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July 07, 1978 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-07-07

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Israel warns Syria
with parade of jets
BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP)-Israel sent Israel's proximity and military ability
seven warplanes screaming over the to intervene on the side of the hard-
battered heart of Beirut yesterday in a pressed Christians.
show of force and clear warning to The Lebanese state radio said
Syria to ease its stranglehold on the President Elias Sarkis, a Christian who
city's hemmed-in Christians. The has tried to mediate Lebanon's
United States was reported trying to multisided conflicts, had decided to
mediate an end to the bloody Syrian- resign but that other national leaders,
Christian fighting in the Lebanese both Christian and Moslem, were trying
capital. to dissuade him.
In Washington, the White House U.S. AMBASSADOR Richard Parker
issued a statement by President Carter held a lengthy meeting with Sarkis
calling for a cease-fire, saying the early Thursday and was helping the
fighting "adds to the hatred and suf- Lebanese leader in his efforts to get
fering accumulated over several years Syrian President Hafez Assad to ease
of tragedy in Lebanon." uo h niCrsincakon
TBE ISRAELI jets roared in from the uChris ian anti-Chrite ra rackdown,
sea at rooftop level after hundreds of The pre-dawn rain of rocket fire
Syrian rockets set the Christian half of lasting seven hours, pounded six
the city aflame in the sixth day of a Christian neighborhoods in east Beirut
Syrian siege aimed at subduing the in- and the Christian-dominated port area.
dependent-minded Christian militias. It set at least 40 buildings afire and
Syrian anti-aircraft batteries opened collapsed several others. The Christian
fire when the jets appeared, witnesses Phalange Party radio station said more
said, but no hits were reported. The than 1,000 rockets fell.
Israeli military command said th jets A police spokesman said 17 Lebanese
were on a reconnaissance mission and were killed and 36 wounded in the bom-
took noaction. bardment, raising the reported
The government in Jeruslamem Lebanese casualty toll in six days of
declared, however, it is "committed ... Syrian-Christian fighting to 184 killed
not to let the Christian population be and 615 wounded.
annihilated in Lebanon." The Lebanese The outgunned Christians again
Christians have aided Israel in the fight returned fire with machine guns and
against Palestinians in south Lebanon. armor-piercing rockets. Syrian
ISRAE LI OFFICIALS n Tel Aviv casualties in the fighting are unknown.
also said they were concerned about Most of east Beirut's 600,000
Syrian domination of Israel's northern Christians huddled in basement
neighbor. shelters without electricity or water
Israeli officials would not say what and with their food running out, the
further moves might be contemplated, Phalangist radio said. Sniper fire con-
but the deafening overflight by Israeli tinued after the massive barrage ended
air force jets, shattering window glass "4 daybreak, reportedly on the orders of
and panicking residents throughout Syria's Assad.
Beirut, was a grim reminder to Syria of
Worsening inflation
may prompt controls

The Michigan Daily-Friday, July 7, 1978-Page 5
This semester,
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require around 500 hours of your time.
You could cut it
to 150.

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Carter
administration said yesterday that the
upward spiral in consumer prices, now
projected at7.2 per cent this year, could
cause new turmoil in the economy if left
The administration raised its in-
flation outlook for 1978 by more than a
full percentage point over the forecast
made last January. A 7.2 per cent in-
flation rate for the year would be the
worst since 1974, when prices rose 12.1
per cent.
ON FRIDAY the government will
release its report on inflation at the
wholesale level during June, along with
the June employment and unem-
The administration said inflation
next year will be about 6.5 per
cent-also worse than previously
believed. It said the new forecasts
"emphasize the need to find ways to
control inflation.
"If rates of inflation in the 6 to 7 per
cent range were to continue, the
prospects for maintaining stable
economic growth would be very slim,"
the administration said in its midyear
review of the economy and the budget
for fiscal 1979, which begins Oct. 1.
BUT THE REPORT didn't offer any
new suggestions for controlling in-
flation. It emphasized the need to work
toward a balanced budget, to reduce
the price impact of government
regulations and to pursue the ad-
ministration's voluntary wage and

price restraint program.
Some government officials, including
Barry Bosworth, director of the Council
on Wage and Price Stability, and G.
William Miller, chairman of the
Federal Reserve Board, have warned
recently that current levels of inflation
could bring on a new recession.
Worsening inflation in the United
States is also of major concern in other
countries, and will be a key topic when
President Carter meets with leaders of
six industrialized nations at an
economic summit conference in Bonn
on July 16-17.
A new U.S. recession would have
worldwide impact, and the leaders of
Germany, France, Great Britain,
Japan, Italy and Canada are said to be
seeking assurances from Carter that he
is doing everything possible to avoid a
serious inflation-caused downturn in the
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