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June 29, 1978 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-06-29

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The Michigan Daily-Thursday, June 29, 1978-Page 3
Hunt for missing student fruitless

Yesterday, Adela Gold did a lot of
Ignoring the afternoon heat, she
placed mimeographed signs around the
campus area, signs bearing the picture
of her daughter. The signs read,
"Missing: Beverly Gold. Any infor-
mation of whereabouts please call Ann
Arbor police 994-2911."
"I'M NOT THINKING straight
anymore, I'm so worried about this,"
said Adela Gold. "I can be looking right
at you and not hear aword you say."

Beverly Gold has been missing since
June 16, according to the Ann Arbor
police. She is a 20-year-old junior in the
University's school of Literature,
Science and Arts and a former resident
of East Quad.
Thirteen days ago, she left her apar-
tment at 935 South Division at around 2
p.m. Gold is about 5-foot-4, with hazel
eyes and brown hair. When last seen by
her roommate she was wearing blue
jeans and a T-shirt.
ANN ARBOR police have termed the
case "very strange". There have been

no indications that Gold was forcibly
abducted, nor that there was a struggle
to take her anywhere. But
mysteriously, there are no signs that
she planned to be gone for a long period
of time.
Police say Gold had not taken any
more than a "minimal amount of per-
sonal things" when she left her apar-
tment, although she did not tell her
roommate where she was going. Both
Gold's roommate, Judith Schwartz, and
her mother said that Gold had never
suddenly left home or her apartment
See POLICE, Page 14

Fewer bombs
bursting in air
this July 4
Watching the rockets' red glare may seem like a
patriotic way of celebrating the nation's birthday, but
it could net you a trip to jail and a fine this Fourth of
July under the state's new fireworks law.
Under a bill signed yesterday by Governor William
Milliken, Michigan -residents are prohibited from
possessing any fireworks except for sparklers, toy
snakes, flat paper caps with less than .25 grains of
pyrotechnical material, cylinder fountains, cone foun-
tains and toy smoke devices.
THE BILL WAS hastily approved by the legislature
last week so that there could be a measure in force by
Independence Day. Legislators were concerned about
the number of accidents caused by fireworks during
the last two years.
The bill, which goes into effect Saturday, carries a
penalty of 90 days in jail or a $100 fine.
"This law will restore the situation that previously
existed and will provide the protection from such
potentially dangerous substances that our citizens ex-
pect," Milliken said.
MICHIGAN RESIDENTS will have until Sunday to
turn over any illegal fireworks to local police or fire
departments or face the penalties.
The new bill was enacted following an earlier district'
See BOMBS, Page 14

Doily Photo by PETER SERLING
RONNIE GREEN, MIKE Spitzer and Denise Sargent may be curtailed in the sale of their wares come Saturday,
when a more stringent state fireworks law goes into effect.


Delayed apology
Ordinarily we receive the Daily Northwestern,
our Northwestern University counterpart, on a
fairly regular basis. But this week the paper arrived
late, along with this letter: "As you have probably
noticed, this issue.of the Daily Northwestern is a lit-
tle late. Like about a month. So are the other 20 or
so issues you will receive in the next few days. We
apologize for this regrettable lapse. We were having
trouble with the mailing machine, and the mailing
crew was not afflicted with an excess of ambition
either. So we burned the machine and shot the
operators. It was too bad, ina way. In was not a bad
machine, and they were not bad kids, but they could
not cut it in the competitive world of Big Ten
newspaper circulation. Anyway, if, after you have
sorted through the several cubic feet of newsprint
that is going to be deposited on your doorstep in the
near future, you discover that you are still shy a few
issues, please send us a note and we will mail them
out to you first class, instead of our usual third
class, and you might actually get them in time for
the first anniversary of their original issuance. We
realize this is not the most politic time to raise the
issue, but if any of you out there would like to renew
your subscriptions .. : yes, well, I know, but we
really are trying. We are prepared to sacrifice the
entire freshman class, if need be, in an effort to get
this newspaper out on time next fall... " The letter
went on to offer a cut-rate deal on subscriptions in
an effort to make amends. And, oh yes, theletter,
which was dated June 9, took nearly three weeks to
reach our offices. It figures.

Happenings ...
... are limited today. The Rackham student
government meets in the East Alcove Room of the
Rackham Building from 11 to 1 ... the Ann Arbor
Public Library's Summer Film Series continues
with a 7:30 showing of "The Grapes of Wrath" at the
library, Fifth and William.
Quite a tip-pler
Joseph Baudette admits he may have felt a bit
generous after having a little too much to drink at
Kilmead's Tavern in White Plains, New York, but
he never intended to give the bartender a $1
million tip. The tip - in the form of a lottery ticket
that is worth anywhere from $10,000 to $1 million -
was blocked by a temporary restraining order by
Westchester Supreme Court Justice George
Beisheim. Baudette says he gave bartender Clifford
Bice a state Baseball Lottery ticket and told him to
"scratch off the number, you may be lucky for me.
We'll split if we win." Bice has a different version of
what happened, however. He says he got it as a tip
from a tipsy Baudetter, and that when he scratched
the card, the words "Grand Slam" came up. That
meant the ticket was worth a minimum of $10,000
and makes the holder eligible for a $1 million lottery
later this summer. Six other patrons evidently have
their own ideas of what happened. Baudette's
lawyer, Paul Monsell, says his client "had less than
his normal facilities" at the time. Beisheim yester-
day ordered state lottery officials not to hand out

the prize until the matter is settled in court. Baudet-
te is hoping he has more luck before this bar than he
had at the previous one, Kilmead's Tavern.
How sweet it isn't
Bad news for dentists and sugar fiends: 1977
wasn't a very sweet year. Although the average
American chewed, sucked, licked and munched his
or her way through 15.4 pounds of candy last year,
that was actually the lowest per capita consum-
ption rate since the Depression year of 1938. It was
also five pounds below the level of 1968, when the
costs of the sweet stuff averaged nearly 50 cents less
per pound. Record consumption occurred in 1944,
when the average candy-lover devoured 20.5 pounds
of the glucose-laden goodies. The main reason for
the recent decline, the Commerce Department
reports, are growing health concerns and consumer
resistance to soaring prices. Candy bars continue to
be the most popular form of candy, with the average
American eating the equivalent of a whopping 240
candy bars last year.
On the outside...
It seems so long ago that everyone was worried
warm weather would never arrive. Now, only one
week into summer, we've all had enough of the heat.
But like it or not, we're in for another hot one
totnorroW with a high in the upper 80s under mostly
sunny skies.



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