with Consumers Union," Claybrook told the doctors, scientists, and automotive safety industry representatives present. "They are entitled to their opinion. We just have to make the best judgements we can." Another featured speaker at the luncheon was Michigan Secretary of State Richard Austin, who said in- creased use of seat belts must become a major social priority. "MOST EFFORTS (to get people wearing safety belts) have been poorly designed, underfunded, of too short a duration, or uncoordinated with related activities See CLAYBROOK, Page 10