Page 14--Friday, May 5, 1978-The Michigan Daily Has S. Africa An AP News Analysis large quantities of ammunition, arms JOHANNESBURG, South Africa explosive devices and documents also (AP) - Incursions by black nationalist had been seized - some hidden in guerrillas carrying arms made in suburbs of the coastal resort city. Soviet-bloc nations appear to mark a The police reported the discovery of new phase in the black struggle to top- caches of explosives elsewhere in Natal ple white rule in South Africa. Province, which borders black-ruled, Security police announced this week Marxist-oriented Mozambique. There that "several" guerrillas armed with have been other sketchy reports of con- Soviet AK-47 assault rifles and ex- tact with insurgents in the eastern plosives had been captured along South Transvaal Province, also adjacent to Africa's frontiers with neighboring Mozambique. black-ruled states. The announcement Brig. C. F. Zietsman, head of South coincided with local press reports that African security police, said his forces security forces had caught as many as have arrested and brought to trial 100 guerrilla suspects in border areas numerous guerrilla suspects and that recently. the situation was "under control." SECURITY POLICE in Durban said BUT THE official report that armed insurgents are crossing into South Africa suggests the "war of liberation" revolt begun? has been immune to open armed con- near Umkomaas, 35 miles from Dur- flict despite guerrilla wars in neigh- ban. No one was injured. boring Rhodesia and South-West Africa, the South African-ruled THEN A Chesterville councilman, territory also known as Namibia. Albert Mtheku Yil, was shot in the arm Depending on the degree of Soviet after leaving a church. Police later support for the insurgents, their num- established that he was shot with a bers and trainingreportedly under way Czechoslovakian-made automatic in Angola - the ramifications could be pistol. widespread. Arms captured elsewhere in the country and along the borders include IF THE THREAT is serious, South AK-47 rifles, Tokarev pistols and Scor- Africa itself could eventually become pion machine pistols. Most of the much like Rhodesia today - a garrison weapons found appear to be almost state bogged down in a spreading con- new, police said. Zietsman said many of flict involving neighboring countries. the seized explosives originated in Zietsman said the arrests at Durban communist-bloc countries. followed similar sweeps along the coun- Zietsman said South Africa's blacks try's borders and in other centers in were becoming aware that the cam- recent months. paign was against the country as a Last month, black businessman and whole and that its aim was to install a township councilman Oscar Xaba and Marxist regime. He said most of the his family were terrorized when 11 recent victims of guerrilla attacks were shots from an AK-47 rifle hit their home blacks. t DAY HIKING MADE EASY Bivouac's Day Packs are made of tough waterproof cor- dura, featuring zipper comport- ment and adjustable straps. Another day pack is for Cameras. It's foam podded and has a zippered comport- ment for film. You shouldn't have to worry about the weight of pack, just what you're put- ting in it. Our Mountain Parkas are made of tough 65/35 polyes- ter and cotton. They're double- layered, wind tight and water repellent. Just the thing to break the chill. Great for bik- ing, touring or around town. J L anywhere on earth clothe S kies a n & 11dr. fINtI long feared by the white government may have begun in earnest. I Until this year, South Africa proper 1 La. flooding worst in 50 years NEW ORLEANS (AP) - Roads were clogged with abandoned cars yesterday and snakes slithered through the streets as floodwaters receded from one of the area's worst rainstorms in 50 years. The deluge was blamed for four deaths and an estimated $60 million damage. Water remained a problem in subur- ban communities with houses still flooded. But conditions in most areas eased from Wednesday when ducks floated down Canal Street. IT RAINED so hard on Wednesday - which ironically was national Sun Day - that the National Weather Service rain gauge broke after reaching 8.67 in- ches in five hours. Unofficial totals hit 10.5 inches in some areas. Places where floods previously were unknown- became rivers, carrying catamarans and motor boats instead of cars. In contrast, Hurricane Betsy - the most devastating hurricane ever to hit New Orleans - dumped 5.10 inches of water in September 1965. "Every time it rains, we have flooding around here, but I've been here 32 years and we've never had a flood like this," said Myrtle Bondio, who lives near Bayou St. John in the city. NOW COMES the great cleanup from what is estimated as much as $60 million damage in this sea-level city divided by the Mississippi River. In- surance agents are as flooded with claims as their policy holders were with water. And President Carter declared the metropolitan region a disaster area yesterday, making federal loans and aid available. At least four persons died as a direct result of the flooding while a fifth per- son with a heart condition died while being paddled to a hospital in a pirogue, a swamp version of a canoe. A DAY AFTER the worst flooding since the Great Flood of 1927, the West Bank still had water in homes and on the roads. Residents were being told to boil their drinking water because of the potential health hazard from sewage pollution. Major thoroughfares on both sides of the river looked like jumbled parking lots, with water-logged cars sitting askew on streets and lawns. With yesterday's bright sunshine came reports of snakes slithering in the streets and rat-like nutria scrabling for high ground from overflowing canals. AT THE HOSPITAL Hotel Dieu, 10 feet of water stood in the basement af- ter a wall collapsed and as many as 50 patients were transferred. At the LSU School of Dentistry, more than 100 cages of research animals, in- cluding chimps, monkeys, guinea pigs, cats and dogs had to be moved to higher ground after 15 animals drowned. Stories of people helping people abounded, but there were several sour tales, including a report that a Greyhound bus filled with conven- tioneers headed for the airport was at- tacked by a gang of teen-agers and their luggage stolen. A Greyhound spokesman said, "We are aware that something has hap- pened, but because of the conditions following the rain, we were unable to contact our driver to verify the story and determine whether it is factual or not." "WHY DO THE HEATHEN RAGE?" Psalms 2:1 and Acts 4:25 "BUT MOSES STOOD UP AND HELPED THEM!" - Exodus 2:17. One day Moses left his home, the palace of the King, and took a trip tothe land of Midian. Heleft and traveled ingreat haste as if something was after him- and there wasi Doubtless being very tired from his forced marches and hasty trip he sat down to rest by a well in the land of Midian. After a while seven young women, sisters, came and began to draw water and fill the troughs to water their father's flock. "And the shepherds came and drove them away (doubtless to take the water for their own sheep and save themselves a good deal of work) but Moses stood up and helped them, and watered their flock." This was one time these miserable wret- ches did not get by with their "dirty deed." - Wonder if I would not have been afraid to"stand upand help" for fear the shepherds would "gang up on me" and beat me up? Moses' courage and kindness paid off quickly and resulted in him getting ahome, ajob, and a wifel "MISERABLE WRETCHES" and "DIRTY DEEDS" and kin- dred words come to mind when i hear and read of the hold-up man robbing a pedestrian, a parking meter, a bank of their money, or a woman of her virtue, etc., etc. Men, women, and now even children, made in the image of God Almighty who are so debased and fallen so low that they refuse to strive to work and live by "the sweat of their brow" as God com- manded, but choose to go about preying on the fruits of men and women who fear God and seek with His help to pay their own way through lifel in my judgment, in this catego'y, belong not only the gross criminals, but those preachers, teachers, politicians, and voters who tell us the government or somebody ought to support and guarantee every man an income to live on, regardless of his character, industry, or lack of either or bothl In my Book that Is "DEVIL DOC- TRINE!" If you area true Christian you ought to and will be preaching by word and conduct such as: "GOD SHALL REWARD EVERY MAN ACCORDING TO HIS WORK - IF ANY MAN PROVIDE NOT FOR HIS OWN HE HATH DENIED THE FAITH, AND IS WORSE THAN AN INFIDEL - IF A MAN WONT WORK, DON'T LET HIM EAT - GO LABOR ON, SPEND, AND BE SPENT, IT IS THE WAY THE MASTER WENT!" Our neglect and rejection of these truths is probably back of the action of the woman's son who "has went against God," as well as the cause of other sons and daughters and parents and Uncle Sam turning their backs on God, thinking He is deadl Unless we turn from such folly there will be "hell to pay" - in fact we have already begun to pay! "BUT MOSES STOOD UP AND HELPED THEM"- helped those who were being cheated out of the rightful fruits of their own labor.Moses was bornwith a"death penalty"on his head because of his sex and his race: sex, male; race, Hebrew.Both were determined by HisCreator, and he had no choice in the matters. Moses was the adopted son of King Pharoah's daughter, and therefore grand-son of the King. But Moses also stood up and helped us. He passed on to us through Israel, the Ten Commandments God gave him on Mount SInal under which our nation has lived and prospered, and a return to these same Commandments in both church and nation would be a guarantee of further blessings and perpetuity. Conditions as described above would be changed. . a P. O. BOX 405, DECATUR, GA. 30031