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June 06, 1978 - Image 9

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-06-06

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The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, June 6, 1978-Page 9

BOGOTA, Colombia )ap)-Julio
Cesar Turbay Ayala, a former am-
bassador to Washington and candidate
of the ruling Liberal Party, has been
elected president in an election that
was too close to call until 95 percent of
the votes were tabulated.
A spokesman for the official election
board said that with only 5 percent of
the votes still out from Sunday's elec-
tion, the 62-year-old Turbay Ayala had
won 2,226,163 votes to 2,137,987 for his
chief rival, Belisario Betancur, 56, of
the opposition Conservative Party.
TURBAY AYALA, like Batancur, is
considered a pro-Washington
moderate. The Liberal Party generally
has followed a middle-of-the-road social
policy to the left of the Conservatives.
Batancur supporters poured out of
their campaign headquarters in a
Bogota residential section after the an-
nouncement of the winner was made
and staged a sit-in on a heavily traveled
avenue, blocking traffic.
Dozens of other Betancur supporters
blocked traffic at other intersections
shouting "Fraud!" and "They stole the
A SPOKESMAN at Betancur
headquarters said there were plans to
protest the result.
The other four candidates, an army
general and three leftists, were far
Little to be
returned to
N.C. prison
RALEIGH, N.C. (AP)-State of-
ficials say Joan Little could be back in
prison in North Carolina by next week,
thanks to today's U.S. Supreme Court
refusal to block her extradition from
New York.
Deputy Attorney General Howard
Kramer estimated that Little might be
flown back to Raleigh by the end of the
week. He said the delay was required to
give New York officials time to receive
official notice of the court ruling and to
work out details of the move.
tment spokesman said it would take
several days to make the arrangements
and it might be next week before Miss
Little returns to the North Carolina
Correctional Center for Women to
finish her seven-year sentence for
breaking and entering.
The department panned a press
briefing this morning at the center to
show where Little would live, eat and
work. She has contended that her life
would be in danger if she were forced to
return to prison here. State officials
deny her allegations of mistreatment
and point out that Little was deprived of
her work release job only after failing
to show up several times for work.

dans elect new president
behind the leaders in the vote crowds yesterday as the vote counting One person was injured seriously in
tabulations. progressed. explosion at Popayan, 304 miles eas
The incumbent, Alfonso Lopez Security forces feared an outbreak of Bogota, and two policemen and
Michelsen also a Liberal, was barred violence between supporters of the student were killed in separate incid
by the constitution from seeking re- Conservative and Liberal parties, ts in two remote villages. Yester
election. which have dominated colombian police said a bomb exploded under
THE GOVERNMENT had ordered politics since independence from spain empty city bus. No one was hurt.
200,000 troops mobilized to maintain or- in 1810. A civil war between the two par- The lead had seesawed betweenZ
der in colombia's major cities during ties in the 1950s left more than 200,000 bay Alaya and Betancur throughout
the election, and soldiers armed with persons dead and rivalry remains high. morning's counting and Betan
^^^~^% ~^^^^v ^''a*^t"r""" ""* " "ai"sI "" A " nth eanital dclvared himself the winner in an eE

t of

wr-_hi~nhtn, visible amid rush-hnour

mornine news conference.

TROOPS PATROL a polling station in Bogota as Columbians voted to choose a new president. A force of 200,000 men main-
tained order in major cities as the ruling party's candidate was elected in a close race.
S.F. gay patrol cuts street crime

sexual anti-crime patrols are
prwoling a downtown gay neigh-
borhood. that has been plagued by
muggings, arsons and beatings. Police
say the patrol is okay by them, within
The patrol is called the "South of
Market Surveillance Squad." Its two
dozen members, all in leather jackets,
muster at night and march out on their
neat, armed only with whistles, walkie-
talkies and flashlights.
THE VOLUNTEERS work in three
hour shifts, using the Arena Bar at Nin-
th and Harrison streets as a headquar-
ters. The area has many gay bars,
hotels, and bath houses.
Members of the squad claim they
have helped alert police to several
street incidents that could have
resulted in serious crimes had they not
been there. Once they aided a heart ast-
tack victim.
"I feel I am helping to protect
mankind," said Brian Harrison, 32, who
said he had often been robbed and-

mistreated in the area he now patrols.
He said he never bothered telling police
when he was attacked because he
thought is was something he had to put
up with as part of his gay lifestyle.
POLICE CHIEF Charles Gain, who
advocates citizen involvement in
deterring street crime, said, "this kind
of citizen action is excellent. . . as long
as they don't get involved as vigi-

Vigilante action is against the rules of
the surveillance squad, said Robert
Dunn, 26, a patrol leader.
"No team member is permitted to in-
tervene in any situation which has any
potential for becoming dangerous," he
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