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June 07, 1978 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1978-06-07

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Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 25-S
Wednesday, June 7, 1978
Ju E n --- IUSixteen Pages
Ann Arbor, Michigan Ten Cents

Proposition 13
expected to
win n Calif.

Uoily Photo by JOHN KNOX
THIS SCENE AT a local store reflects the nation's rapidly increasing meat prices.
Consumers undaunted
by rising meat prices
By MICHAEL ARKUSH which are used in barbecues are the
Carnivorous consumers are apparen- cuts that are selling well," said Jim
tly undaunted by soaring meat prices Hochkins, co-manager of Kroger's
and ha re continued to purchase the Company.
same ajnounts of the costly products, Most owners agreed there is high
according to preliminary reports from demand for meat in the summer mon-
area markets. ths, resulting from the popularity of
An informal survey of ten area outdoor cooking. They reported people
markets shows that managers main- need large quantities of meat to cook
tamn their stores' beef sales are not dip- hotdogs and hamburgers for har-
ping since prices began increasing becues.
several weeks ago. But some managers predicted beef
demand would drop if prices continued
"PEOPLE ARE still buying the same to increase.
amount of meat. I think this is mainly "YOU NEVER know, but I would
due to the high summer demand, See CONSUMERS, Page 2
because the hamburgers and steaks

LOS ANGELES (AP)-A proposition
that would severely restrict property
taxes and assessments for California
property owners was expected to pass
in the state's primary election yester-
The tax cut proposal-Proposition
13-would result in a loss of $7 billion
annually to schools and city and county
governments, and opponents say ap-
proval could cripple some government
agencies. But proponents say gover-
nment spending is already too high and
should be cut back.
THE AMENDMENT would slash
property taxes by an average of 57 per
cent and generally limit assessment in-
crease to 2 per cent per year.
A record gubernatorial primary
voter turnout was expected because of
high interest in the tax initiative.
Voters also were choosing party
gubernatorial nominees, with incum-
bent Gov. Edmund Brown, a Democrat,
facing only token opposition from eight
political unknowns in his attempt to win
a second four-year term.
The four-way Republican race was
hotly contested, with Attorney General
Evelle Younger and retired Los
Angeles Police Chief Ed Davis leading
the polls, followed by state Assem-
blyman Ken Maddy and San Diego
Mayor Pete Wilson.
PROPOSITION 13 was sponsored by
Howard Jarvis, a 75-year-old former
newspaper publisher who now is
executive secretary of a Los Angeles
apartment owners association. Jarvis
wrote the proposed amendment to the
state constitution and led a petition
drive which collected 1.5 million voter
signatures to place it on the ballot.

The plan was opposed by Brown,
most Democratic politicians, labor
leaders, educators, some major
business interests and two of the four
Republican gubernatorial candidates.
The foes of Proposition 13 supported
another measure on the ballot yester-
day, Proposition 8, a modest tax cut
measure sponsored by Brown. It
received relatively little publicity.
THE MAJOR provision of the Jar-
vis plan limits annual property taxes to
1 per cent of market value, compared to
a current average of 2.5 per cent. The
average California homeowner's
See TAX, Page 2
says war
still a
O s s s
CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - President
Anwar Sadat told troops stationed at
the Suez Canal yesterday to brace for a
continued "battle of liberation" if
Israel does not respond satisfactorily to
his peace overtures.
"You are carrying out your duties
every day for the defense of Egypt and
for the completion of the battle of
liberation if there is no other alter-
native than to complete the battle of
liberation and if Israel continues not to
understand what is behind the peace
initiative," Sadat told the Second Army
IT WAS the first time during his
seven-month-old peace drive that Sadat
has hinted war could be an alternative
to the quest for a diplomatic settlement
of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Previously
he has said the October 1973 war would
be the last.
His speech yesterday, coupled with
his May 27 statement that Israel has
only two'months to change its policies
and move closer to his peace demands,
indicated the Egyptian administration
is becoming increasingly impatient
with Israeli Prime Minister Menachem
Begin's position.
Extracts of Sadat's speech, made on
the occasion of the third anniversary of
the reopening of the Suez Canal, were
reported by the official Middle East
News Agency.
". IF THERE is any possibility to
See SADAT, Page 2

House OK's intelligence funds
WASHINGTON (AP)-The House yesterday voted new member of the House Select Comittee on Intelligence, noted -
funds for intelligence gathering even though the vast that only eight House members requested the information.
majority of congressmen had no idea how much money they JOHNSON, ONE OF the eight to review the classified
were approving. material, said the documents were "absolutely useless"
The vote was 323 to 43. Five members voted present, in ef- because they were filled with so many acronyms that a
feet, abstaining, as a protest against the House intelligence layman could not understand where the money was headed.
committee's decision not to make the money information "The American people should not be misled into believing
public. that the Congress has information on intelligence activities,"
"THIS REPORT TELLS us absolutely nothing about the Johnson said.
intelligence community," said Rep. James Johnson (R- The bill would provide authorization for funding of in-
Colo.). He called the bill a "blank check for the expenditure telligence gathering activities in fiscal year 1979 by the Cen-
of a lot of money to those who in the past have not warranted tral Intelligence Agency, the Defense Department, the
that trust." Defense Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency,
However, the bill's proponents argued that secrecy was the Department of State, the FBI and the Drug Enforcement
necessary to avoid jeopardizing the nation's intelligence Administration.
operations. They also noted that individual congressmen THE LEGISLATION gives no details on the amount of
could review classified documents containing actual spen- funding or wherethe money would go,The only dollar figures
ding figures if they asked. listed are for the CIA's retirement fund and for the-intel-
Rep. J. Kenneth Robinson (R-Va.), ranking minority See HOUSE, Page 5

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