The Michigan Daily-Friday, June 30, 1978-Page 5 'Grease': Hpe is the word th Gr By OWEN GLEIBERMAN believe that the movie's skyrocket suc- I was more than willing to overlook cess had less to do with what we were e spectacular selljob accorded being told to like than with what we ac- ease, including the by now obligatory tually wanted. television special, the soundtrack released months before opening, and the faces of John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John gracing the back cover of every magazine in reach. Another testament to the glory of the already well-worn 50s was not an overly tem- pting item, but I figured Grease was all butbug-proof because of its star alone. You see, Saturday Night Fever had converted me instantly from Travolta- hater to full-fledged fan. I recall standing in line prepared to purchase my very own copy of the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack (specifically for the four Bee Gees songs, of course), and feeling an odd, somehow delicious kinship with the teenager behind me who also clutched the album. Whereas before, I would doubtless have lumped her into that broad subset of adoring adolescents prepared to devour the latest television personality, it seemed that Saturday Night Fever somehow transcended its money-based beginnings. I wanted to SO GREAT WAS my fanaticism that when I had seen it three times, the con- trived story elements that put such a crimp in my enjoyment the first time barely registered. The suicide scene, the rumble - these seemed momentary distractions in a movie bursting with the cataclysmic energy of rock and roll. I say rock, and not disco, because em- bodied in Travolta's cocky swagger, in his pent-up energy and blissful release while dancing, was a flamboyant spirit that seemed universal next to that of the Donna Summer crowd. Travolta's screen presence carried the out- pourings of a generation's music con- ceived around the need for release. The big question, then, is how does all this add up in Grease? Well, Travolta certainly dominates the movie, but that's a dubious achievement. Although it concerns itself with the 50s, an era that spawned rock's godfathers, Grease has little to say about rock and roll, rebellion, or even plain old fun com- RECORDS pared to its illustrious disco forebear. It quite simply is such an inept piece of movie-making that even Travolta's raw vitality doesn't lend it a great deal of energy. Were it not for its hype, Grease would by all rights slip into the oblivion of a thousand other soulless Hollywood products. Lmichigan DAILY THE MAKERS (Randal Kleiser, director; Bronte Woodard, screenplay) have taken everything the hit Broad- way show had to offer and systematically destroyed it through their technical amateurishness and comic-book sensibility. The movie's Hollywood Hills High School aura obliterates the show's grittier social context; instead of a dynamic interplay of opposing sub-cultures, the charac- ters have been combined into a disagreeable mish-mosh of types, most of whom do not even maintain a strong stereotypical identity, let alone a spark of individuality. Grease looks like a two-hour Dr. Pepper commercial, with lackluster visuals and characters that make the Three's Company crew look Shakespearean. The story ostensibly focuses on the on-and-off romance of Danny (Travolta) and Sandy (Olivia Newton- John), a "good" girl who went with him last summer but insists upon throwing a fit whenever he acts cool and arrogant around his greaser cronies. The relationship doesn't dominate, though, since Travolta might as well be wooing one of Olivia Newton- John's album covers; where he oozes charisma from every pore, her presen- ce is so uncompromisingly vapid that she's a non-entity on the screen, a pret- ty but unengaging blindspot. To give the cast a meager semblance of well- roundedness there is Rizzo (Stockard Channing), a "bad" girl, but with guts, soul, and (yes!) honest-to-goodness human feelings under that slutty ex- terior. THE MOST glaring disappointments are the musical numbers, which should have been show-stoppers. Rarely have large choruses of singer-dancers been captured with less vitality, and with such stodgy, photography and unin- spired dance routines. The school dan- ce, which should have been a sizzling jitterbug tour de force, is positively drab, and the final chorus at an outdoor carnival furnishes the film with a fruity anti-climax. Only "Greased Lightening" and "You're The One That I Want" work up any sweat, largely through Travolta's commanding presence. Where Travolta makes dynamic ef- forts to grapple with the watered-down material and puts forth formidable star quality, he can't take off like he did in Saturday Night Fever. His gang of greasy Italians has no discernable per- sonality he can play off, their banter being composed of horrifyingly bad jokes and every 50s cliche high school kids have been mouthing since the whole revival got started. Unlike his fellows, Travolta can adopt the essen- tial moves of the era without sacrificing his personality, and his big dance num- ber (performed in an outfit Tony Manero would have been proud to wear to 2001 Odyssey) is the movie's best scene. The show Grease is a bona fide rock musical, with a band in place of a pit or- chestra. The film's musical arrangements are saturated in syrupy strings, and the title track sounds like "Son of Stayin' Alive." But the score's lack of energy and commercial 70s flavor is typical of this whole venture. Seeing Grease is like hearing the Michigan Marching Band do "Rock Around the Clock." The notes are all there, but man, where's the soul? Rats consume enough rice in Asia each year to feed a quarter of a million people. Our PREPARE FOR:.4h MCAT "*DAT " [SAT'" GRE GMAT -*OCAT -"VAT' -SAT NMB TII,11 ECFMG- FLEX- VE NAT'L DENTAL BOARDS NURSING BOARDS Flexible Programs & Hours There ISa.differenceO! KP N EDUCATIONAL. CENTER Test PreparationSpecialists Since 1938 For Information Please Call: (313) 662-3149 For Locations In Other Cities, Call: TOLL FREE: 800-223-1782 centers ,,inMa, os Ctes To'ntoP' eto*ic' andLu" no'" waie"* n I on pop. Ian Hunter is a veteran who shoots straight up the middle, and his latest LP, Overnight Angels, is a shot in the arm for rock and roll. 1 IAN HUNTER was lead singer and com-. poser for Mott the Hoople during that group's five-year existence as one of the finest rock and roll bands. When the group split in 1974, Hunter took to his own and recorded two fine LP's, Ian Hunter and All-American Alien Boy. The first was characterized by driving rhythms which recalled Mott the Hoople at their best. The second was recorded with the infinite precision of Mott the Hoople's final studio LP, The Hoople. The success of Overnight Angels lies within the fact that Hunter has com- bined the finest points of his first two LP's. He works with a support group which follows his musical direction with unerring precision; Hunter's com- positions range from subdued to violent, and the band (dubbed "The Overnight Angels") transcribes these shifts with razor-like perfection. THE TITLE CUT of the LP deserves See HUNTER, Page 9 overnight Angels Ian Hunter cbs 81993 By MICHAEL BAADKE The death of rock and roll has been highly touted, and to some degree it is true. The basic tenents of rock and roll are still visible in much of, contem- porary music, but it's been glamorized, synthesized and distorted, often beyond recognition. The surviving rockers are few, and surprisingly, often newcomers to the music scene. Springsteen covers the street side of rock, while groups like Heart and Foreigner do their best to uphold that shaky field which borders U-M STYLISTS open regular hours 8:30 AM-5:15 PM through Saturday and REOPENING Wednesday, July 5-8:30 AM at the UNION -COUPON- N 2 for 1 SpecIal -COUPON- I Buy 1 Super Salad-GET 1 FREE Good: Saturday, Sunday & Monday JULY 1, 2, & 3 CLOSED JULY 4th NOT AVAILABLE FOR CARRY OUT GOOD AFTER 4 pm ONLY Longevity Cookery 314E. Liberty GOURMET NATURAL FO9D RESTAURANT (313) 662-2019