..I1Vol. LXXXVIIi, No. 38-S
I C I TFriday, July7, 1978
c nSixteen Pages
Ann Arbor, Michigan Ten Cents
thin Calif.
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - Gov.
Edmund Brown yesterday signed a
$14.7 billion state budget, trimmed by
$1.5 billion since tax crusader Howard
Jarvis' Proposition 13 was approved by
The budget was $10.6 million less than
last year, a net decrease of one-
fifteenth of 1 per cent.
"THIS IS THE first time in 17 years
that the budget has gone down, rather
than up," Brown said after signing the
The Democratic governor, who faces
a tough re-election campaign this year,
vetoed 2% per cent pay raises for
224,000 state employees and 21/2 per cent
welfare grant increases for 1.4 million
parents and children on Aid to Families
with Dependent Children.
The signing ended the longest time
the state government has gone without
spending authority-5 days since the
old fiscal year ended last Friday mid-
in the budget, Brown's request for $34
million to pay for abortions for an
estimated 101,000 low-income women,
was slashed to $11 million by anti-
abortion lawmakers before the budget
was sent to the governor.
Brown left the remaining abortion
funds untouched, and state law gave
him no authority to alter a series of
strict limitations imposed by the
Legislature-on state-paid abortions.
Brown said the budget was a reaction
to Proposition 13, which he vehemently
opposed before its June 6 landslide ap-
proval. The measure limits property
tax to 1 per cent of market value, and
had an immediate effect of cutting $7
billion in local government revenues.
"THE FORCE OF Proposition 13 is
See BROWN, Page 2
Daily Photo by PETER SERLING
VISITING LANSING YESTERDAY, Howard Jarvis (right), co-author of California's Proposition 13, expresses confidence
that backers of a similar proposal in Michigan can garner enough signatures to place the measure on the state's November
Jarvis plugs Michigan tax cut,
By CUB SCHWARTZ that are filled and laying on desktops
SpecialtotheDaily and kitchen tables to put this over the
LANSING-Howard Jarvis, co-author top," the 72-yer-old Jarvis predicted,
of California's Proposition-13, stumped "but tjey don't do any good until they
in Michigan yesterday on behalf of a are turned in."
similar prop al which would slash The Coaliton for Property Tax 'This tax cut will trans-
local propert taxes. Reform, spon~or of the petition drive, is form a government of,
Calling a tax cut "more important currently about 50,000 signatures any ox
than all the functions of government put the 266,000, needed to place the for, and by the bureau-
together," Jarvis pushed a petition proposition n the ballot. Backers hope,
drive to place the so-called Tisch Jarvis' appearance in Michigan will crats to a government of,
Amendment on Michigan's November help them collect the remaining for, and by the people.'
ballot. . signatures by the Monday deadline.
THE AMENDMENT calls for a 50 per SPEAKING FROM the steps of the -Howard Jarvis
cent cut in property taxes and a 2.5 per state Capitol, Jarvis told the crowd of
cent per year limit on future property 200, "Many great sporting events are
assessment increases. See JARVIS, Page 11
"There are enough petitions out there
Braey, Payne denied spots on Senate ballot
GRAND RAPIDS (UPI)-The state did not dis- Bracy, whose legal attempt to overturn the board
criminate against two would-be candidates who were was joined by Payne, argued during a court appearan- Democractic candidates, they could not claim
denied a spot on the Democratic primary ballot for ce Monday that under state election-law he needed only discrimination.
Senate, a federal judge ruled yesterday. 100 signatures in each ot2O counties to win a place on
the ballot. MILES HIAD EARLIER issued a temporary
The action by U.S. District Judge Wendell Miles restraining order prohibiting the printing of ballots in
apparently dashes the campaign hopes of Ann Arbor HE BASED THIS claim on a provision of the law the Senate Democratic primary pending his final
law professor Warren Bracy and Detroit attorney stipulating that a candidate for the Senate must file at Ving in the case. That orderexpired at 3 p.m. yester
lwprofessorWaleast 1 per cent of the votes cast for his party's y
Harry Payne. secretary of state candidate in the last November elec-
tion. The last November election was in 1976 but did not The ruling left six Democrats in the running for the
SINCE HE COULD find no discrimination in the case, include the secretary of state. chance to oppose incumbent U.S. Sen. Robert Griffin or
Miles ruled he did not have jurisdiction and letstandan his challenger, Oakland County Prosecutor Brooks
esrlier Michigan Supreme Court decision keeping the However, the canvassers and the Supreme Court Patterson, in the November general election.
two men out of the race. held that, despite the language of the law, the amount
of signatures collected must be based on the number of The six are state Sens. John Otterbacher of Grand
The Board of State Canvassers refused to certify votes cast in 1974. Rapids and Anthony Derezinski of Muskegon, Ann Ar-
bor newspaper publisher Philip Power, former Detroit
City Council President Carl Levin and state Rep. Paul