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June 09, 1978 - Image 9

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-06-09

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The Michigan Daily-Friday, June 9, 1978-Page 9
Sexes still to live apart at Brigham Young

WASHINGTON (AP) - The gover-
nment reached an agreement Thursday
with Brigham Young University that
permits the Mormon school in Provo,
Utah, to continue to require single
students residing off campus to live in
housing segregated by sex.
But under terms of the arrangement,
landlords in Provo will be barred from
reserving special sex-segregated
buildings or wings of buildings if they
also rent to the general public.
The agreement resolves a fair-
housingedispute that arose two years
ago when a woman who waa not a
student at Brigham Young charged that
she had been denied an apartment by a
landlord in Provo because of her sex. .
THE COMPLAINT said the landlord
refused to rent to her because the only
vacancy in the building was located in
an area reserved for single men.

Last Feb. 28, the Justice Department
notified Brigham Young and 36 lan-
dlords in Provo that reserving areas for
unmarried tenants of one sex violated
the 1968 federal Fair Housing Act.
Brigham Young requires single
students to live in housing segregated
by sex, based on the religious principles
of the Mormon Church.
The Justice Department's civil rights
division said Thursday its intention all
along was not to force the university to
permit single, students to share apar-
tments with persons of the opposite sex,
but rather to assure fair housing stan-
dards for non-students.
THURSDAY'S agreement, the
product of negotiations between the
government and the university,
provides that Brigham Young will ap-
prove for student housing only those
facilities that rent exclusively to

As of Jan. 1, 1979, university-ap-
proved landlords will be permitted to
accept only single students as new
To avoid hardship or inconvenience,
the Justice Department said, the
agreement will not force any non-
students already living in university-
approved housing to give up his or her
apartment either now or in the future.
The department said it will notify
landlords in Provo of the agreement.
The government said 15,000 Brigham
Young students live off campus and
that another 5,000 non-students rent
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apartments in Provo.
Department officials said the
agreement is in keeping with provisions
of the Fair Housing Act that permit
segregation of the sexes in college dor-
The agreement was signed by
Assistant Attorney General Drew S.
DAys III, who heads the civil rights
division, and Dr. Dallin H. Oaks,
president of Brigham Young.
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House orders HEW
budget cuts for 1979

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ordered the Department of Health,
Education and Welfare on Thursday to
save $1 billion by reducing fraud and
waste in its programs.
The across-the-board reduction of
HEW's proposed fiscal 1979 budget was
approved by a vote of 290 to 87 as some
members claimed the move stemmed
from the recent victory of a California
property tax cut referendum.
The vote came as the House con-
tinued to consider a $58 billion proposal
for spending by HEW, the Labor Depar-
tment and eight smaller agencies over
the next year. The House bill calls for
$2.4 billion for Labor and $54.3 billion
for HEW.
blamed the outcome on California's
Proposition 13, which passed by a 2-to-1
margin and calls for a drastic lowering
of property taxes.
"After the victory of Proposition 13 in
California, there has been near panic in
this House because everyone wants to
show he will be the first in America to
cut spending," Obey said. "So the easy
thing to do is propose a phony cut."
The House amendment was spon-
sored by Rep. Bob Michel, (R-Ill.), who
cited a report by HEW's inspector
general estimating that the department
loses between $6.3 billion and $7.4
billion to waste and fraud.
The amendment affects Medicaid,
Medicare, Aid to Families with Depen-
dent Children, Social Security, Sup-
plemental Security Income, Student
Assistance, elementary and secondary
education aid programs.
HEW WOULD have discretionary
powers in deciding where the cuts
should come from.
The cut would also have to be accep-
ted by the Senate which is writing its
own version of a Labor-HEW budget.
The House also declined to go along
with a $233 million reduction in an
educational assistance program for
low- and middle-income families.
Members objected to cutting the
program because it was the vehicle that
President Carter has chosen for of-
fering an alternative to tuition tax
Last week, the House went against
the President by opting for a tuition tax
credit bill rather than Carter's plan for

expanding existing educational aid
programs. Senate action is pending.
Rep. Ken Holland, (D-S.C.), proposed
the cut in the educational aid program,
suggesting the possibility of a veto if the
budget was not trimmed. The Carter
administration has targeted the Labor-
HEW appropriations bill as a veto can-
didate if it is considered too in-
Gold production was at an all-
time low of 16,000 fine troy ounces in
1837 and peaked at 4.9 million ounces
in 1940.

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