The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, June 13, 1978-Page 9 Panel looks at cancer-diet link ByAPandUPI About half the cases of cancer are nutrition-related, but government. can- cer research so far has dealt with treatment and the search for cures in- stead of studying dietary consequences, Sen. George McGovern (D-S.D.), said yesterday. By 1980 the nation will have spent $10 billion on cancer research, but "an adult's overall chances today of being cured of cancer are not significantly better than they were back in 1940," McGovern said. AS HE OPENED hearings on cancer and diet, McGovern charged the National Cancer Institute (NCI), "knowing that the majority of cancers are preventable, and that many are diet-related," emphasizes treatment and searches for cures rather than prevention. FDA acts to ban' sleep id F a ingredient WASHINGTON (AP) - The active ingredient in virtually all non- prescription nighttime sleep aids may cause cancer in animals, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said yesterday as it took the first step to ban the substance. The FDA said a preliminary study indicated the chemical, metapyrilene, may be the cause of tumors in test animals, and it asked the National Can- cer Institute to expedite further testing of the widely used antihistamine. IN THE MEANTIME, the agency said, it would permit use of another similar chemical, pyrilamine, although none of the ingredients now used in over-the-counter sleeping pills "the minimum legal requirements for safety and effectiveness." Pyrilamine, a weaker drug, is not now suspected of causing cancer. By allowing its use, the FDA will permit makers of over-the-counter sleeping aids to keep their products on the market while further tests are conduc- ted. The FDA said it will consider written objections and requests for hearings before taking any final action, which means the ban is at least a year away and quite possibly more. METHA-YRILENE NOW IS used as the active ingredient in Sominex, Nytol, Excedrin PM, Compoz and Sleep-Eze. As part of the proposed new standard for sleep aids and stimulant drugs; the agency also said itwould no longer permit marketing of non-prescription daytime sedatives. MARC HAS MOVED (Medievl ad Renaissance Collegium) to 306 Tyler East Quad Phone:.763-2066 -The hearings by the Senate Nutrition Subcommittee are designed to look at cancer research spending since 1971 when a major effort was launched to find a cure. McGovern noted that since the 1971 act, which called for a cancer cure by 1976, "we have determined that 80 to 90 per cent of cancers are apparently en- vironmentally related. More striking is the discovery that 40 per cent of the cancers in men and 60 per cent in women are nutrition-related." DR. THEODORE Cooper, dean of Cornell University Medical College and assistant secretary of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) in the Ford administration, told the commit- tee reviews of current cancer research show most of it is good and valid. Nonetheless, Cooper said cancer research "now faces a crisis of credibility." "People are asking why, after seven years of magnificent efforts, have we not conquered those fearful diseases that we call cancer. Why have we spent such a small percentage of resources on nutritional and environmental ac- tivities? Why so little on prevention?" he asked. HE CALLED on Congress to ap- propriate an additional $200 million for the Agriculture Department and HEW to oversee human nutrition research to signal a shift in emphasis and en- courage young researchers to go into the field. LEAVE BLANK ONE SCH EDUL $12 $13 $6.5( $7.01 (Please Print) 1. D. No. Number When the "war on cancer" was declared in 1970, scientists were con- fident that a massive federal effort could conquer cancer. They said what was needed was an effort comparable to that of the space program. When former President Richard Nixon signed the legislation Dec. 23, 1971, he called it "a Christmas gift to the American people." THE WITNESSES said yesterday that the issue then was whether to set up a greatly expanded cancer program, not on where the money should be spent within cancer research. "None of the major scientific or clinical areas of cancer research were considered in any detail in the legislative debate," testified Richard Rettig, senior social scientist for the Rand Corporation and author of a book on enactment of the National Cancer Act of 1971. Peggy Fry, a University of Texas nutritionist, said the National Cancer Institute, which is part of the National Institute of Health (NIH), has funded much research into possible cancer cures with relatively little money for prevention through good nutrition and other ways. "I FEEL strongly that nutrition research is consciously~ ignored by NCI," she said. NCI Director Arthur Upton is scheduled to testify to the subcommitte today. Dr. George Blackburn of Harvard DOIT BY MAIL Medical School, a leading cancer researcher, said there is a traditional emphasis on treating diseases rather than preventing them. He noted that in 1976 only 19 of the country's 114 medical schools required courses in nutrition. "THE DECISION-MAKING forums at NIH, where allocation of research dollars occurs, are dominated by graduates of these medical schools; that is, physicians who have little if any formal training in nutrition and, conse- quently, small appreciation for recent advances in clinical nutrition," Black- burn said. Subcommittee chairman McGovern said he was distressed at "the per- sistence of putting all our marbles in the 'cure' basket when the only viable long-term solution is the prevention of cancer and our other killer diseases." Nutritionists have long urged Americans to prevent diseases, in- cluding cancer, by eating fewer fatty foods, less sugar and less salt. They have urged greater consumption of fruits and vegetables, lean meats and the substitution of skim milk for whole milk. However, nutritionists also have said that more research is needed into the relationship between diet and health. The largest opencut tin mine in the world, according to National Geo- graphic, is on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Its pit is more than 500 feet deep and half a mile wide. Yes, I would like to s u b s c r i b MICHIGAN DAILY. I agree to be b (pre-payment necessary for subs. o Ann Arbor, Mich.) SEMESTER TWO SEMESTERS E OF PRICES: SEPT. thru APRIL (2 Semesters) by Mail outside Ann Arbor 1 1 per Semester1 0 by Mail outside Ann Arbor Last Name First Middle Initial I Phone No._ _ Street Name Apt. No. I e to THE LEAVE BLANK illed later lutsideĀ° of PERMANENT (automatically renewed each term) For Circulation Dept. Use Only E] Stencil Typed Number of paper l1 Amount Due $ Date Started Code 3 (circle one) 4: J-Ap. 1: S-D 5: J-Au. 2: S-Ap. 6: J-D 3: S-Au. 7: Perm dol fCity 1 itg State Zip f ICI w 4 .o : Itrt 1 77 Or I