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June 13, 1978 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-06-13

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Page 2-Tuesday, June 13, 1978-The Michigan Daily
Earthquake injures
hundreds in Japan
TOKYO (AP)-A powerful undersea others were crushed to death in a house
earthquake, Japan's deadliest in 14 under construction in the prefectural
years, crumbled buildings, toppled capital of Sendai.
utility poles and triggered landslides An elderly man being treated in a
along the densely populated northeast hospital in Iwate, near Migagi, died of
coast yesterday. Police reported at shock resulting from the quake. There
least 21 persons killed and 340 other in- were no immediate details on the other
jured. , deaths. One person was reported
The late afternoon quake was the missing.
strongest recorded anywhere in the It was the worst death toll since a 1964
world this year, registering 7.5 or 8 on quake killed 27 persons in Niigata on
the Richter scale. Thousands of the northwest coast.
panicked office workers and apartment A power failure knocked out street
dwellers fled down swaying staircases signals and snarled traffic in Sendai, a
and doged tumbling walls to reach the city of 554,000. At least two house fires,
safety of city streets. later brought under control, were
HARDEST HIT was migagi Prefec- reported in the city.
ture, 180 miles north of Tokyo. In Throughout the affected region,
Tokyo, where at least three persons police reported a total of 140 houses
were reported slightly injured, buldings destroyed, nine bridges wrecked, roads
shook, bottles and cans were knoced cut at 52 locations, 17 landslides, two
from shelves, telephone service and dikes destroyed and telephone links cut
commuter transportation were disrup- in 27 places.
ted, and it was believed some water A tidal wave warning was lifted about
mains may have been broken. three hours aftr the quake. The biggest
In Migagi, two persons were reported quake-generated wave measured only
killed by falling telephone poles and two seven inches.
The Central Meteorological Agency
THE MICHIGAN DAILY said the first tremor was weak, striking
volume LXXXVIII, No. on at 5:06 p.m. The major shock came nine
Tuesday. Jooe 13, 1070
is edited and managed by students at the Unversity minutes later.
of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class Japanese seismologists recorded it at
postage is paid at Ann Arhor, Michiganm40109. 7.5 on the Richter scale at the epicenter,
Pubtished daily Tuesday through Sunday morning in the Pacific 80 miles southeast of Sen-
during the University year at 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates: dai. The Uppsala seismological in-
$12 Septemher through April (2 semesters) $13 by stitute in Sweden set the intensity at 8
mail outside Ann Achoc.
Summer session published Tuesday through Satur- and said it was the strongest tremor it
day morning. Suhscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor: has recorded in the world so far this
$7.50 hy mail outside Ann Arhoc.

BEGINNING JULY 1 doubledecker buses like this will grace the city's streets
in an effort to lure shoppers into the downtown and Farmer's Market areas.
A rtouchof mterr old
Eng.--land rolls into town

A taste of jolly old England will soon
grace the city's streets and will no
doubt draw some puzzled stares from
those unaccustomed to seeing red
doubledecker buses this side of London.
"It's exciting to have London
doubledecker buses running up and don
the streets," said Ann Arbor Tomorrow
(AAT) worker Diane Gutterman.
THE SUSES will hit Liberty Street
July 1 to encourage shoppers to shop at
downtown business establishments.
The shuttle buses are sponsored by
AAT and an adjunct, Liberty Unlimited
Inc., which have intermeshed mostly
volunteer staffs. The buses will link the
shopping areas of State and Main Sts.
through Liberty St., in an attempt to at-
tract downtown shoppers and sight-
The three boxy-looking red vehicles
will adhere to the State-Main route
throughout the week, running at 15-

minute intervals, according to Gutter-
man. On Saturdays, the doubledeckers
will cruise a loop through Kerrytown
and the Farmer's Market, in addition to
the regular route. All rides will be free.
brella group has been sponsoring
facade loans to imporove business fron-
ts and downtown improvement projects
throughout its five-year existence. The
Del Rio bar and Mr. Flood's Party were
both refurbished through this process.
Gutterman said the progam prompted
many other businesses to use their own
money to improve their businesses' ap-
The shuttledeckers were purchased
with bank loan aid by- AAT for ap-
proxiamtely $42,000.
The buses, which hold 60 passengers,
will run six days per week from 10 a.m.
to 6 p.m. Although the trips will be free,
the sponsoring groups will encourage
additinnal donations.

Nick Lowe.

On Columbia Records and Tapes.
Everybody talks about Nick Lowe, but
nobody ever did anything about him. Until
1235 S. UNIVERSITY-668-9866
300 S. STATE-665-3679
HOURS: 10-9 Mon-Sot.; 12-6 Sun.
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