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June 13, 1978 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1978-06-13

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Page 4-Tuesday, June 13, 1978-The Michigan Daily
Nmichigan DAILY
Eighty-eight Years of Editorial Freedom
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI. 48109
Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 29-S News Phone: 764-0552
Tuesday, June 13, 1978
Edited and managed by students
at the University of Michigan
'U' should not
meddle With WCBN
T HE AFFECTIONATE protection of the
University often serves as a substitute for the
thousands of mothers who can't look after their
sons and doughters far off in Ann Arbor.
But in recently ordering non-students off WC-
BN, the only student-operated radio station on
campus, University officials demonstrated a
degree of over-protectiveness usually reserved
for real mothers.
It's good to see the University looking after its
kin, but in this case WCBN staffers can and want
to look after themselves. In a vote of WCBN
workers just before winter term finals, the
majority favored retaining non-students.
Student staff members point to the fact that
non-students on the station number a mere 15 out
of the 200 person crew and therefore do not
prevent students from working on the station. In
addition, the non-students, most, of whom are
University alumni, are said to be a useful source
of expertise for students with little broadcast ex-
No doubt the University is correct in contending
that the station's foremost priority should be
providing students with radio experience; quality
is secondary to the educational goal. But if WCBN
is open to all students and has the added benefit of
the more-experienced, why should that be
Since money from the University's general fund
helps finance WCBN, the administration does
have the right to order non-students off the
station.. University officials must realize,
however, that having non-students on the station
can be a real advantage. Students on the station
have the right to decide if they want non-students
and the administration should heed their decision.
If next year students on the station voice op-
position to non-students, fine-let the University
intervene. But a meddling University, just like a
meddling mother, has no place making decisions
for WCBN.
Editorial Directors
Magazine Editor
Arts Editor I
STAFF WRITERS: Mike Arkush, Rene Becker, Brian Blanchard, Elisa Isaac-
son, Dan Oberdorfer, Tom O'Connell.tJudy Rakowsky, R.JSmith
CARTOONISTS: Jane Hanstein, Duane Gal
NANCY GRAU.........Business Manager
JOANNE sCHNEIDER .... ......................... .........Display Manager
MARCY PORTER........Classified Manager
PETEPETERSEN ..... ......... AdverisingC-ordinator
CAROLYN ISRAEL......... ,. tSaesRepresentatie
BO MANNING ..............Sates Representative
BOB GRANADIER...................... Display Assistant
SHEERIE WEITZMAN -.... . ............ ....... .. Dispay Assistant

Orientation: Of new
faces, cheesecake

By Sue Warner
Once again the fresh faces of
what will become the Univer-
sity's next crop of freshpersons
grsce the city's streets as the
future class of 1982 makes that
obligatory pilgrimage to Ann Ar-
bor known as orientation.
And, of course, the sight of high
school football jerseys em-
blazoned with University name
tags quickly conjures up
memories of orientation days in
the minds of even the most
seasoned University veterans.
IT HARDLY seems like two
years have passed since my
father's car whisked away
leaving me standing in front of
Alice Lloyd with my American
Tourister Christmas present fir-
mly in hand.
After entering the building, af-
ter a short, anxious pause I fell
into what would become the first
of countless University lines.
This one was to have my picture
taken for my dormitory meal
card. For a year, the puffy
cheeks depicting my recently ex-
trated wisdom teeth reminded,
me of orientation at just about
every meal.
Throughout the three days I
dutifully attended the rap
sessions, language proficiency
tests and walking tours. I learned
why the pumas outside the
history museum don't roar
anymore, I was told not to step on
the 'M' in the Diag and I
CRISPED. But these seemingly
important facts were not the
most meaningful ones I leanred
at orientation.
WHAT I REALLY learned was
what kind of people I would be
spending the next four years
studying, partying and rooming
with. Although I have not kept in
touch with anybody I met at
orientation, they were represen-
tatives of the student body here.
They were bright, ambitious and
amusing, and I was ecstatic
hearing the new ideas and
opinions they presented.
Like most incoming students I
had lived a rather sheltered life.
For instance, Robin, my orien-
tation roommate, was the first
Jewish person I had ever met.
Both nights we sat up and
discussed minor topics such as
the Middle East, our boy friends,
and our plans to save the world.

We got along famously and it
soon became obvious to me that
Jewish people were no different
than the folks back at home.
The first night, as I recall,
there was a somewhat haphazard
party in the basement of Lloyd.
Our macho orientation leader
spun the discs but eventually
most of our cronses had left in
search of beer.
t. .C L
wise and skipped the planned
social activity altogether, opting
to throw a tequila party in our
single room converted into a
Robin and I trudged through
rain to Food Mart, where we
bought our supplies-the first of
what would be many trips to Food
Mart in the future. Somebody
remembered to bring ice and we

fashioned a paper cup marked '$'
for contributions. Soon the guests
"Where are you from?"
"WHAT ARE you majoring
"What dorm are you living
At first the conversation was
filled with the boring, expected
questions even upperclassmen
still ask at parties. But even-
tually the tequila took effect and
philosophical banter flowed
among the future artists,
engineers and undecideds from
such places as Royal Oak, Oak
Park, Michigan, Oak Park,
Illinois and Hawaii.
the confidence, although perhaps
it was feigned, and the in-
dividualism. They were all out-
spoken and whether I agreed or
disagreed with what they had to
say they did in fact have
something to say.
Take George from
Washington, D.C. He dressed like
a slob but was undeniably attrac-
tive. To this day whenever I think
of orientation I remember
George, who brought a Sara Lee
Cheesecake to our tequila party.
Back home most would be con-
siderate enough to bring chips or
perhaps pretzels but at this
University they bring
cheesecake. Unique, tasty and
certainly memorable.
And there were lots of others,
like George, who were in-
dividualistic enough to do and say
the unexpected. Since that week
two years ago I have met studen-
ts from any number of
backgrounds and viewpoints and
I never cease to be amazed at the
education they have given me.
For every lecture and discussion
I have sat through I doubt
whether I have learned as much
from my instructors as I have
from my classmates.
So that's the value of orien-
tation. The ridiculous encounter
games and counseling appoin-
tments aside, orientation is the
first taste of the most important
component of this University-its
students. And although I rarely
run into Robin and George these
days I hope they're still out to
save the world and bringing
cheesecake to parties.
Sue Warner is co-editor of
the Daily's annual frosh

No excuse for ERA setback
To The Daily: "freedom for all," we are indeed guilty of the most
As a woman I am outraged that the Illinois House severe form of hypocrisy. What a disheartening
has again rejected the Equal Rights Amendment. realization it is to find that our rulers can be so
As another, supposedly equal, human being, I am openly biased.
shocked that the House could be so blatantly It is inevitable that the ERA will eventually be
prejudiced. Its lack of insight into the repercussions ratified, but it is unfortunate that such a necessary
of such an act are wholly unwarranted. It is paving amendment must suffer so many setbacks before it
the way for other insecure male legislators to ex- can become law. The acts of these few legislators
press their failings by also lodging negative votes. have done nothing more than stall the passage of a
There should be no need for an "Equal Rights law that would ensure women equality.
Amendment." .Is a country "that prides. itself .on. ........ . -.- ... .... . -_-Laurie O sou F

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