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May 04, 1978 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-05-04

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The Michigan Daily-Friday, May 5, 1978-Page 5
Decision due on Rep's ouster

The House Policy Committee will try
to decide today whether to recommend
to the State House of Representatives
that Rep. Monte Geralds (D-Madison
Heights), convicted by a jury in March
of embezzling $24,000 from a former
law client, be removed from office.
Committee Chairman Joseph Forbes
(D-Oak Park) said yesterday he
believes the committee will decide
today but said he expects an intense
debate before the final recommen-
dation. Forbes said the committee has
held several hearings in the last ,few
weeks and the discussions have been
very heated.
dation will be submitted to the full
House where consideration is expected
to begin early next week. The House
has the right to override or support any
committee decision.
A two-thirds majority vote is.
required for expulsion of a represen-
Since his conviction, Geralds has con-
tinually refused to resign and has tried
desperately to convince the House
committee that he is innocent. He con-
tends that a privately commissioned lie
detector test proves he did not intend to
embezzle the funds and use them for his
own gain.

the polygraph operator who supervised
the test stated that if he was a member
of the jury he would acquit Geralds.
Geralds said he believes this assertion
might have a positive effect on the
committee's decision.
"I think the likelihood that the com-
mittee will recommend my expulsion
has been reduced," said Geralds.
Geralds added, however., that he still
believes the committee will ultimately
recommend his removal despite the
recently collected evidence supporting
his contention.
ten year jail term, will be sentenced
May 11. He said his lawyers will appeal
any court sentencing, even if he is only
placed on probation.
"I'll be appealing against whatever
the judge gives me," said the Madison
Heights Democrat.
Since the State Attorney General
- ruled that Geralds' crime was commit-
ted in the private sector and not in the
"public trust," Geralds may run for
another term even if he is expelled by
the House A crime against the "public
trust" would have subjected Geralds to
a possible twenty-year jail term. I
GERALDS STATES he is already
committed to run for re-election in
November and will not withdraw his
candidacy even if he is expelled.
"I will continue to be a candidate

regardless of any House decision," said
It is unclear how the court sentencing
will affect his candidacy. Geralds
claims his appeal will take a long time
and insisted he can remain a candidate
during that time.
FORBES REFUSED to speculate
about thi cnmmittee's decision, saying'

only "you can never be sure of anything
inthis business." He added that he ex-
pected the full House to announce a
final ruling within several weeks.
Should Geralds be expelled, he would
be the first lawmaker in Michigan
history removed from the stafe

Aides questioned in
Moro kidnapping

Tornado rips sehool

(Continued from Page 3)
receives letters from Moro's "people's
The three Moro assistants have been
acting as family spokesmen.
BUT UNIFYING efforts continue as
tens of thousands of workers, called out
by their labor union, jammed squares
of major cities on May Day, denouncing
terrorism and carrying signs reading
"No-Deal With The Red Brigades" and
"Don't Give In To Blackmail."
The kidnapping also has spawned
quickie books, a ballad, plans for two
movies and Moro jokes that crop up as
fast as police roadblocks.
In one of the latest, Benigno Zac-
cagnini, secretary of Moro's Christian
Democratic Party, goes into church to
pray the Red Brigades choose their
kidnap victims in alphabetical order
because he would be last.
SOCIOLOGIST Franco Ferrarotti
says such gallows humor is a sign of
growing numbness to violence that has
been building in the country for years.
"After a while, indifference replaces
shock," he says.
So many police and special troops
have been pulled into Rome to hunt for
Moro's kidnappers that "foreign
tourists, even women alone, now walk
freely at any hour of night in streets and
areas once rated dangerous even by
day," an American news magazine
THE BATTLE TO save Moro's life
has put immense pressure on the
government. But to the surprise of
many, including possibly the Red
Brigades also, it hasn't yielded in its
refusal to negotiate with the terrorists.

The missing man's family has begged
the government to soften its line, ac-
cusing it of "immobility" and of vir-
tually ratifying the death penalty the
kidnappers said a "people's court" had
given Moro. But the police, in the front
lines of the battle against terrorism,
have let the government know they will
not tolerate any change.
There is much support for the Moro
family among the families of the 90 per-
sons who were kidnapped for ransom
last year and this. But many ordinary
citizens, from students to shopkeepers,
support the police and demand harsher
penalties including the death sentence
"to stop those crazy extremists, we
can't live in this condition any longer,"
as Antonia Fulgoni, a 70-year-old Milan
housewife, put it.
A Canadian gets involved in British
intrigue, murder and a man named
Mr. Mystery. Storring ROBERT
Sat: David Copperfield
Sun: Santa Fe Trail
Cinema Guild is looking for new
student members-applicotions at
ticket desk-meeting next Monday
TONIGHT AT 7:30 & 9:30

CLEARWATER, Fla. (AP) - A tor-
nado cut a swath through an elemen-
tary school near here yesterday, rip-
ping away walls and roofing as terrified
children ran for safety. At least one
youngster was killed. More than 85 per-
sons were taken to hospitals.
After tearing through the High Point
Elementary shortly before noon, the
twister skipped into a nearby high-
school vocational facility, then hit a
trailer park, upending a half-dozen
mobile homes.
"THERE WAS A whole bunch of wind
that put a hole in the ceiling," said six--
year-old Leslie Newson, a pupil at the
school. "Some people started crying. A
little boy came to the door in a blue
shirt with blood on the blue shirt. He
had dirt on his face. He was asking iL
everybody was OK."
Reporters at the scene said at least 12
classrooms were damaged in the one-
story brick school, which was occupied
by children in grades one through six.
Deputies said three rooms were

severely damaged. The roof of one sec-
tion of the school was torn off. Wall
siding was ripped away.
Desks and file cabinets were tossed
about. A clock in the rubble was stop-
ped at 11:47 p.m. EDT. Roofing in-
sulation was strewn about.
A child's poem, scrawled in crayon,
lay in the wreckage.
Frantic parents drove or sprinted to
the school, and 50 ambulances were
summoned. Coast Guard, sheriff's
rescue units and a stream of fire trucks
converged. The High Point fire station
itself suffered minor damage from the
Karen Crookshank, mother of the
Newson boy, said she went to the school
and ran into a cafeteria section of the
building. "It was a mess in there," she
said. "They were carrying everyone
out." Her son escaped injury.
A neighbor, Kathleen Sachs, said the
storm struck in eerie silence. "It got
very, very dark and all the power went
off - and that was it," she said. "There
was no crash, no noise."


A Thousand Clowns
Director-FRED COE, 1969
Percepttve comedy about a non-conformist who likes to open his New
York city apartment and yell things like "All right, everyone on stage
for the big Hawaiian number[" JASON ROBARDS, this year's Academy
Award winner for Best Supporting Actor, plays the unemployed eccentric

The Ann Arbor Film Cooperative
friday, may 5
Everything You Always Wanted To
Know About Sex, But Were Afraid to Ask
(Woody Allen, 1972) 7 & 10:15-MLB4
Woody Allen doing to Dr. Ruben's book what should be done to Dr.
Ruben's book. At once a parody of pop psych and movies themselves,
EVERYTHING takes hilarious shots at Italian neo-realism, Shakespeare,
schlock horror film's 2001, notorious army training films, and the sexual
misinformation we all learned behind the swings. Manic, messy, and
marvelous. "Allen's high points are Himalayan."--Vincent Canby. With
(Senkichi Tanizuchi & Woody Allen, 1966) 8:35 ONLY-MLB 4
A Japanese agent named Phil Moscowitz (f) searches for a stolen formula
of the perfect egg salatl sandwich. What happens from then on is any-
body's guess, as Woody Allen gives the gold finger to the James Bond
epic with this hilarious jumble of a movie (a real Japanese thriller which
Allen rewrote and redubbed). Not often shown, this is Allens most
anarchic. with some of his best one-liners. With WOODY ALLEN, FRANK


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