Page 8-Saturday, June 10, 1978-The Michigan Daily Pritchett's tcdes o his Bkm By Elaine Guregian Selected Stories by V. S Pritchett, Random House, New York, 1978, 332 pages, $10.00. FADING A short story by V.S. Pritchett is like looking at your neighbor down the street through binoculars: when you focus correctly you may get a beautiful, logical picture, yet you can never forget that you're working especially hard to see what is normal for the person you're watching. All the works in Selected Stories are set in Prit- chett's native England, and for an outsider, the ubiquitous localisms - although they lend exotic appeal - further complicate his already complex plots. The struggle is worthwhile, though - Prit- chett is a master of the traditional short story form. The stories are spare, sometimes suggesting more than they state, but there is no hint of the changes Joyce or New Journalism have wrought upon writing of all kinds. Pritchett relies on tense plots and precise, strikingly Anglican, charac- terization rather than delving into the characters' subconsciousnesses. ENGLISH class-consciousness pervades the stories. "Don't be so damn middle class", one character snaps to another, and no one makes any comment about snobbery. Servants are fixtures in many of the characters' households, and the poor respect the rich: Dad and Mother never minded being owed by the rich. They had grown up in the days when you were afraid of offending people, and to hear my mother talk you would have thought that by asking the well-off to fork out you were going to kill the goose that lays the golden egg, knock the bottom out of so- ciety, and teta Labour government in. Indeed, a person's rights are seen as being deter- mined by his cash value: In this neighborhood one could divide the world into those who had pensions and those who hadn't ... As a librarian (Mr. Fuimino pointed out), I would have a pension and thereby I had overcome the first obstacle in being allowed to go out with his daughter. Pritchett neither defends nor censures these atti- tudes; he simply incorporates them into his evocation of English life. "Blind Love" - A woman whose husband deser- ted her when he discovered she had a birthinark bvering her entire torso becomes romantically in- volved with the blin p man whom sheis taking care The union says S started it. Now the By Brian Blanchard FIXED TO a grey metal filing cabinet above his head is a fading sticker with an urgent, though dated, message from the days of the farm workers' movement: "DON'T BUY GRAPES." But a few feet to his left, on the door of the fourth-floor Michigan Union office,is a newer ap- peal which was likely mounted by Peter Downs himself: "Don't Buy J. P. Stevens. Sheets. Towels. Carpets. Table linens." Downs and three other members of the Coalition for Justice for J. P. Stevens Workers had gathered last Wed- nesday in the heavily-postered office (lent to the cause last March by the UFW) to explain why they think it's just as important to boycott the products of Stevens, the second largest U.S. textile firm (after Burlington), as it had been in the past for consumers to go without non-union grapes, Gallo wines, and Farah trousers. THERE IS demonstrable proof, the coalition members claim, that for 15 years justice has been mocked by management in 85 textile plants (mostly in the South) for the 44,000 workers who work without company-recognized union representation. "They want it both ways," the bearded Downs, an LSA graduate, said of Stevens policies. "They want to look fair, while having the cards stacked on their side of the table." By coincidence a Stevens representative in New York, J. R. Franklin, had used the same phrase during a phone in- terview earlier the same day to- describe the union in question, the two year old AFL-CIO Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union (ACTWU): "They want it both ways. They want to say they represent Stevens employees, but they don't want to submit to an election." Both sides claim the support of the workers in the small towns in Georgia and the Carolinas where towels and hosiery are spun from cotton, products which then turn an approximately $40 million annual profit for the company. Though the Ann Arbor branch of the union supporters is fairly new and the boycott is not yet two years old, the unionization of J. P. Stevens has been an issue of ifront-page proportions since the early 60s, when grapes were still on most liberal dinner tables. THE ACTWU begins its history of J. P. Stevens when the New York-based company decided to move south a quarter- century ago, a move the union labels "runaway shop", from the feeling that Stevens was running away from the better-regulated, more heavily unionized northern states. Stevens has become "the symbol of corporate intransigen- ce," to use a phrase from a February New York Times news story, after having been cited15 times over the years by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) for unfair labor practices. During this time Stevens had been forced to pay more than $1.3 million to harassed or illegally fired employees. According to Thomas Miller from the Washington NLRB, "we've only flat out lost one of those" in the courts, meaning the courts have upheld the claims by the union and the board that J. P. Stevens has treated its employees un- justly 14 times. The five-member NLRB had threatened Stevens with a nation-wide injunction in January, seeking to obtain a court order to end what it considered a series of unfair labor practices. On April 28 of this year, however, the NLRB and Stevens together reached a settlement which called for the rehiring of 11 out of 15 employees fired, giving them back pay. Stevens also agreed to comply with the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), in the future. ON MAY 27 of this year, union organizers were allowed on mill property for the first time in compliance with orders from the Second Court of Appeals. The Supreme Court had refused to review the case and in August, 1977 opposition by Stevens resulted ina contempt ruling by the Second Circuit Court. One might expectthese two events the settlenent and sympathizers note that the settlement doesn't comm Stevens to anything more than the adherence to the ai they have claimed all along and also point out that the cor pany had to be forced by a court order to allow unit representatives to come into the plants. "It's (the settlement) a big promise of bullshit," sa Pete Goldstein, the Detroit-based central states coo dinator for the Citizens Committee for Justice for J. I Stevens Workers, "there's no way a company like that going to clean up their act." In New York, Goldstein's national counter-part, Harrie Teller said of the settlement, "Stevens is saying 'we won do it any more, but we never did it anyway.' " Teller adde Nothing is settled. O Stevens representative Franklin said what he thought th settlement does not do. "All it means is that there is n going to be an injunction. It is not an admission of guilt b: Stevens." HE CHARGED that the ACTWU is willing to lead th workers, but unwilling to allow its right to represent then be put to a vote. Franklin was voicing the defense heart most often from Stevens policy makers anxious to assur consumers and stock holders that Stevens executives ar both humane and successful. On March 28, a week afte David Mitchell, chairman of Avon Products Incorporate had resigned from his position as a Stevens director citin pressure from the union, Stevens ran an ad covering nearl a full page in the New York Times headlined: "What is th Real J. P. Stevens Issue?" In response to what it called a "propaganda campaign" by the union, the company stated: "We challenge ACTWU to settle the issue by secre ballot elections" to determine whether or not the union i supported by the majority of the workers. There have been elections-Stevens claims 15-but unio sympathizers tend to hold the number to about 12. Only on plant, in Roanoke Rapids, N.C., has held a successful unio vote. In August 1974, the majority of the 3,500 workers sup ported the union. But today, four years later, Stevens an the union still have not reached an agreement on a contract, and workers are accusing the company of refusing to bargain in good faith. "They (Stevens negotiators) are willing to talk forever but they are not willing to give an inch," said Christine Wezeman, one of the coalition members who is working to publicize the nation-wide boycott of Stevens products in the Ann Arbor area. IN ADDITION to the Roanoke Rapids plant, a number of plants have begun elections, gotten involved in an unfair