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June 14, 1978 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1978-06-14

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Page 2-Wednesday, June 14, 1978-The Michigan Daily
Soviets arrest Alabama man

MOSCOW (AP) - An Alabama
businessman working here was
arrested by Soviet authorities on
smuggling charges after being dragged
from his car at a traffic signal and
driven away by Soviet police, the U.S.
Embassy reported yesterday.
The embassy sent a formal letter to
the Soviet Foreign Ministry protesting
"the behavior" of the officers who
arrested Francis Crawford, 38, a
Moscow representative of International
Harvester agricultural equipment. And
U.S. State Department spokesman
Thomas Reston said in Washington the
matter has been raised with Anatoly
Dobrynin, the Soviet Ambassador.
than 24 hours after the Soviet gover-
nment newspaper Ivestia claimed that
Martha Peterson, a former U.S. Em-
bassy staff member, had been expelled
for espionage activities when she left
the U.S.S.R. last summer.
Legal experts at the embassy said
they believed currency violations were
involved in the Crawford arrest. Article
78 of the Russian criminal code with
which Crawford is charged carries a 3-
to 10-year prison term.
The article refers to smuggling or the
illegal transfer of goods or other
valuables across the Soviet border. A
Soviet source said that in currency
matters "there is no leniency."
they met later yesterday with
Crawford, but declined to divulge his
condition or comment on the charges
against him, citing American and
Soviet privacy laws. It was not
disclosed where the American was
being held, but informed sources said

officials met with him at Lefortovo
Crawford's fiancee, Virginia Olbrish,
32, was with him when he was arrested.
She is a secretary in the U.S. Em-
bassy's commercial section and im-
mediately notified her office, officials
said. The two planned to be married
sometime this summer, according to a
friend. Crawford, who is from Mobile,
Ala., has been stationed in Moscow for
two years.
An International Harvester
spokesperson in Chicago, Harry W.
Conner, said Crawford's good record
would indicate he is unlikely to have
been involved in currency wrongdoing.
OLBRISH REFUSED to talk with
reporters. Friends said she was still up-
Sources said two were on their way to
a diplomatic party Monday night when

uniformed militiamen stopped their car
at a traffic signal on a downtown
Moscow street.
Police pulled Crawford out and droye
him away, the sources said. They tried
to detain Olbrish but she claimed
diplomatic immunity and went to the
embassy, the sources said.
A WELL-INFORMED Soviet source
said he believed there was no connec-
tion between Crawford's case and two
Soviets being tried in New Jersey for
alleged espionage.
But Western diplomatic sources said
there was. "The Soviets have a
tradition when their hand is caught in
the cookie jar of trying to possibly get
something in return," a Western
diplomatic soprce said.
The source, who asked not to be iden-
tified, said he could envision a possible
Soviet plan to trade Crawford for one or

both of the Soviets on trial. Valdik
Enger and Rudolf Chernayev pleaded
innocent a week ago to charges that
they conspired to pass U.S. Navy
secrets to Moscow.
Another Western diplomat said he
thought Crawford might be "an in-
nocent victim" of deteriorating U.S.-
Soviet relations.
Peterson, an embassy secretary, was
expelled last July for alleged
espionage, Ivestia reported, adding she
allegedly supplied poison to an accom-
plice who use it to kill "an innocent per-
son who stood in his way."
Western sources in Moscow said
Peterson was not declared persona non
grata until after her departure. Sources
in Washington who asked not to be ideq-
,tified said she was a CIA employee who
had been working in a cover job in the
embassy's consular section.

Carter meets with India s Desai

WASHINGTON (AP)-Indian Prime
Minister Morarji Desai and President
Carter discussed their dispute over the
spread of nuclear technology in a
private, 25-minute meeting that began
two days of talks yesterday.
White House spokesman Jody Powell
said he had no details of the discussion
of the nuclear proliferation issue. Ad-
ministration officials, speaking
privately, had said Carter hoped to
avoid a confrontation with Desai on the
issue, which need not be finally
resolved until 1980.
POWELL SAID Desai and Carter
talked about matters ranging from

Afghanistan to the strategic arms
limitation talks with the Soviet Union.
Prior to the talks, administration of-
ficials said they expected Carter to give
Desai the American view of the
situation in Africa, the Mideast and on
issues between the world's rich and
poor nations.
But they said Carter did not plan to
try to enlist Desai's support, except in
the area of non-proliferation, which
they consider the only major area of
disagreement in the improving
relationship between the two countries.
law requiring that recipients of

Ceausescu in England on state visit
LONDON (AP)-President Nicolae more routine official kinds.
Ceausescu of communist Romania rode The head of a country has to be given
with Queen Elizabeth II throogh Lon- the full treatment on "state" occasions
don yesterday at the start of a state -red carpeta, 21-gun salutes, accom-
visit that could lessen his country's modation and full honors by the host or
reliance on the Soviet Union. hostess. Thus for the next three days
It was Ceausescu's 140th visit to a and nights Ceausescu will be the
foreign capital since becoming queen's guest in her sumptuous
Romania's strong arm ruler 12 years Buckingham Palace. On an ordinary
ago and perhaps oie of his most "official" visit he would be staying at
prestigious. No communist leader had one of London's posh hotels.
gone to Buckingham Palace before as Ceausescu, though, is seeking more
the honored guest of Britain's monarch, than prestige. He aims at boosting
And it has not been for want of trying trade with Hritain way above the 1977
because the idea has taken five years to level of $250million.
fulfill. .
Anticipating a Soviet energy shortage
THE BRITISH government by the mid-1980s, Ceausescu and Prime
originally wanted Ceausescu to come Minister James Callaghan will discuss
here on an "official" rather than on a ways in which Britain know-how can be
"state" visit. But the Romanian wasn't acquired for the development of oil-gas
having that because in diplomatic ter- deposits suspected in the Black Sea off'
ms state visits rank higher than the Romanian shores. Ceausescu
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American nuclear fuel open all of their
nuclear facilities to international in-
spections and safeguards by 1980.
The lbw is supposed to help in
President Carter's goal of stopping the
spread of nuclear weapons. India, in
1974, detonated an atomic bomb, using
nuclear material diverted from reac-
tors and reprocessed into weapons-
grade material.
Although Desai has pledged that In-
dia will not acquire nuclear weapons or
conduct any more test explosions, India
refuses to accept the American deman-
ds for safeguards unless the United
States signs a nuclear test ban treaty
and begins reducing its atomic arsenal.
friendship rather than nuclear issues
when Desai arrived at the White House
for his official welcoming ceremony.
Carter's only reference to the subject
was to praise Desai for pledging not to
acquire nuclear weapons. Desai did not
refer to the issue at all.
Desai is on the last leg of a 10-day trip
to Belgium, Great Britain and the
United States. Throughout, he has in-
dicated that India will stand firm
against the non-proliferation demands
of the United States and the Soviet
Union, a position that is quite popular in
"Let them give a pledge to stop
testing nuclear weapons and reduce
their stockpiles, and I will be there. But
if they don't do it, is it right that they
should ask another," he said.
volume LXXXvIII, No, 30
Tuesday. June 14, 1978
is edited and managed by students at the University
of Michigan. News phooe 764-0562. lecood ctast
postage is paid at Ano Arbor, Michigan 40109.
Published daily Tuesday throagh Saturday morning
during the University year at 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates: $12
September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail
outside Ann Arbor.
Summer session published through Saturday mor-
ning. Subscription rates: $6.SO in Ann Arbor; 17.50 by
mail outside Ann Arbor.
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