Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 30-S Wednesday, June 14, 1978 &..ih ERR Sixteen Pages Ann Arbor, Michigan Ten Cents -, Christians battle in northern Lebanon as Israelis leave south By The Associated Press Rival Christian forces battled in northern Lebanon yesterday, over- shadowing Israel's withdrawal of troops from southern Lebanon. The bloody fighting between 800 rightist Phalange Party militiamen and units of Franjieh's Giants Brigade was the worst explosion of inter-Christian strife since the Lebanese civil war of 1975-76, when the two joined forces against the alliance of Lebanese Moslem leftists and Palestinian guerrillas. THE SON OF former President Suleiman Franjieh and at least 57 others were killed in the clash, bringing a vow of vengance from his father. Syrian peacekeeping forces, who remained in Lebanon after crushing the national rebellion in November 1976, were called out by President Elias Sarkis to drive a wedge between the Christian combatants. The clash apparently was rooted in a dispute within Christian leadership over recent Syrian fighting with rightist militiamen in Beirut. MEANWHILE, ISRAEL pulled out from its last foothold in a 500-square mile section of southern Lebanon oc- cupied March 15 in a sweep against Palestinian guerrillas. Platoons of Israeli and Christian soldiers saluted as the blue and white Star of David flag came down in a ceremony in the main square of the Moslem village Mis-al-Jebel, about 711 miles southwest of the northernmost Israeli border town of Metullah. Then the Israelis climbed aboard three ar- mored personnel carriers and rumbled toward their border a mile to the south. An Israeli army spokesman in Metullah said the pullout was com- pleted by mid-afternoon. FARTHER NORTH, police said See CHRISTIANS, Page 14 ISRAELI ARMORED PERSONNEL carriers head south to the Israeli border while a helicopter prepares to take off yesterday in South Lebanon. The Hebrew writing on the troop carrier translates: "The Steel Virgin." Path WASHINGTON (AP) - House- Senate energy conferees completed work on the natural-gas pricing section of President Carter's energy program yesterday, clearing the way for final action on the legislation in both houses. The agreement ends six and one-half months of stormy negotiations and leaves energy taxes the only remaining major issue to be resolved by con ferees. ALTHOUGH the basic compromise that would lift federal price controls from natural gas in 1985 was reached on May 24, nearly 50 side issues had remained. Effects of tax slash LOS ANGELES (AP) - Officials in Los Angeles and San Diego cancelled all summer school programs and San Francisco's mayor declared a state ol financial emergency in the latest shock waves from California's voter approved property tax cut. In Los ,Angeles County, where revenue cuts may eventually cost the jobs of 10,000 to 20,000 of the county's 70,000 employees, the Proposition 13 ax has already fallen on 600 employees at the flood control district, whos revenues are totally dependent on property taxes. LOS ANGELES Mayor Tom Bradley has proposed that 8,300 city employee: - including 1,080 policemen - be lai off. The City Council was to hear more o cleared for energy bill But the negotiators yesterday wrap- The central compromise calling for ped up all the remaining loose ends, deregulation would raise the federal with Senate conferees voting 14-3 to ac- price ceiling on gas from the present cept a document previously approved $1.49 per 11,000 cubic feet to $1.93, then by House conferees. allow it to increase by an additional 10 "This completes it," declared Sen. per cent a year until January 1985, f Henry Jackson (D-Wash.), leader of the when the lids would come off. Senate conferees, to a round of loud ap- It is a middle ground between the plause and cheers from other conferees Carter plan, passed by the House, and members of the audience. continued controls but at higher level THE CONFERENCE committee, and a Senate bill for deregulation in two named last October to iron out differen- years. ces between House and Senate versions 'HE COMPROMISE would cost the of the President's energy program, average family of four that uses gas began debating natural gas pricing last about $20 a year in higher costs, accor- Dec. 2. ding to a congressional study. Most of the side issues agreed to C a if yesterday were minor and technical, J4J t3 although one provision makes per- manent the emergency powers Congress gave the President in 1977 to order gas moved around the country to m o u n t nmeet severe regional shortages. The agreement finishes work on the Bradley's budget-trimming plans fourth part of the President's five-part yesterday. energy program, designed to reduce The Los Angeles Board of Education U.S. reliance on oil imports through f voted Monday to cancel its six-week regulatory tools, taxes and tax incen- program which was expected to enroll tives for conservation. - 350,000 students and employ more than THE COMPROMISES hammered out 10,000 teaching and support personnel by the conference panel go first to the in the nation's second-largest school Senate and then to the House for final district. An additional 10,000 district action. employees who normally work the en- "Under an understanding I have with tire year were given a two-month un- Senate Majority Leader Robert Byrd, t paid summer vacation. as soon as we get any of the energy e bills, zing, they've got a clear track," DISTRICT OFFICIALS said the Jackson said. moves will save more than $48 million However, he said this probably won't of the $200 million to $300 million the happen until July because of the district will lose because of the proper- current Senate filibuster on labor law s ty tax cut. revision, which is tying up floor action. d The exact effect of Proposition 13 on "I hope to have action completed on the district's $1.5 billion budget will at least one of the four bills before the f See EFFECTS, Paget9 July 4 recess," Jackson said. Byrd