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May 04, 1978 - Image 20

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Michigan Daily, 1978-05-04

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Page 20-Thursday, May 4, 1978-The Michigan Daily
Netters' Atwood

Michigan womens tennis coach John
Atwood resigned this week before com-
pletion of his second year as coach after
breaking a University rule that
establishes decorum within athletic
Atwood ordered a beer at a Columbus
restaurant while on a road trip in which
the women were competing at the Ohio
State Inivtational. Consumption of
alcoholic beverages by a Michigan
athletic coach while in the capacity of a
coach is prohibited.
"I broke a rule, therefore I have to
suffer the consequences," Atwood
commented. "I didn't realize how
serious they (the athletic department)
considered this rule infraction, but I
guess it's their perogative to enforce
Although the violation of a Univer-
sity regulation is enough reason to
request the resignation of a coach.

the beer he ordered ending up on the
team tab. The second story says the
waitress at the same restaurant wrote a
letter to the Michigan athletic depar-
tment complaining that the team didn't
leave a tip after it had dinner. John said
he told her to put it on the bill."
"John told us that he was shocked
that these reasons were being used to
force him to resign," explained team
member Leticia Diaz-Perez.
"However, the real messup was John
not entering us in the Big Ten's and not
sending our seedings before we got
Diaz-Perez was referring to the Big
Ten Championships held last week at
Iowa, in which Michigan finished fifth.
"We could've won the tournament if
John had sent our seedings in on time,"
Krickstein said. "We had to play all the
seeded plaers because John is so
disorganized," Sue Weber added.
"The seeding problem at Iowa had
nothing to do with my resignation,"
Atwood said, replying to the players'
criticisms. "I had already resigned,
although I didn't tell the team that until
Monday. I was holding our seedings
back because our lineup was not set.
Whit Stodghill was hurt and we didn't
know if she would play. Everyone knew
she was challenging up the Sunday
before the Wednesday meet.
"In the past coaches have waited un-
til the seeding meetings to turn in their
final information. I got the info in on
time, with the permission of Iowa
women's athletic director Kathy
Ballard's office. I didn't know she was
going to be the tyrant that she turned
out to be."
Atwood was referring to Ballard's
treatment of his late seeding infor-
mation and her defaulting of several
athletes including Michigan's
Even with the knowledge that Atwood
was holding back the seeding infor-
mation for the purpose of getting the

best players available for t
the women that spoke abc
termination agreed that
unity and morale wasl
presence as coach.
"If he hadn't quit or bee
Iowa (Big Ten's) it would
ficult to play for him," Kri
"I wanted to transfer be
poor judgment, but I dec
overcome a bad coach."
"If John had stayed on,
have gotten worse; peopi
playing with him hanging
fence watching us, becaus(
respect for him," Whit St
ted out.
Although the women o
complained about some
decisions and attitude a
thought things were going

he Big Ten's, "My relationship with the team was
out Atwood's going better than ever before. I handled
the team's situations better; some people got
hurt by his pissed off at me, but I don't think there
is more than one women's tennis coach
n fired after in the midwest Vho gets along that well
've been dif- with his or her team.
ckstein said. "I just don't think a coach should be
cause of his put in the position where-he could lose
ided I could his or her job because of the complaints
of the team members; and I was not in
things would that situation here."
e didn't like Whatever the real reason surroun-
around the ding Atwood's resignation, right now it
e they had no is just speculation. The facts show he
odghill poin- resigned for breaking a rule and
assistant coach Bill Flood will coach
)n the team the team until the season's conclusion.
of Atwood's As a good luck gesture to Flood the
s coach, he women defeated Central Michigan 8-1
well when he Tuesday in their first match without the
departed Atwood.

Donahue drafted

with wire service reports
Michigan's Mark Donahue was the
only Wolverine selected in yesterday's
continuance of the NFL player draft.
The Michigan All-American guard
National League
Los Angeles 9,. Chicago5
New York at Atlanta, rained out
Montreal 9, Houston 3
Cincinnati12,Philadelphia 3
American League
Te-xas 2, Baltmorne 1
Milwaukee 4Chicago0e
NewYork 6, Kansas City 5
NBA Playoff
Philadelphia 110,.washington 104

drafted by Cincinnati, surprised many
by not being selected until the eleventh
round, normally a time where teams
are just filling their rosters with the
nondescript and former basketball
Twelve members of the Big Ten were
selected on the second day, four from
Ohio State, two from Minnesota and
Iowa while Michigan State and Indiana
joined Michigan with one selection.
The twelve round draft of 334 players
was completed in 17 hours, 16 minutes.
Seattle did not receive one selection
because it got an extra one a year ago in
a supplemental draft,.and Green Bay
had one taken away because it conduc-
ted an illegal training camp.
THE FINAL player picked, by
Dallas, was Montana State guard Lee
Washburn. In all, 180 offensive players,
140 defensive players and 14 specialists.

John Atwood
some closely involved individuals think
there were other considerations in-
volved in Atwood's termination.
"John told us two stories," said
freshwoman singles player Kathy
Krickstein. "The first story was about

Netmen humble Hornets
By BOB MILLER Kalamazoo had its best shot at picking up a point in the final
event of the day, third doubles. But the Michigan duo of Ihor
"This was our best performance outside all year," said Debryn and Ollie Owens rallied from a loss in the first set to
Michigan men's tennis coach Brian Eisner after his team claim a well played match.
defeated Kalamazoo College 9-0 yesterday. The win gave the .Eisner made an interesting move by starting Matt Horwit-
Wolverines a perfect home record of 10-0 in the 1978 season, ch at first singles and Jeff Etterbeek (who normally holds that
Michigan (11-1) had little trouble with the Hornets, position gl at number two.
especially in the singles matches. Only one event went the The reason was to give Horwitch a chance at earning an
fuill three sets, and the Wolverines wrapped up the victory NCAA spot throug individual achievements instead of relying
before the final singles event was completed. on gaining it by way of a team championship.
As it stands now, Michigan might not win the NCAA
Eisner explained that although the meet was one-sided, regional team championship because it is determined before
Kalamazoo wasn't exactly the Little Sisters of the Poor. "They the Big Ten tournament. Michigan is second in that category to
won the Division III National Championships two years ago Wisconsin, the only team to defeat the Wolverines all year.
and still have a number of the same players. Michigan is 6-1 in the conference, Wisconsin is undefeated.
"We're playing good, solid teams in our region but we are Kalama-zeroed
pretty well expected to win. We have nothing to gain and
everything to lose," Eisner said of the whitewash. SINGLES
Overall, Eisner was pleased with the way the entire team 1-Matt Horwitch (M) def. Chris Bussert (K), 7-5, 6-7, 6-4;
played, especially the doubles teams which he said responded 2-Jeff Etterbeek (M) def. Jim Hosner (K ), 6-2, 6-2; 3-Brad
well to some special attention. Holland (M) def. Dan Thomson (K), 6-4, 6-2; 4- Jud Schaufler
(M) def. Mike Herndobler (K), 6-3, 6-2; 5--Pete Osler (M) def.
"We've been sufferm g quite a few close doubles scores, so Mike Chilicki (K), 6-2, 6-2; 6-Jack Neinken (M) def. David
we spent some time to upgrade doubles skills," Eisner noted. Kamisar (K), 6-36-1.
None of the doubles squads breezed to victory, but all kept DOUBLES
plugging away until the final point, illustrating exactly what --Etterbeek-Horwitch (M) def. Bussert-Hosner (K), 7-5, 6-2;
Eisner made reference to. Characteristic of many Michigan 2-SchauflerIoiland (M) def. Thomson-Herndo1Jr (K), 6-0,
tennis teams, the doubles teams got stronger as the matches 3-6, 6-0; 3--Ihor, Debryn-Ollie Owens (M) def. Chilicki-
progressed -...-' -.. ' ' -----.- Kamisar, 3-6, 6-1, 6-4.

Mark IDonalhue
were taken. The most-picked players
were defensive backs, 50. Florida had
the most players drafted with 10, and
the Southeast was the most popular
conference with 36 players chosen.
Well-known college players who went
in the second day were Alfred Jackson
of Texas to the Falcons; Michigan
State's James Earley to the Jets; Ohio
State's Jeff Logan to Baltimore and
Aaron Brown to Kansas City.
The only Michigan seniors who were
not.selected were defensive b~ack Jim
Pickens and linebacker Dom Tedesco.

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