Page 4-Friday, June 16, 1978-The Michigan Daily Nmichigan DAILY Eighty-eight Years of EditorialhFreedom 420 Mynrd St., Ann Arbor, M. 48109 Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 32-S News Phone: 764-0552 Friday, June 16, 1978 Edited and managed by student, at the University of Michigan Lobby reform bill, not quite enough T HE MICHIGAN SENATE took a major step this week to put state lobbyists in their place by passing a bill to severely regulate their power and influence in the legislature. Under the bill, which was approved by an over- whelming 33-3 vote, lobbyists would be required to reveal any expenditures on state legislators ex- ceeding $50 monthly or $250 annually. They would also be prohibited from donating gifts of over $25 to any legislators. Too frequently lobbyists have been able to "buy legislators" with free racetrack tickets, free lun- ches and large campaign contributions. The direction of legislation affecting Michigan residents has been too heavily determined by in- terests of powerful state lobby groups. This bill would make lobbyists' activities public. Citizens would know if their represen- tatives are being lavishly courted by lobbyists and would be able to determine how much that con- nection influenced the representatives' voting record. Also, the bill stipulates that representatives cannot openly solicit campaign contributions from lobbyists. This provision is a crucial step to curb lobbyists' influence on legislators. In the past, legislators have sought lobbyists and ex- changed campaign contributions for guarantees on certain legislation benefiting the lobbyists. Under the bill, legislators can be prosecuted if suspected of seeking contributions from lob- byists. While the bill does represent a step to control lobbying, it does not go far enough. It does not guarantee that lobbyists cannot still contribute to a legislator's campaign and thereby pressure the legislator to accommodate his demands. Also, the bill -does not provide any guarantee that legislators can not become lobbyists immediately after leaving office. The bill now goes to the House Policy Commit- tee and eventually to the full House. The House should adopt strong amendments to the legislation, insuring that lobbyists will not be able to make any contributions to political campaigns. This would finally separate the dangerous associations between lobbyists and legislators. Perhaps then legislators will become more responsive to the demands of their constituents - not their lobby connections. _SPRING EDITORIAL STAFF BARBARA ZAHS Editor-in-Chie RICHARD BERKE KEN PARSIGIAN Editorial Directors JEFFREY SELBST Magazine Editor OWENGLEIBERMAN Arts Editor ANDY FREEBERG Airlines: Trying to bite their own tails By Richard Berke Both Democrats and Republicans support it. The American Conservative Union and business interests want to see it, as does Ralph Nader. President Carter is pushing for it with more intensity than did President Ford. Then why is an airline regulatory reform bill, already approved by the Senate, confron- ted with a tough battle in the House of Representatives? Because the nation's major airlines are afraid of reform in their industry-reform that they don't realize would yield them higher profits and offer the public better service. PASSED IN APRIL, the Senate bill would open the airline in- dustry to price competition for the first time, and provide for vir- tually unrestricted entry of airlines into new markets. If enacted, the bill would represent the first major reform in gover- nment control of the airlines sin- ce they were regulated in 1938. United and Pan American are the only giants in the industry favoring the legislation. Almost every other major airline has initiated heavy lobbying efforts, warning passengers that reform legislationrwould, in the words of Trans World Airlines, create a "bloodbath" in the industry. "(The major airlines) are spending thousands and perhaps hundreds of thousands of dollars to defeat this bill," said Senator Howard Cannon (D-Nevada), principal sponsor of the legislation. "They want to con- tinue to operate like a closed fraternity; protected by an out- dated statute and a paternal regulatory agency." THE AIRLINE industry is inef- ficient because of strict regulation. The Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) regulates air fares and decides which routes airlines can serve-actions which result in such low profit margins for the airlines that they rely on millions of dollars in annual government subsidies to keep them operating. The public is also hurt by strict regulation because airlines can cater only to the minority who can afford to fly-primarily business people. Without set fares, airlines are able to com- pete only by adding costly and unnecessary frills such as sirloin steaks-frills for which the con- sumer doesn't want to pay. - Most major airlines fear regulatory reform because they say competition resulting from the legislation would lead to airline bankruptcies when newer firms enter the established markets and cut in on the profits. Major airlines argue that the bill would eliminate scheduled ser- vice to small, unprofitable com- munities, and result in job losses for airline labor. These claims are not realistic-they come from airline executives who aren't foresighted enough to see the ad- vantages of regulatory reform. Still, as support for reform has grown, the airlines have in- troduced cut rate fares in recent months in an attempt to convince the CAB-which has staged a turnabout in favor of loosening its grip on airlines-and the public cheaper to fly than to drive their cars. Fares are 40 percent lower than those charged by large airlines, whose fares are set by the CAB. Small community service would most likely increase, not diminish with reform legislation. The Senate bill includes provisions for a community ser- vice program designed to protect small communities by guaran- teeing federal subsidies for ten years. But that program may in fact be unnecessary since new airlines will compete for small community markets. THE ESTABLISHED airlines shouldn't fear bankruptcy either. Lower fares resulting from the legislation will stimulate demand and thus fill the planes closer to capacity. The increased demand would create a need for more airline passenger service em- ployees-not unemployment. Thus, the large airlines' ap- 'With set fares, airlines are able to compete only by adding costly and unnecessary frills such as sirloin steaks-frills for which the consumer does not want to pay.' that reform can come without the help of legislation. SINCE THE FARES have been slashed, airlines have unquestionably benefited: More people are flying, planes are run- ning with full loads, and as a result, profits are up. If their own minimal reform efforts aren't enough to induce airlines to sup- port regulatory reform, they should take a look at the success of intrastate airlines who aren't subject to CAB regulation. In the seven years Southwest Airlines has operated in Texas, for example, markets have ex- panded dramatically because, of the introduction of low fares. The same is true in the case of Pacific Southwest Airlines in California, which has been so successful in its low-cost no-frills operation on some routes people find it prehension is basically unfoun- ded. Yet still they fight the reform legislation that is expec- ted to be considered by the House before theend of the year. But it looks as if some form of airline deregulation will be enacted despite the industry's cries to retain strict government control. Passage of the legislation would do wonders for transpor- tation-taking to the air will-no longer be the expensive sport of the wealthy few or those with generous expense accounts. Airline reform legislation has been grounded for much too long. Richard Berke, co-director of the Daily's editorial page, covered airline reform legislation while interning last summer for the Capitol Hill News Service. ' e t _ 1