Page 8-Saturday, June 17, 1978-The Michigan Daily By R. J. Smith STEADILY for the past few decades, thousands have de- parted Detroit, looking for that chimerical "something better". Almost followng some unwritten but well-memor- ized scheme, they make their grand exit: they achieve some high point of success, usually built upon the automobile industry, and leave the cramped, uncomfor- table confines of urban life in the Motor City for a place where they could be with people like them, people who'd worked hard. They go to the suburbs. They have earned this life, and they felt it was time to take what they'd earned. They had spent their long hours and done their kowtowing, and long ago they decided that when they could, they would leave. So they flow into the suburbs, like so many corpuscles from the heart, and plan not only to have things easier for themselves, but to give their sons and daughters a little bet- ter opportunity than they were given - because no matter how many fight and make it, they all remember those that fought and didn't. They head to satellite communities that mere decades ago had been farms or even bare fields. They go to Taylor and Southfield, Farmington Hills and Livonia. And they set out for Birmingham. CHARTERED as a city in the 1930's, Birmingham has only needed to put up a mild struggle to maintain its desirable image of the prototypical suburban small town. The streets are scrupulously clean and the lawns seem manicured by one thoughtful master gardener, and it seems that all that is obscene and scurrilous has heeded a tasteful request to kindly step outside the city boundaries.' Although some of the automobile people still trickle into town, fewer and fewer of the residents rely on that source of income. Nowthe bankers, lawyers, and store owners fill up Bir- mingham, children of the dues-payers. They have not relaxed, for all their "success"; they work hard to main- tain a beautiful city. And they do struggle - fighting to keep Birmingham as a sort of symbol of success, composed of people who didn't take handouts (or didn't get them) - and didn't need them. It may be had work, but it pays off. A WALK in the downtown streets expresses the proud fruits of their labors. On almost every corner ripple bright C1e ) American flags, and the shops lining the streets are exotic and expensive, attractive, and stocked with so much more than just the bare necessities of life. Those that stroll the store-rimmed streets are likewise splendidly attractive: there are surprisingly few who are obese, and countless many sport wonderful suntans in the cloudy month of June. Struggling to curb a less-than- apocalyptic crime rate, the unwritten law is surprisingly effective: everyone is off the streets by six-thirty. Birmingham's politics have undergone a sort of apparent transition. When it was possible to maintain a kind of fuzzy social liberalism, Birmingham was at the fore. They passed Daily Photo by Birmingham an open-housing ordinance (banning discrimination in the sale of houses) in 1968, before the federal government made their own laws. The unspoken message, of course, was that any minority who could afford to live here was the sort that would be inoffensive to the community. But there was always a streak of hard-line conservatism underneath, waiting to surface. And surface it did. The busing issue of the early seventies proved this. The town burghers favored equality - sort of - but when Judge Stephen Roth of the U.S. District Court wanted to include all Detroit's suburbs insa regional hosing plan, Birmingham hollered. WHAT Birmingham wants from government is simple - a well-honed, austere, accountable noiseless machine to perform the will of the people. To an unsurprising but great degree, then, the city commission is responsive to its con- stituents. BUT THE gears of the machine have jammed. In April of this year three incumbent city commissioners were voted off the city commission, and in May three more - in- cluding the mayor - were removed from office in a massive recall campaign. All lost their seats as a result of their favorable stance towards the construction of a low- income senior citizen's home, and the building or renovation of 50 scattered Birmingham homes for low- income families. The six who lost their seats - leaving only one city com- missioner still seated from pre-recall days - had worked with a nrivate develnner and state and federal funding k with* v agencies to plan the housing. The April voting day when three commissioners1 joh was also the day the citizens of Birmingham proposals to build lower-income projects with fed ds. In a campaign marked by undercurrents of r one of the new city commissioners, taking an ant: stance, termed it "biologically wrong" to have th and economic mix" that would result from the con of lower-income houses - and the proposals w whelmingly defeated. AS THE stature of suburbs grew both in total po and general prestige, they began to sprawl in n same way that Detroit had billowed past all its se set boundaries. But the rich mix of peoples and ent that is Birmingham was forced in upon itself, fo wards constantly against the boundaries of other and a fond wish was kindled to remain something something special. There is pride in the process of selection that weeds out so many when they spec Birmingham as a home, and there is angry dis "those damned social architects" who would ch to by Mayor Robert Kelley stands in front of the mural that says it all.