Page 6-Thursday, June 15, 1978-The Michigan Daily Nations- BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) - Delegates of Western nations pledged $116 million in emergency aid yester- day for economically crippled Zaire. Diplomats said the supplies could begin OUTDOOR CLOTHES BIVOUAC has a complete selection of shorts to suit your needs, whether you're JOGGING or HIKING or PLAYING TENNIS. Or GYM SHORTS are 100% cotton and avail- able in a wide selection of colors. We have a complete line of HIKING SHORTS from Woolrich & Sportif, all with six useful pockets. Avail. able in both men's and women's sizes tt 1 1 - I I Our classic KHAKI PANT is avail- able in 100% cotton or a poly/ cotton blend. Sized for men & women anywhere on earth cdothes NICKELS ARCADE 761-6207 n pledge $116 million to aid Zaire flowing almost immediately after the Bokana W'Ondangela, a Mobutu aide It also was decided to set up ai pledges are approved by the par- and head of the Zairian delegation. committee in Kinshasa compos ticipating governments. "The first shipments should start Zairians and representatives of In Paris, France announced the with- arriving in Zaire in the coming days." tributing countries to coordinat drawal of the last of its troops sent into The emergency aid was a first step in emergency assistance and try-to a Zaire last month to help defeat an in- the salvage plan and came after Zaire it reaches those in need. In outlini vasion by rebel tribesmen in Shaba agreed to allow international control of requests, Mobutu had made refe Province and aid in the evacuation of its finances. If plans are approved, an to widespread corruption in hi foreigners trapped in the fighting. expert from the International Monetary ministration and called for re mixed ed of con- e the ssure ng his rence s ad- form. THE PROMISES of food and medical assistance were made by technical representatives of most of the 10 coun- tries and the European Common Market that met Tuesday and yester- day. They reached agreement in prin- ciple on a $1 billion plan to restore the economy and finances of that ailing central African nation. "The request of Zaire for urgent food and medical aid has been met," said Fund will assui National Bank Another foreign trol of the Zaire immediate ass minister. "WE DO NOT sign of recolon "Other nations assistance. It request." me control of the Zaire Diplomats said earlier food assistance in August as director. to Zaire reached the black market. expert would be in con- The plan to bolster Zaire's economy Ministry of Finance an and reduce official corruption and inef- istant to the finance ficiency won preliminary approval Tuesday from the representatives of Zaire, the United States, Belgium, consider this move as a France, Britain, West Germany, Italy, ization," said Bokana. the Netherlands, Canada, Iran and have obtained similar Japan as well as the International was given at our Monetary Fund, the World Bank and, the European Common Market. Compromise near on tankers By CHRIS PARKS LANSING (UPI) - Hardliners on the tandem tanker issue were thoroughly routed yesterday as the state House moved into position for a final vote on a compromise measure banning the con- troversial trucks. statewide in three years. The bill, developed during extensive negotiations involving legislative leaders and industry representatives, would ban gas-carrying tandem tankers immediately in the tri-county Detroit area. Gov. William Milliken has already imposed a similar ban by executive order. IN THE rest of the state, the measure would allow the allegedly unstable tan- dems to continue to carry gasoline for the next three years only if they are fit- ted with special devices designed to improve their safety. These devices would be required after Oct.1. Proponents of tougher legislation lost a series of key votes yesterday - often by huge margins. Rep. Francis Spaniola, who chaired the special House subcommittee on tandems, angrily attributed the votes to "arm-twisting" by the Michigan Trucking Association. Spaniola and others favored a quicker and more comprehensive ban and strongly objected to a provision in the compromise bill which limits all tankers to carrying 9,000 gallons. This restriction prevents haulers with large single tankers from gaining a competitive advantage over those which will be forced to use only the 9,000 gallon front section of their tandem trucks. WCBN questions 'U' intervention (Continued from Page 1 Miller said students currently hold all the decision-making positions at the station. He said non-students broadcast and help in programming but do not set policy at the station. BUT JOHNSON said it is a contradic- tion to have non-students working at a student-operated facility. The issue of staff composition at WC- BN surfaced last July when University President Robben Fleming asked John- son to look into the matter. Fleming's concern was prompted by a conver- sation he had on an airplane with the mother of a student who claimed her son could not work on WCBN because many places were taken up by former students. Nat Colley, WCBN general manager, said non-students have not prevented students from working at the station. He also said non-students have not in- fringed on student prime air time. JOHNSON SAID he believes the air- time which non-students are using could be filled by students. But Miller argued that eliminating non-students from the station would only mean the remaining students would have to make up for the extra air time. Miller called the issue one of student control over a student-operated radio station. He said since the Regents own the license they can do what they want with the station, "but that doesn't make it right." But Johnson said the station shouldn't be "an unlimited opportunity for non- students." He said that while he has heard the student arguments for allowing non-students on WCBN, "the case has not been made to quell the concern (about student's opportunities at the station). "THE REGENTS are not being responsive to what the students want," said Miller, pointing to a recent vote where the majority of students at the station were in favor of retaining non- students. Schumacher said the student control issue is not limited to the University. He said the University of Pennsylvania Regents lost their student-operated radio station license due to "abandon- ment" of their responsibility. MIller said it would matter little in the end if a non-student or a student caused WCBN to go off the air. Schumacher added that WCBN has never had any problem with profanity or violating other FCC regulations during his tenure as director, "which is rare if you talk to faculty advisors around the country." CINEMA II presents DAVID LEANS BRIDGE ON THE RIVER KWAI Filmed in Ceylong, this drama revolves around two professional soldiers, Alec Guiness and Sessu Hayakawa, who are on opposite sides in WW II. British prioners-of-war are forced to build a vital railroad bridge by their Japanese captors. In time, both commanders come to understand each other and find themselves working equally hard to finish the bridge. An exciting climax with William Holden, an American soldier, blowing up the bridge, dramatizing the madness and irony of war. Winner of the Academy Award and New York Film Critics Award for Best Picture. $1.50 7:30, 9:45 MLB 3 TOMORROW: SUMMERSTOCK CONTACT LENS BREAKTHROUGH Soft Contact Lens able to correct astigmatism FULL CONTACT LENS SERVICE Dr. Paul C. Uslan 545 Church St. 769-1222