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July 07, 1978 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1978-07-07

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Page 8-Friday, July 7, 1978-The Michigan D'uily
EMU, Toledo OK reciprocal tuition rates
YPSILANTI -- (UPI) - Starting this and was subsequently endorsed by the Committee shortly before the rates.
fall, Michigan students may attend the Michigan Department of Education, legislature recessed for the summer. Students must meet regular
University of Toledo at Ohio tuition the Ohio Board of Regents and the mission requirements of the respe
rates while Ohio students may attend Michigan House Appropriations Com- The agreement extends through the universities, - Brickley said.
Eastern Michigan University (EMU) at mittee. 1980-81 academic year. It may be ter- agreement does not, however, app
Michigan tuition rates. minated by either university at any Toledo's medical school.
The reciprocal tuition agreement was Brickley said the agreement became time, but students already enrolled Last year, 51 Ohio residents atte
announced yesterday by EMU final last week when it was approved by would be allowed to complete their EMU and 325 Michigan students
President James Brickley. the Michigan Senate Appropriations college programs at in-state tuition enrolled at Toledo.
"WE HERE AT Eastern have always
had a special affinity for Ohio residen-
ts, mny2 Bell fo undin contem-pt o cour
ts" Brickley said. "We have had many Belf u d i eo t m t fe ur
Ohio students at our university, and I
suspect that we will now have more. -+
"By the same token, we recognize for rt divulge FBI fIe
that many of our own citizens from fo rs
Michigan who live close to the border
will find it easier to attend the Univer- NEW YORK (AP) - Attorney issued the finding, took no action to written decision then was issued b
sity of Tledo." General Griffin Bell was found in con- punish him. law clerk here.
For Ohio residents attending EMU tempt of court yesterday for defying a The finding also puts Bell ina position Griesa had ruled from the bench
this fall, the agreement will mean a federal judge's order to disclose files on to renew his appeals of the disclosure Friday that Bell was in contempt b
savings of $39 per credit hour for un- 18 FBI informers. He immediately ap- order itself. So far such appeals have that time said he would give the a
dergraduate students and $56 per hour pealed for a stay, and hearing was been in vain. ney general one week to purge hin
for graduate students, Brickley said. scheduled for today. Bell's request for a stay will be heard of contempt by delivering the files.
Bell could be fined or imprisoned un- by Judge Murray Gurfein of the The citation is for civil contempt
THE AGREEMENT was approved der the contempt finding, but U.S. Second U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Bell can have it lifted by comp
by the EMU Board of Regents March 15 District Judge Thoms Griesa, who New York. with the disclosure order.

ly to
y his
ut at
, and

Mon.-Tues.-Thurs.-Fri. 7:30-9
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The Supreme Court had refused to
review the case, but the Justice Depar-
tment contended that it was only
because the case was not yet far enough
:30 along. Bell persisted in withholding the
documents on grounds that a contempt
order would provide the basis for an
Bell told Griesa, who issued the
disclosure order last year in a civil suit
by the Socialist Workers Party, that
compliance before all appeals were
exhausted would cause the government
irreparable harm by damaging
relations with its informants.
Bell said that while his disobedience
was necessary to preserve the gover-
nment's right to a higher court review,
he would turn over the files if the ap-
peals fail.
Griesa, who sits in Manhattan, issued
the finding via the unusual method of a
cross-continent telephone call because

.. . The attorney general is hereby
adjudged to be in civil contempt of
court and will remain in contempt of
court until and unless he purges his con-
tempt by compliance with the order,"
Griesa declared.
The case involves a demand by the
Socialist Workers Party for FBI infor-
mant files in connection with a $40
million civil suit against the gover-
nment. The party is seeking damages
for what it termed illegal break-ins and
other acts while the party was under
FBI surveillance between 1938 and 1976.
In Washington, Justice Department
spokesman Terrence Adamson said
Bell will seek to exhaust all appeals, in-
cluding the Supreme Court if
necessary, before obeying. He said it
was not unprecedented for an attorney
general to defy a court order, but he
knew of none cited for contempt for
such defiance.

H t

Mon.-Tues.-Thurs.-Fri. 7:30-9


Look who's
the campus
Catch her!

he was on vacation in California. A OLD TRUCK
Floyd Powell was only 11 years old
when his father sold the family's 1930
Woody Allen in Model AA Ford in 1945, but he remem-
PLAY IT AGAIN, SAM bered the truck so well that he was able
1972 to pick it out at an antique auto flea
market in Indianapolis last summer.
This montage of the Bogart myth is "When I walked around the rear of it
an early example of Woody Allen's - and saw the way the tailgate was con-
film-within-a-film style. Typically structed, I thought, 'This is it,' " he
amusing with true-to-life Bogart said.
cameos. With Diane Keaton. His father, who died several years
ago, bought the truck in 1938. It had
Sat: The Apprenticeship of been used as a school bus, so a new cab
Duddy Kravitz had to be mounted on the chassis.
Powell's father and grandfather then
Tonight at 7:30 & 9:30 went to a sawmill, got some wood, and
Old Arch. Aud. built a 12-foot bed on the back to haul
Cinema Guild farm produce to market.
The grain bed is still intact, including
$1.50 the custom tailgate they fashioned for
emptying grain.
presents -
Elio Petri, 1969
A macabre film dealing with the psychology of power. When a high-ranking
official commits murder, and is placed in charge of the investigation, he
slowly becomes schizophrenic-with frightening results. Fast paced and
reminiscent of Z, CITIZEN won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Film.
"One of the year's 10 best."-Judith Crist.
7:30 & 9:30-Aud A Angell Hall
Tomorrow: ROCKY

Mon.-Tues.-Thurs.-Fri. 7:30-9:30


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