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July 08, 1978 - Image 6

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-07-08

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Page 6-Saturday, July 8, 1978-The Michigan Daily
Stones' fans get what they want
By TIMOTHY YAGLE grounds, running from reasonable fac- The tension andexcitement was elec- a satisfying dose of oldies. Above all
Detroit's beautiful and acoustically similes to ridiculously fake imitations. tric just before the Stones assembled on numbers like "Honky Tonk Womer
perfect Masonic Auditorium was the All three major Detroit television stage, and on their arrival the they affirmed that their ability
setting for one of the grandest concert stations sent their ubiquitous mini- boisterous crowd went wild. Jagger, mesmerize an audience has not hb
events the city has experienced in cams to the auditorium and filed live looking like a puppet on a string, was withered by the years. The show
years. Every detail surrounding the reports, each shooting thirty seconds of clad in brown leathemr pants, red socks, overpowernmgly loud, and much of
Rolling Stones' Thursday night appear- concert footage. Members of the white tennis shoes, and a shiny red music, not tomention t obligat
ance had an aura of momentousness. Michigan football team escorted the leather cap, and was the picture of surrehyicasruninelge. I
band to Masonic, all the Stones except flashiness next to Keith Richard, who such technical rough edges ne
Jagger (who came in an old T-bird) gave new meaning to the word "scruf- seemed to matter much - Jagg
arriving in a police paddywagon. Both fy." Ron Wood was a bundle of energy. perpetual motion can still keep
WRIF and WABX had representatives Bill Wyman looked barely alive. audience hopping. Jagger was in co
delivering live, eyewitness reports. plete control. Whirling around a
THE STONES went through most of taunting his frenzied fans, he revea
UNLIKE so many rock concerts the material on Some Girls, but offered himself as the quintessential audiei
where general rowdiness is simply the See STONES, Page 10
rda of tho da thic undtf ti(M ua

, in

There was no local media advertising
- one radio station leaked the ticket in-
formation the day before tickets went
on sale - and the show sold out in a
scant two hours. On the day of the con-
cert, scalpers hawked their product for
as much as $250. There were numerous
counterfeit tickets circulating the

oraer o me aay, Es crows of 5,0 was
obviously genuinely excited over the
Stones. Under the circumstances,
everyone was reasonably patient with
the opening act, the Etta James Band,
which began the show with some funky
blues and soul music. Lead singer Etta
James did her best to emulate Aretha
Franklin, and the audience got a kick
out of it.

Mon.-Tues.-Thurs.-Fri. 7:30-9:30

show parody. What many people don't
realize is that Mull had established a
recording career for himself long
before his first appearance on Mary
Hartman, Mary Hartman. After
several years of recording for
Capricorn Records, Mull moved to ABC
last year and released I'm Everyone
I've Ever Loved, an outstanding LP
which featured superior musical
productions of Mull's genuinely
humorous songs and parodies.
This year's offering is Sex & Violins,
which for Mull should be seen as a
terrific step sideways. It's at least as
entertaining as his previous album, but
sex& vioins the musical concept is quite different.
Martin Mull I'm Everyone I've Ever Loved featured
ABCAA-1064 a notably bizarre conglomeration of
By MICHAEL BAADKE song styles, from disco to bossa nova to
Fans of TV's America 2-Night should Philadelphia Soul.
immediately recognize Martin Mull as ALTHOUGH Sex & Violins is cer-
Barth Gimble, host of the late-night talk tainly not a vinyl version of America 2-
Night, the recording is dominated by an
intentionally over-lush orchestration
RICHARD DREYFUSS in arranged and conducted by Frank
THE APPRENTICESHIP DeVol, who portrays bandleader Happy
Kyne on the show. The music on Sex &
OF DUDDY KRAVITZ Violins, again, is superior in quality,
Duddy is a hustler, a schemer, a add once the orchestration idea sinks
dreamer and most of all, Richard into the listener's mind, it's damn funny
Dreyfuss at his cutest. The most as well.
likeable of heels, Duddy is certainly Mull opens the album by taking two
a hero. With Randy Quaid. bites out of the Hammerstein and Kern
composition, "Can't Help Lovin' That
Sun: Duster Keaton's Man of Mine":
THE NAVIGATOR (Free at 7:30) Birds gotta swim
Chaplin's THE TRAMP (Free at 9:30) And fish got to . .. fly; swim-
Um, no wait a minute. . .
Cinema Guild He spits it out after forty-three seconds.
Tonight at7:30 & 9:30 For the remainder of the album Mull
Old Arch. Aud. sings his own compositions, including
one collaboration with former room-
mate Steve Martin.
See MILL'S, Page 10

Mon.-Tues.-Thurs.-Fri. 7:30-9:35

Look who's
moved Into
the campus
Catch herl



Mon.-Tues.-Thurs.-Fri. 7:30-9:30

The Ann Arbor Film Cooperotive
presents at MLB Saturday. July 8
REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE (Nicholas Ray, 1955)
7 only-MLB 3
A teenager gets into trouble in school and runs away with his girlfriend. There
are-many reasons to see REBEL, but James Dean overshadows them all with his
best screen performance. You'll probably never see acting this good again. With
Natalie Wood, Nick Adams, Dennis Hopper, Sal Mineo, Jim Backus. Plus Short:
JAMES DEAN INTERVIEW (1955) Scenes from an early TV role in THE UNLIGHTED
ROAD, prcedes Dean's interview by Gig Young. An interesting look at a great

l!H r ABrwt... pM 70N 1aWi5PS1C

THE GRADUATE (Mike Nichols, 1967)
9:15 only-MLB 3
Dustin Hoffman stars as a college graduate who has his first s+
with a friend of his parents (Anne Bancroft) and proceeds to fall
woman's daughter. The first movie to deal with the "I refuse tofi
theme. "The freshest. funniest, and most touchina film of the

e with that
uilty" youth

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