Page 2-Thursday, July 6, 1978-The Michigan Daily
Egypt unveils new peace plan
CAIRO, Egypt (AP)-Egypt unveiled
a new six-point Mideast peace plan
yesterday calling for Israeli with-
drawal from the Gaza Strip and the
West Bank of the Jordan River, in-
cluding"East Jerusalem. But the main
elements of the plan already have been
rejected by Israel and Egyptian
diplomats say they have little hope for a
Israel radio called the plan "rigid and
reflecting no change" in President An-
war Sadat's stand."
withheld immediate comment on the
proposal, which also stipulates Israel
must abandon Jewish settlements built
in the occupied territory. A decision on
whether to send Foreign Minister
Moshe Dayan to London for a meeting
with Egyptian and American officials
later this month to discuss the plan
probably will not be made until Sun-
day's Israeli cabinet meeting.
Israel has said it will not withdraw
from the occupied territories and will
not give up any of the settlements there.
Even the opposition Labor Party in
Israel has said it would be willing to
withdraw only from certain areas of the
West Bank.
The Egyptian plan, prepared at the
urging of the United States, calls for a
five-year transitional period during
which the occupied territories will be
adminsitered by "freely elected"
representatives of the Palestinian
people under the supervision of Jordan
on the West Bank and Egypt in Gaza.
The future of the 1.1 million
Palestinians will be decided after the
transition period.
THE PLAN CALLS for talks in-
volving Egypt, Jordan, Israel and "the
representatives of the Palestinian
people" with the participation of the
United Nations to discuss details of the
transitional government, a timetable
for Israeli withdrawal, mutual security
arrangements, and any other issues
that all sides can agree to discuss.
It suggests that only after agreement
is reached on all these issues would the
Israelis be expected to begin a U.N.-
supervised pullout from the territories
captured in the 1967 Mideast war. The
present military government would be
dismantled at the beginning of the tran-
sition period.
Any security arrangements would be
guaranteed by Egpt and Jordan "and
will continue to be respected in the West
Bank and Gaza." It appeared this
clause was meant to allay Israeli fears
of a vengeful Palestinian entity from
which terrorists would be free to attack
the Jewish stae.
No reference was made to the
Palestine Liberation Organization, with
which Israel refuses to negotiate, and
it was unclear who the Palestinian
representatives would be. It also left
304 SOUTH 0
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unanswered the question of compen-
sation for Palestinian refugees and how
immigration would be handled.
Sadat is scheduled to meet Israeli op-
position leader Shimon Peres this
weekend and the plan is certain to be
discussed. Egyptian diplomats made it
clear one objective of their current tac-
tics is to drive a wedge between Prime
Minister Menachem Begin and his op-
ponents at home.
for top
housing post
(Continued from Page 1)
-Understanding of modern
management processes such as per-
sonnel selection and grievance han-
-Knowledge and understanding of
major housing services at a large
-Appreciation of the degree to which
the Housing Office's relationship with
the community is important.
John Finn, acting associate housing
director, said Johnson's recommen-
dation of Hughes is a "very good
decision" welcomed by most of the
Housing Office staff.
HUGHES WAS promoted from
associate director to acting housing
director last September when John
Feldkamp resigned. The vacancy of his
original position resulted in the
promotion of about four Housing Office
officials into acting positions. Finn said
those positions will not be
automatically filled by those now
holding them and that the openings will
soon be posted within the University.
Hughes' selection comes at a time
when the University housing operation
- one of the largest in the country - is
facing probably the most acute space
shortage in the school's history. Unlike
Feldkamp, who issued a report last
summer questioning the feasibility of
added housing, Hughes said the need
exists and is the "most pressing" issue
facing him.
"We've projected the need for ad-
ditional housing since the last dorm was
built in 1968, but our plans have never
been brought to fruition," he said, ad-
ding that the University has never been
able to afford any of the proposed
housing plans.
Hughes is no newcomer to University
housing, being a former South Quad
resident. Now, if Johnson's recommen
dation is approved, Hughes will be
making between $27,300 and $44,200 as
housing director.
volume LXXXv, No. 37-S
Thursday, July 6, 1978
is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class
postage is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 40109.
Published daily Tuesday through Saturday morning
during the University year at 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates: $12
September through April (2 semesters $13 by mail
outside Ann Arbor.
Summer session published through Saturday mor-
ning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in.AnnArbor; ,50 by
mail outside Ann Arbor. .