The Michigan Daily-.-Friday, May 5, 1978-Page 19 ___ _ Mountaineering #3. - METHODOLOGY Heading for the mountains Mountaineering as all but the chronically misinformed know, is the skill, the science and the art of drinking Busch Beer. It begins by heading for the mountains (i.e., a quick jaunt to your favorite package emporium or wateringholea) and ends by downing the mountains (i.e. slo sakngswllos f hebrw ht isetBschcS )i. M l However, between those two points lies a vast area of personal peccadilloes sometimes called technique and sometimes called methodology ( depending on your major ). Hence, this ad. T Sipping vs. chugging. Both have their merits, of course. But generally speak- ing, except for cases of extreme thirst or a ieaking glass, sipping is the more prudent practice for serious, sustained mountaineering. T Next. the proper posi- Stion. Some Sippin vs. chugging swear by sit- O ~ting; others by ' Sstanding. Suffice it to say that the most successful o ~ mountaineers are flexible, so youll find * both sitters and standers. . ( Except on New Year's Eve, when it's almost impossible z .*; to find a sitter. ) 9 Which brings us to additives. Occa a SCsionally a neophyte will- b sprinkle salt in his Busch others mix in tomato juice; "~-- and a few on the radical uncompromised compromised fringe will even add egg. s While these manipulations can't be prohibited (this is, after all, a free country ), they are frowned upon. Please be advised that purity is a virtue, and the o natural refreshment of Busch is best uncompromised. T Finally, there's the issue of containers. Good taste dictates ao glass be used. But bad planning sometimes prevents that. If you find yourself forced to drink from the can, you should minimize o h this breach of etiquette. Be formal. Simply let your little finger stick out stiffly (see Fig. 4). Happy Mountaineering! Donftjust reach for a beer Head for the mountains. c Anheuser-ush. inc. St LouisMo..