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June 10, 1978 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1978-06-10

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0 Vol. L.XXXV111, No. 28-S
ichi an I~IIT Saturday, June 10, 1978
MichiganT Sixteen Pages
Ann Arbor, Michigan Ten Cents
Govt. gats
Daedalus Cha
pexport ermit

The Commerce Department reversed
an earlier license denial on Thursday,
giving preliminary approval to
Daedalus Enterprises Inc. to sell $2.8
million worth of geological scanning
devices to the People's Republic of
China (PRC).
The approval was based on an appeal
made by the Ann Arbor company to an
April 26 denial by the Commerce
Department. Both actions came after
reviews of the export license ap-
plication by representatives from the
Commerce Department and various
government agencies including State,
Defense, Energy and the Central In-
telligence Agency (CIA).
DAEDALUS Vice-President Tom
Casoglos said he thought the original
denial, "was really a misunderstanding
about what the equipment could and
could not do. Casoglos said the license
was supported hy NASA and the U.S.
Geological Survey.
The license must be finalized by a

Doily Photo by PEt iERLING
Second wind
A lone runner makes his way along the hot dirt road in the Arb which will carry
him parallel; to the Huron River for another quarter mile of solitary striding.

coordinating committee with represen-
tatives from North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO) countries. That
action is expected to occur within the
next 30 days. Casoglos said the decision
is just "a formality," but the Commer-
ce Department's Deputy Secretary,
Stanley Marcuss, said approval is a
rigorous process, not just a rubber
stamp decision.
Marcus said the agencies during the
appeal "took a closer look at the diver-
sion of the equipment and the potential
of its conversion to military purposes."
The government has been concerned
that the infrared scanners and high-
speed magnetic tape recorders would
be used by the Chinese "to detect
military installations on the ground,"
according to Marcuss, and for elec-
tronic surveillance such as satellite
issued a statement saying, "The gover-
nment concluded that for this specific
export to the Peoples' Republic of
China, the likelihood of the diversion of
the equipment to military/strategic use
is minimal."
Casoglos said the strongest evidence
in the company's favor was the fact
that it's twenty-two-year-old
technology ... If the Chinese really
wanted it they could get it." However,
Marcuss said all of the nations which
produce the devices have the same
method of approving exports to Com-
munist countries. Casoglos said the
United States is the "toughest" of the
NATO representatives.
Casoglos said the company probably
would not have made the appeal if the
sale was not of such great magnitude. It
See DAEDALUS, Page 4

Non-students ordered off WCBRN
By RENE BECKER Committee, which oversees the radio students - 15 out of a total station crew
WCBN, the only student-operated station, will come up with a policy on of 200 - does not prevent students from
radio station on campus, will soon have tie issue in the next few months, accor- working on the station.
to discontinue its traditional policy of ding to Vice President for University Rather, the non-students, most of
permitting non-students to work as disc Relations Michael Radock, a Commit- whom are University alumni, serve an
jockeys, according to University of- tee member. He said the policy will important function at the station, ac-
ficials. allow only students and recent cording to Poceta. He said they are
But students at the station are graduates of the University to work as most useful as a source of expertise,
protesting the administration's disc jockeys on WCBN. especially for those who have never
decision to force non-students off the Steve Poceta, WCBN-FM program
ir Thp .t tlaim the Uv ersit director, said the small number of non- See NON-STUDENTS, Page5

air. ie stuuen s claim e unive y
is interfering in radio station policy
which should be determined by student
workers at the station.'
ACCORDING TO Floyd Miller, a
student disc jockey at WCBN, a
majority of the students at the station
are in favor of keeping non-students
there. He said a vote was taken of WC-
BN workers just before winter term
finals and that the majority voted for
retaining non-students.
Administrators, including University.
President Robben Fleming, have said
that student organizations should be for
students only. They also claim that
limiting broadcasting to students would
not interfere with operation of the
The issue has been brewing since last
year when a parent reportedly com-
plained to the University about non-
students at the station.



Denms file Open Meetings suit

An attorney for three Democratic City Council members
filed suit yesterday charging all seven Republican Council
members held a private meeting which, according to the plain-
tiffs, violates Michigan's Open Meetings Act.
The suit asks that amendments to the city budget totalling
$328,500-which were discussed by the Republicans at an in-
detrminate number of closed causus meetings in May-be
stricken from the record. The reallocations were approved by
City-Council after those meetings and were to take effect along
with the rest of the budget July 1.
JOINING DEMOCRATIC councilmembers Susan Green-
berg (First Ward), Ken Latta (First Ward), and Leslie Morris
(Second Ward) in the suit are the Ann Arbor chapter of the
League of Women Voters and two private individuals: Univer-
sity Economics Professor William Shepherd and second year
law student Paul Pratt.
Washtenaw County Circuit Court Judge Henry Conlin will
preside over preliminary hearings beginning June 21.
The suit charges both the Republicans and the city in its
request that the amendments to the budget be overturned. It

does not state what should replace them.
If the suit succeeds, options for a new budget include City
Adminstrator Sylvester Murrary's budget blueprint or holding
a second round of hearings to draw up a new budget.
Before a final decision is reached, however, the suit asks
that a temporary injuction be placed on the Republican amen-
dments, which would, in effect, enact Murray's plan.
CITY ATTORNEY Brue Laidlaw, who will defend the
Republicans and the city in the case, said three possible defen-
ses came to mind:
-that a quorum was not present at the meetings;
-that the meeting did not constitute a meeting of a public
body as stipulated in the act;
that the act cannot apply to individuals who are not
taking official action.
Republican Mayor Louis Belcher said the suit would have
no immediate effect on city operations. "We are moving ahead
just like the suit was never filed," he said.
IMMEDIATELY in doubt is the fate of $250,000 for street
See DEMS, Page 4

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