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June 29, 1978 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1978-06-29

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Page 10-Thursday, June 29, 1978-The Michigan Daily
Ruling not expected to hurt 'U'

Continued from Page 1)
(the court) would recognize."
But Fleming was quick to add that he
was not sure on this point and would
have to analyze the court's ruling very
carefully. "In any event," said
Fleming, "we have said before and I
now reiterate our commitment to make
the University accessible to minority
sity Law School Dean, said that despite
the decision in Bakke's favor the

Court's ruling does not mean the end of
affirmative action programs in
St. Antoine said a key element it the
Supreme Court's decision was the UC-
Davis Medical School's quota system
for minority admissions.
St. Antoine said he, too, believed af-
firmative action programs at the
University-particularly at the Law
School-would be within the limits of

Pursell calls verdict
good for civil rights

the law in light of the Bakke decision.
The University he notes, has more
general admission goals which consider
other factors besides race.
alive and kicking," said St. Antoine.
"Of course, we will have to see what
kind of programs the court will sustain
in future cases."
St. Antoine noted the same majority
of justices ruling in favor of Bakke's
admission to medical school also
upheld the legality of affirmative action
programs where race is a factor.
But Jean King, an Ann Arbor attor-
ney who has followed the. Bakke case
with considerable interest, expressed
disappointment in the 5-4 ruling. "I
don't think that's good for the country,"
she said.
KING SAID SHE would have
preferred the decision to go the other
way, but she said she could "under-
stand the problems the court had with
that particular admissions program."
Nonetheless, she said she was "glad

they didn't strike down all affirmative
action programs."
King termed the Bakke case very im-
portant for the country. "What the
courts are trying to do is find a way to
remedy historic discrimination against
protected groups-particularly
blacks-and certainly women."
She said in the past the court has not
allowed separation by race except un-
der very strict guidelines, thinking such
segregation would have only harmful
effeclts. But with affirmative action
programs, she said the separation has a
"benign" effect as an attempt to
remedy past discrimination.
Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) called the
Bakke ruling "disappointing." He said
he would have to examine the text to
see how "disastrous this uncertain
trumpet of retreat will be."
Bullard said although the 5-4 ruling
demonstrates that the "concept of af-
firmative action is not destroyed," the
favorable decision for Bakke is clearly
"bad news."

(Continued fromPage1)
missions policy.
"Historically we should consider
candidates on the basis of merit," he
BUT PURSEI, said he concurs with
the court's ruling and that race should
"still be a factor" in university ad-
missions policies. He said he would op-
pose legislation which some of his
colleagues plan to introduce to further
restrict admissions policies by
outlawing any form of preference on
the basis of race.
Pursell added Congress "would be
making a mistake" if it went as far as
to approve a specific weighted formula
for schools to follow when considering
"I respect the right of particular
policy-making boards" at universities,
he said.
PURSELL SAID he has no doubt that
the University - as well as schools
throughout the country - will revise
their admissions policies to comply
with the court's ruling.
"Those (universities) that have
quota systems will abolish them," he
said. "I think that's quite clear."
Pursell said yesterday's decision was
not met with as much displeasure by
members of the House Black Caucus as
some had predicted because it does not
jeopardize affirmative action
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IN A PRESS conference after the
Bakke decision was announced, Rep.
Parren Mitchell (D-Maryland), chair-
man of the Black Caucus, said he was
"not pleased" by the ruling, but
stressed that it should not be viewed as
just a victory for Allan Bakke.
"I've talked to Jesse Jackson and
other black leaders and the concensus is
this shouldn't be the death knell of af-
firmative action," Mitchell told a
crowd, which included Rep. Charles
Diggs (D-Detroit), in the Cannon House
Office Building.
"The need now is for careful planning
(in administering university ad-
missions programs)," Mitchell said.
Senator Robert Griffin (R-Mich.),
declined to comment on the Bakke
ruling, saying he was unable to obtain a
copy of the decision. Senator Donald
Riegle (D-Mich.), was unavailable for
immediate comment on the High
Court's ruling.
'U may receive
less than
(Continued fromPage 1)
sing tomorrow and see what's hap-
pening," Kennedy said.
BUT KENNEDY claimed he could
not fully determine the possible effects
of a budget reduction until he finds out
exactly the amount and area of any
budget cuts.
University President Robben
Fleming also said he would have to
review any budget cuts before he could
make a comment.
Bullard said any budget cut for the
University would limit the extent of
salary increases and may force tuition
costs to continue to skyrocket.

'As You' triumphs

(Continued fromPage 7)
This year's production of As You Like
It was held over from last season, and it
was easy to see why. Joyful, spirited,
and enormously fun-loving, this
production was exquisitely life-
affirming and moved with a bursting
energy that seemed as if it would never
wind down. Like The Winter's Take, As
You Like It takes place in castle and
forest settings. However, this play has
at its center a myriad of love games
reminiscent of those in A Midsummer
Night's Dream. Indeed, if it never ap-
proaches the mystical grandeur of the
speech of Bottom's where he speaks of
his dream that "hath no bottom," then
the comedy of love's gamesmanship
comes under even closer scrutiny.
AT THE CENTER of this play was a
divine performance by Maggie Smith
as Rosiland, daughter of the banished
Duke Senior, and herself consigned to
the Forest of Arden. From the outset,
Rosiland is smitten with Orlando (Jack
Whetherall), and vice versa, but
decides she must make him prove his
love and disguises herself as a boy,
Ganymede, who has Orlando come to
"him" daily and pretend to woo
Rosiland. Smith was superb at ap-
pearing clunky without dousing her in-
ner life, especially in moments when it
seemed all she could do to keep from
kissing Orlando and ruining her cover.
By the conclusion, she had built up
such an air of self-restraint that the
revealing of her disguise wrought a
sudden and wonderful order on the
previous chaotic proceedings.
Whetherall, as Orlando, was adequate,
but his sincerity never matched the
depth of his intended's - he seemed
closer to a pastoral Shaun Cassidy.

Shakespeare's clowns to perfection
does not require the immeasurable sub-
tlety of a fine tragic hero, Bernard
Hopkins' Touchstone was truly in-
spired. The character does get all the
good lines, twisting off intricate puns
and witticisms with blinding dexterity,
but Hopkins, in the veritable spirit of
Groucho Marx, was impeccable as both
a physical and verbal comedian. His
love bouts with the wench Audrey
(Barbara Budd) - all the more delight-
ful because they were so sincere -
were simply hysterical, especially
when he had to reprimand her for
pulling up her skirts like a father
scolding his five-year-old daughter. The
role of Jacques, the Duke's "melan-
choly" servant, provided Brian Bed-
ford with another fine opportunity,tand
he did ample justice to the character's
thoughtful pronouncements.
The play moved at, a lickety-split
pace, and by the end it felt like oneshad
been on a roller-coaster ride. It had you
gasping for breath, but the result was
truly memorable.
BoZ stages
hit parade
(continuedfrom Page7)
Boz Scaggs did not make musical
history with his Pine Knob appearance,
nor did he make any enemies. It's stun-
ning to think that he's had enough hits
to fill an entire show. And hits are what
he played, relying on safe songs the
audience was sure to like. And like
them they did.

Zorba the Greek
Anthony Quinn stars as the irrespresible Zorba, who leads the naive Alan
Bates through a variety of escapades. "Teach me to dance, Zorbo,." concludes
the film with a vibrant celebration of the carefree life which Zorba typifies.
"Brilliant performance by Quinn ... his canticle of joy is a rare achievement
in film. . ."-Stanly Kaufman. Directed by Michael Cocoyannis.
Tomorrow: Suddenly Lost Summer
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