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June 06, 1978 - Image 7

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-06-06

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The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, June 6, 1978-Page 7
Ky. still loves Nixon

HYDEN, Ky. (AP) - Leslie County
residents don't care what some people
think former President Nixon did;
they're looking forward to is visit here
to dedicate a recreation center named
in his honor, local officials say.
"Watergate never entered our min-
ds" when Nixon was invited to attend
the dedication July 2 for the facility in
Hyden, the Leslie County seat, said
Republican County Judge Executive
Allen Muncy.
"WE'RE HONORING him for what
he did, not what they accused him of,"
Muncy said. "We know what he did, blt
we don't know about Watergate, and I
Nixon don't really care much."
He estimated that 95 percent of the

county's 13,600 residents support
naming the partially federally funded
recreation center after Nixon and
Nixon's attendance at the dedication
ceremony, one of the former
president's few public appearances
since he resigned in 1974.
Nixon instituted federal revenue
sharing, which has provided about 2.5
million to Leslie County since 1972,
Muncy said.
"HE TRUSTED us and gave us
money to attack and deal with our
problems on the local level with no red
tape," he said.
Paul Hensley, former chairman of
the county Democratic Party, said he
was the first to speak out in favor of

Workers strive for self-growth

(Continued from Page 3)
"MANY OF the views of our readers
seem to represent a healthy new com-
mitment to the importance of work. But
it would be wrong to conclude that their
attitudes represent a return to
traditional feelings about job values,"
the study reported.
The study, which based its con-
clusions on a poll of 23,008 of the
magazine's readers, also reported
many people appear willing to change
jobs if they can better themselves. For-
ty-one percent of those polled said they
would accept a more interesting job
even if it paid less than their present
Lawler, University professor of
psychology and a key member of the
survey's panel, attributes the lack of
university education in occupations as
the major reason for a high percentage
of job turnover. Lawler claims univer-
sities fail to properly educate students
to prepare them for jobs.
"STUDENTS DON'T receive a
proper knowledge of the work that is
ahead of them. they also just relax and
misperceive what their job is going to
be like," he said.
The survey took approximately a
year to complete and asked readers 77
questions including whether they were
happy with their jobs and if they would
consider switching jobs.
The study also said the tendency to
experience a mid-career crisis and
discover changes in the structure of the
nation's economy are reasons people
show willingness to switch occupations.
THE RESEARCH warned that the
country may experience a rough period
of increasing instability, "because of
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the turnover of those who can find bet-
ter jobs and the turnoff of those who
Most of the study's data was collected
from readers who are professional or
managerial employees. Lawler ex-
pressed astonishment at the study's
findings because of the traditionally
low rate of turnover among those
"It is especially surprising since
most of the people who answered the
survey are people who earn a high in-
come and have usually maintained they
were satisfied with their jobs," he said.
Other results of the survey include:
* Some 43 percent of readers felt they
had been the victims of job
discrimination in the past five years.
Yet 92 percent oppose programs of af-
firmative action to make up for past
discrimination against women and
members of minorities.
" At least 78 percent would like to be
able to set their working hours.
* Some 44 percent feel "locked into" or
trapped in their jobs.

o Most people would continue working
even if they could love comfortably the
rest of their lives without doing so.
" The most popular method of relieving
tension from the job was not alcohol or
drugs, byt physical exercise.
" Despite the influence of the women's
movement, men's careers still come in
first in tow-career families, and women
are still stuck with most of the
" Almost half the people think that get-
ting ahead in an organization depends
more on whom you know than job per-
e Only 23 percent said they were
working in their occupation of their
Lawler said the lack of any
bureaucratic changes in the 60s
triggered a general feeling of
hopelessness among today's society. He
said people became so depressed after
nothing was done to improve society in
the 60s that they became more in-
dividualistic and less concerned over
social reform.

naming the center after Nixon when
Muncy suggested it.
"Locally, in this county, more people
would come to see President Nixon than
would come to see President Carter if
he came here tpmorrow," Hensley said.
Muncy agreed.
"NIXON WOULD carry Leslie Coun-
ty if he ran for president in the mor-
ning," he said. "Nixon didn't do
anything wrong, or any wrong that
matters to us. Nobody's perfect. The
Bible says, 'He who is without sin cast
the first stone.' "
He said he is puzzled over inquiries
about the decision to name the county
recreational center after Nixon since
Nixon's upcoming visit to Hy~len was
"When Congress named Cape
Canaveral after John F. Kennedy,
nobody asked why," he said.
Soviets expel
2 Americans
MOSCOW (AP)-The Soviet Union
ordered the expulsion of two Americans
who have worked as guides with a
traveling U.S. agricultural exhibit-one
of whom already had left the coun-
try-the official news agency Tass said
It said one guide, Anthony Maschoc-
ci, of Boston, was ordered out for in-
citing "activity hostile to the Soviet
The second American named by Tass
was Walter Lupan of Washington, D.C.
Lupan, who left the Soviet Union a few
days ago after completing his
scheduled six weeks with the exhibition
in Kiev.
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