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June 30, 1978 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1978-06-30

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1A IVol. LXXXVIII, No. 36-S
lC f 1~ aj [Friday, June 30, 1978
4.11111 i 1,1i n II Sixteen Pages
Ann Arbor, Michigan W Ten Cents
ducators expect
little effect on
admissions plans

Daily Photo by JOHN KNOX
A SUPREME ,COURT justice burns in effigy, capping a half-hour Diag rally
protesting Wednesday's decision in the Allan Bakke case.
Diag ralliers assail
pro-Bakke decision
By ELISA ISAACSON colleges as a factor in admissions, The
Urging spectators to unite to fight the court ordered the University of Califor-
"system," ralliers gathered on the nia-Davis medical school to admit
Diag yesterday afternoon to protest the Bakke, a white engineer who claimed
Supreme Court's decision favoring he had earlier been rejected due to a
Allan Bakke. quota system that made race the sole
Don Alexander of the Revolutionary reason for his exclusion. The medical
Communist Youth Brigade told the ap- school had been setting aside 16 of 100
proximately 30 spectators that "quotas spacesrfor minorities,
are in the heart of affirmative action The real thrust is not aimediat
and without quotas you don't have af- whether Allan Bakke gets into medical
firmative action." school," Alexander told the crowd. He
r e .said the high court was trying to get
WEDNESDAY'S 5-4 Supreme Court public support of the popular argument
decision held racial quotas uncon- against quotas: that minorities have
stitutional but acknowledged in vague achieved equality in the United States
terms that race could be used by See DIAG, Page 10

Educators across the country yester-
day said the Supreme Court's Bakke
decision will have little or no effect on
their admissions policies. They said
they encourage minority enrollment
with affirmative action programs, but
denied the use of racial quotas.
The court, on Wednesday, ruled that
the strict quotas imposed by a Califor-
nia medical school were illegal. It also
said, however, that race could be used as
a criterion for admission.
A SPOT CHECK of about two dozen
states showed that most college and
university officials believe the ruling
will allow them to continue special
minority programs.
"This decision probably will not alter
the . . . admissions policies one bit,"
said Dr. Allen Mathies Jr., dean of the
medical school at the University of
Southrn California. "We have dealt
with all applicants in the same manner
with a single admissins committee. In
making admissions decisions, we have
taken into account all factors . . ."
The Supreme Court decision came in
the case of Allan Bakke, 38. Bakke, who
is white, charged that he was denied
admision to the University of Califor-
nia's medical school at Davis because
of the school's policy of setting aside 16
or 100 available positions in each en-
tering class for minority applicants.
Medical Colleges Thtirsday greeted the
Supreme Court decision in the Allan
Bakke case as one that should boost,
rather than deter, the admission of
minority students.
"Most of the medical schools are
using admissions procedures which we
feel fall within the views of the court,"
said Dr. John Cooper, association
president. "As a matter of fact, the
decision ... removes some past under-
tainties and should stimulate efforts to

increase the admission of under-
represented minorities."
The association, reprenting all of the
nation's 124 medical schools, said about
9 percent of the 60,000 medical students
across the land are minority members,
a figure it hopes to build to about 12
DR. JOHN GRONVALL, dean of the
University of Michigan Medical School,
said the decision provides institutions
with "the opportunity to continue and
expand their diversity. The respon-
sibility is now on the medical schools to
increase their opportunities for
'Most of the medical
schools are using admis-
sion procedures which we
feel fall within the views
of the court.'
-Dr. John Cooper,
president of the
Association of
American Medical
minority students."
Dr. Louis Sullivan, dean of the
predominantly black School of
Medicine at Morehouse College in
Atlanta, shared Cooper's sentimen-
ts-and thus disagreed with some other
black leaders who viewed the decision a
setback to minority advancement.
Sullivan told reporters at the
association's news conference that "the
decision of the court in affirming the
use of race as a positive criteria in
evaluating applicants will actually

Panel asks cut in 'U' allotment

Special tothe Daily
LANSING-A special conference committee of state
senators and representatvies yesterday decided to
seek a $1 million cut in University appropriations from
the Senate approved higher education budget for the
1978-79 fiscal year.
The committee met yesterday to iron out differences
in the Senate and House recommendations for the total
higher education budget. The Senate recommendation
is $617.492 million, while the House proposal is $631
million. Panel members agreed to aim for a final
figure close to $620 million.
SEN. BILL HUFFMAN (D-Madison Heights), co-

chairman of the committee, instructed panel members
to find appropriate areas where state allotments to the
University could be sliced.
"Let's take a million out of each of the big three
(Michigan, Michigan State and Wayne State) and we'll
be all right. Find out the right area where we caii take
out a million from the University of Michigan without
seriouslf hurting it," Huffman told the committee.
Huffman said the committee would try to slice the
scheduled allotment to the University's Medical
School. He said the allocation to the Medical School is
already high and could probably afford to be cut.
THE HOUSE RECENTLY approved a budget bill

giving $137.5 million to the University. This would
represent a $14.6 million increase over this year's
allotment. The committee is pursuing an ap-
proximately $134 million allotment-a $1 million
decrease from the Senate's recommendation.
Ann Arbor Representative Perry Bullard, who said
Wednesday he expected a $3 million cut, said he was
pleased with the committee's recommendation.
"This shouldn't hurt the University too badly,"
Bullard said.
Richard Kennedy, the Vice-President for State
Relations and Secretary of the University was
unavailable for comment.

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