Page 2-Friday, June 16, 1978-The Michigan Daily The Dem. governor By JUDY RAKOWSKY Milliken appointee to the Public Service Many observers seem ready to lump Commission (PSC) to gain. attention. together all of the Democrats who are Johannes Spreen has a long record of after the governorship, predicting law enforcement work, including a beat another easy victory for William on the New York Police Department. Milliken. The candidates, however, are Despite repeated attempts, Spreen quick to point out that the race will be could not be reached for comment. different than those Milliken has faced Bill Ralls (Detroit), a reserved 35- in the past. year-old seems to deviate from the The five Democrats, three of whom stereotypical political animal. Previous. are in their thirties, seeking Milliken's to his six-year term on the PSC, he ser- seat agree: it's time for change after ved on the insurance commission and sixteen years of Republican rule, that worked for State Senate majority Milliken has mismanaged major leader Sander Levin. He is a Harvard problems that have arisen during his law graduate. Ralls admits that he has nine-year-term of office. focused his campaign on attacks again- st Milliken and that considers himself AV to be the candidate, "Milliken would least like to run against." Ralls claims s to be an independent Democrat whose judgments "transcend caucuses." Ralls stresses that he is not a career or professional politician, and that Ra therefore he has a better chance of beating Milliken than anyone who Zolton Ferency comes from the legislature. criminal justice pr BILL FITZGERALD, a year older State University's than Ralls, and a bit more aggressive, made several unsu has served two terms in the State House gain the governor' as majority leader. Fitzgerald is the Human Right currently serving a term in the State Party tickets. He1 Senate, where he sits on the Committee public service reco of Transportation, Commerce, and has Executive Secreta chaired the Select -Committee on Swann, Democr Energy. He has served on the National Detroit Relocation Ferency Energy Task Force. Prior to his public Director of Workm life he taught school in Detroit after at- JOHANNES SPR ALl FIVE candidates have a great tending Western Michigan College and experienced in] deal of experience in public office Detroit College of Law. Spreen served on1 ranging from law-making to law enfor- Patrick McCollough, who is also 36, is police force until 19 cement. Two state senators: William serving his second term. The energetic inspecor; two terI Fitzgerald (Detroit), and Patrick Mc- candidate chairs the Senate Finance missioner in Deti Collough (Dearborn) are expounding Committee, and claims that he has had Oakland County fro their legislative backgrounds in hopes a perfect attendance record until this attended and later of being catapulted to Lansing. Zolton year. McCollough taught school for University, and th Ferency stresses his seasoned ex- seven years prior to embarking on his structor at Mercy+ perience wi.- publi administration political career. McCollough received the National Acad and law enforcement instruction. Bill an award for the best environmentally- cement, as well as Ralls relies on his background as a conscious legislator. and was elected tot of lr Ui candidates factors and compounding effects on the PBB catastrophe. McCollough and Fit- zgerald said contaminated farmlands and pastures should be abandoned to prevent further damage to public health and recontamination. Ferency said this should only be done as a last resort. Ralls, Fitzgerald and Mc- Collough further denounced Milliken's alleged cover-up of the PBB disaster and his refusal to demand action from involved department heads. "THEY TOOK the course of walking away from the problem, and it was compounded again and again," Ralls said. He added that Milliken knew of the potential hazards from their begin- nings in the summer of '74, but failed to act. "Milliken is more concerned with smiling problems away and visiting them each election year. The problems in Michigan are not too difficult to be addressed cosmetically," Fitzgerald said. Concerning the Mio pit for depositing contaminated cow carcasses Mc- Collough said, "That crumbly clay won't even hold water, let alone PBB." He added that the animals should be burned to avoid further dangers to ls is a middle-aged ofessor at Michigan law school, who has ccessful attempts to s seat in the pat on ts and Democratic boasts an extensive rd including posts as ry to Governor John atic State Chairman, Director and state an's Compensation. BEEN, 57, is a man law enforcement. the New York City 41, when he retire as ms as Police Com- roi; and sheriff of om '72 to '76. He first taught at New York en served as an in- College. He headed emy of Law Enfor- the state academy, two terms as sheriff dates interviewed that Gov. Milliken PBB situation. he low-interest loan tated farmers in '75 ing assaults from the delayed action or en as contributing r l wish Eve would "i u h ,' beck from SAM'S - r } y~0 . ,fi or Oa ana County. All four candit predictably agreed mishandled the Milliken's veto of t bill for PBB devast has received scathi candidates. Each one cited inaction by Millik Fitzgerald public health. All of the candidates called for a coordinated policy on PBB and promised to compensate the far- mers for their losses. McCollough and Ferency said the wrongdoers should be sued for the ex- tensive damages the accident caused. Fitzgerald pointed out that the com- panies have already exhausted their in- surance provisions. The farmers, he said, should be compensated out of the general fund for the losses which resulted from no fault of their own. McCOLLOUGH CITED the PBB poisoning as the worst case of its kind in the world and proposed the toxic sub- stances bill to "take the politics out of it." Each candidate said a board should be formed to prevent similar future disasters, keeping a close watch on chemical companies. All of the can- didates expressed dismay at the farm bureau's alleged avoidance of the problem. Ralls, McCollough and Ferency all condemned the state's threatened See A ROUNDUP, Page 8 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Volume LXXXVIII, No. 32 Friday, June 16, 1978 is edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan. News phone 7640562. Second class postage is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Published daily Tuesday through Saturday morning during the University year at 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 4810. Subscription rates $t2 September through April (2 semesters) $13 by mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer session pubtished through Saturday mor- sing. Subscription rates $6.50 in Ann Abe17 ;Vby mail outside Ann Arbor. McCllough A Professional Service U-M Stylists at the UNION Dave, Harold ,,npd Chet 0 7 E L ib e rty . I II, '=Br It - ' z. .............