D A' IVol LXXXVIII,,No. 35-S Thursday, June 29, 1978 [micigan DAIL Sixteen Pages Ann Arbor, Michigan Ten Cents High Court tells med school to admit Bakke un Decision vague on affirmative action WASHINGTON (AP) - The Supreme Court opened the doors of a California medical school yesterday to Allan Bakke, but said other whites still can be excluded from the nation's colleges un- der admission policies designed to give an advantage to minorities. The 5-4 decision was a clear victory for Bakke, but without clear guideposts for the future use of quotas or goals in programs designed to aid minorities. And, while the court ruling was on college admissions, its decision could affect minority hiring practices by hundreds of businesses and gover- nment agencies under affirmative ac- tion programs developed over the past K 15 years. THAT WARNING was sounded by Justice Thurgood Marshall, the court's only black, in an impassioned dissent. "It has been said that this case in- volves only the individual, Bakke, and this university," Marshall wrote. "I doubt, however, that there is a com- puter capable of determining the num- ber of persons and institutions that may be affected by the decision in this case." The court's majority held that the A4 University of California's medical AP Photo school at Davis went too far in con- ALLAN BAKKE WAS reportedly pleased upon hearing the Supreme Court's sch______D__swnt______r_____- decision ordering that he be admitted to the University of California-Davis medical school. Ruling draws praise ,fire 'U' says programs safe Pursell lauds verdict sidering race when it refused to admit Bakke. But it said some affirmative ac- tion programs can properly be a factor in decisions on admitting students - without explaining what those programs might be. THE JUSTICES limited their six separate opinions to admissions policies in education and did not direc- tly address themselves to other affir- mative action programs. See COURT, Page 5 State may give'U' less than exp ected By MICHAEL ARKUSH The University may face a $3 million cut in scheduled appropriations from the annual state education budget, state Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Ar- bor)revealed yesterday; Several weeks ago, the state House passed a budget bill allocating a $137.5 million slice for the University for 1978- 79. That amount would have been $14.6 million above this year's allotment. BUT BULLARD said a special con- ference committee meeting today of members of the Senate and House Ap- propriations Committees is likely to slash the University's proposed share by $3 million. Bullard said he expects some committee members to contest any University cuts during the meeting, where allotments to other state educational institutions are also expec- ted to be finalized. The Senate still must vote on the allotments before the bill is sent to Governor William Milliken for approval. Richard Kennedy, the Vice-President for State Relations and Secretary of the University, yesterday said he hoped Bullard's assertion was mistaken. "It is a scary feeling, so I hope the figures are incorrect. I'm going to Lan- See 'U', Page 10 By RENE BECKER The U.S. Supreme Court decision in favor of Allan Bakke has fostered a variety of opinions from community leaders, but the ruling apparently will not affect the University, ad- ministrators said. The U.S. Supreme Court yesterday said the University of California-Davis Medical School would have to accept Bakke-a white man-as a student and ruled uncon- stitutional the school's program for admitting minorities. ALTHOUGH THOSE INTERVIEWED were hesitsnt to comment before reading the text of the Court's decision, University President Robben Fleming said the ruling "ap- pears to allow considerable flexibility" in the area of affir- mative action. Fleming said, by his understanding of the decision, that he was encouraged to think that many of the University's.affir- mative action programs "are probably within the lmit's See RULING, Page 10 By RICHARD BERKE Special to The Daily WASHINGTON - Rep. Carl Pursell (R-Ann Arbor) - who serves more University students than any other U.S. House of Representatives member - lauded yesterday's Supreme Court ruling ordering the University of California Medical School at Davis to admit Allan Bakke. - "Overall, I think it's a good civil rights decision," Pursell - said. "It reaffirms'my long-time support of the basic con- stitutional provisions of academic freedom." PURSELL SAID HE will contact University President Robben Fleming to insure that the Regents "reassess the overall University (admissions) and policy with legal ad- visors to make it consistent" with the court's ruling. Pursell said that although he supports affirmative action programs, quota systems have no place in university ad See PURSELL, Page 10