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June 28, 1978 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1978-06-28

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Page 4-.Wednesday, June 28, 1978-The Michigan Daily

,michigan DAILY
Eighty-eight Years of Editorial Freedom
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI. 48109
Vol. LXXXVIIl, No. 34-S News Phone: 764-0552
Wednesday, June 28, 1978
Edited and managed by students
at the University of Michigan
Regents sympathize
with tuition woes
T HIS SPRING the Regents tentatively ap-
proved 8.75 per cent tuition hike for un-
dergraduates. This will undoubtedly deny many
deserving students a chance to attend one of the
country's finest public institutions, and things will
be much tougher for those who can afford to stay.
As the financial guardians of the University, the
Regents are, along with the administration, ac-
countable for increased demands on students'
already narrow budgets. But during their June
meeting, the eight public officials made two en-
couraging - if not completely unexpected -
financial statements.
In a resolution supported by the entire group,
the Regents came out against state legislation ap-
proved in April which grants up to $600 in public
funds to private, non-profit colleges and univer-
Public Act 105 of 1978 would pump money into
private schools on an annual basis at a rate deter-
mined by the legislature, based on the amount of
aid granted per student to public universities. The
Regents were voicing their disapproval of a
program which denies money to the educational
institutions established by the state to serve
Michigan residents who want a college education.
Also, during the June meeting, the Regents
made another commitment to this same goal in
supporting student aid in heartingly strong ter-
ms. Regent Thomas Roach (D-Detroit) said if a
student needs financial aid and can't get it
elsewhere, the University should provide funds
"to the full extent of the need."
Almost 60 per cent of the students here shared
more than $52 million in total financial aid in 1976-
77. This works out to $2,707 per student - a seem-
ingly large sum, but
when compared
with chronically
high tuition in-
creases, it is always
in danger of falling
short. In addition,
the Regents learned,
a greal deal of the
aid goes to the
minority students
the University has
such a hard time
keeping on campus.
If aid is allowed to
slip, so will the
University's long
promised 10 per cent
minority enrollment
The question now
is whether the
Regents will carry
out their public
statements in the
form of University
po poicy in the coming
years. , ,.. .

WCBN for students

To The Daily:
As a student actively involved
with WCBN-FM, one of two
student radio stations on campus,
I have been following with great
interest and restraint your recent
series of articles and editorials
regarding the current controver-
sy over non-student participation

currentlyinvolved at WCBN-FM.
-Richard A. Barr
Budget Director,
Campus Broadcasting


at thestation. Arab blackmail F
The Campus Broadcasting To The Daily:P
Network, including sister station Our President Carter is a very t
WCBN-AM, is not your ordinary stubborn man who strives long r
campus student organization. and hard to have the nation's fi
Rather, it is a University student great problems solved on his own U
program currently running terms, and in his own way. He l
almost exclusively on nearly has demonstrated this repeatedly y
$22,000 in annual assistance on the energy problem, the farm
through the Office of Student problem, the Middle East peace
Services. This University- problem etc. But he is a soft
provided lifeline - along with touch for blackmail - and no one
other assistance (faculty ad- knows that better than Anwar
visors, free office space, free ac- Sadat. T
counting services), and the fact President Carter has pursued
that the University is the FCC peace in the Middle East relen- ei
licensee - all point out the tlessly from the day he took of- is
jurisdiction the University has fice, but his entire campaign for th
over the non-student controversy, peace in the Middle East is a long a]
Without the University, WCBN series of shameful capitulations L
dies. Simple as that, to blackmail perpetrated by a
Sadat through his repeated in
Several members of WCBN threata to resume war if Carter ai
point to a vote taken on the non- does not extract for him what P
student issue last Winter term. Sadat wants from Israel. O0
Several important facts were First, it was the threat not to li
omitted. First, only some 30 resume the Geneva Conference s
student members, out of a unless it would deal with the hi
reputed staff of over 200, voted. Palestine question. So Carter b
To say the staff has spoken is a capitulated with his statement of Pi
fallacy. Many members were not a "homeland for the th
aware of the election due to the Palestinians." This was followed th
exact nature of their infrequent by a long series of pressures put bh
visits to the station. Further- on Israel that brought about the pl
more, the station's Board of "working paper" for the Geneva w
Directors had already decided on Conference which Carter extrac- th
the issue, mandating a policy of ted in his meetings with Moshe sa
not accepting any new non- Dayan. o
students to the Network while But this did not give Sadat all s
permitting natural, voluntary at- he wanted, so he killed the Con- t
trition of current non-students. ference altogether by his trip to p
Glaring contradictions evolve Jerusalem ploy and direct sa
from your articles. While on one negotiations with Israel. This p
hand stating that non-students brought about a meeting in which la
comprise only 7.5 per cent of the Israel made the huge sacrifice of h
station crew, one member states offering return of the whole Sinai, e
that the Network could not run and autonomy for the Arabs in
without these alumni and other the West Bank.
non-enrolled. The broad subjec- Having gained this much,
tive nature of these predictions Sadat felt he could extract some
underscores the significant fact more, so he complained that Car-
that many students, including ter's acceptance of such
myself, are not in Ann Arbor this autonomy was not enough, so
summer to tell the other side of Carter stopped off at Aswan and le
the story. capitulated to Sadat by revising t
Not very often do I find reason his views to call for "self- o
to stand up and support the determination" for the Arabs in li
University administration with the West Bank. t
its conflicts though I have served But this too is not enough, so q
on the Central Student Judiciary, Sadat tries another blackmail lii
MSA. and other organizations. ploy by breaking off negotiations a
But this is one instance when my with Israel. This time he does not t
full support is behind the Univer- want the return of Sinai with
sity in its efforts to find an provisions to insure defense R
equitable solution to returning security for Israel. That he had N
WCBN-FM to an exclusively already agreed to. Now he wants P
student organization. "every inch of the occupied lan- L
I urge the University and ob- ds"-his, in the Sinai, and Syria's
jecting WCBN staff to agree to a in the Golan Heights. If he does L
plan similar to that passed by not get this, there is the usual N
Campus Broadcasting's Board of blackmail ploy - the threat of
Directors. This plan would call war. J
for (1) no new non-students This is not merely a disaster for N
joining WCBN-FM or WCBN-AM, Israel. The Russians are quick to
and (2) a yet undetermined time learn this lesson and apply it to P
limit established for the phase-in their negotiations with us on N
of students into thqse time slots nuclear arms limitation. India is
currently held by noA-sidets. quick to learn this lesen andtells a
This plan would, be equitable to0us toq'o to-hell" af gard4 im- ,L
both students, and non-students posing conttsls on to isure-°.

hat she does not use the niclear
uel we supply India for
roducing atomic weapons. So
arter caves in and we now give
ndia the nuclear fuel on her ter-
In short, in every area in which
he U.S. is engaged in
egotiations with other countries
- with Japan, on trade; with
rance, on limiting the
roliferation of nuclear
echnology; with Chile, on human
ights - they will all learn this
rom Sadat: in dealing with the
.S., a little blackmail goes a
ong way toward getting you what
-Hyman Olken
o The Daily:
According to bourgeois
conomists and professors there
going to be a recession, no
ere ain't, yes there is, no there
in't. But we of the Socialist
abor Party say that we are
(ready in a recession, with
illions of workers unemployed,
d millions more living under
overty level, and millions of
ther workers and their families
ving on welfare. Moreover, we
ay that capitalism is definitely
eading towards a depression,
ecause the working class
roduces so much more than
eir wages can buy back that
e result is over production,
ulging warehouses, unem-
oyment and a depression. The
orkers have to suffer because
ey have produced too much. We
iy that this contradiction can
ily be solved by social owner-
hip and democratic control of
fe means of production and
roduction for use instead of for
le and profit, then the more we
roduce the better, the instead of
ying off workers we will cut
ours and days of work and still-
njoy an abundance.
-Frank Troha
prisoner's appeal
From time to time we receive
tters from prisoners who want
o establish correspondence with
ur readers. Due to space
mitation it is impossible to print
hese letters which are frequently
uite lengthy. Instead, we simply
st the names and addresses of
11 the prisoners who have writ-
n us in this regard.
obert C. Jordan,
o. 21132-149,
O Box 1000,
eavenworth, Kansas;
eonard L. Wilson Jr.,
ames W. Wells,
o. 146-296;
aul Cole,
1 threezilP.O. 45699
Meaix*iIr, 6 'he 99

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