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June 02, 1978 - Image 6

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1978-06-02

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Page 6-Friday, June 2, 1978-The Michigan Daily
Israel asks more arms

U.N. Ambassador Chaim Herzog called
yesterday for an all-embracing Arab-
Israeli disarmament conference "to
break the vicious cycle of arms buildup
in the Middle East."
Addressing the General Assembly's
special session on disarmament, Her-
zog also said it is Israel's "hope and
trust" there will be a resumption of the
Israeli-Egyptian peace negotiations
broken off in January by Egypt's
President Anwar Sadat.
REFERRING TO those talks, Herzog
said Israel "believes that a similar
breakthrough can and must occur in the
field of disarmament and that another
momentous step can and must be taken
to break the vicious cycle of the arms
buildup in the Middle East."
"While the present escalation con-
tinues, the hope for peace remains
remote. It is therefore incumbent on the
leaders of all states in the region to sit.
together and discuss proposals for a
mutual and balanced reduction of for-
ces in the Middle East."
Just hours earlier, Herzog told a
television interviewer he did not believe
the U.N. disarmament conference
would produce anything and that his
country would ask the United States for
~,Thre original

more arms.
HE ALSO SAID on NBC's "Today"
program that for almost two years af-
ter the 1973 Mideast War, a 3,000-man
Cuban armored brigade was stationed
on Syria's Golan Heights facing Israeli
troops. A previous mention of such a
Cuban force was made in Israeli
Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan's
autobiography, but the book provided
no details.
In his U.N. speech, Herzog said Israel
was alarmed at a statement made by
Crown Prince Fahd of Saudi Arabia in
an interview with Paris Match
magazine April 21 that the Saudi army
"can intervene wherever our national
duty requires it." He said he also was
concerned by reported Saudi plans to
greatly expand the Tobuk airfield "just
150 miles from Eilat, Israel's Red Sea
In view of such things, he said, Israel
will not "allow its concerns to be

assuaged by well-meaning interpreters
of Saudi intentions."
defense," Herzog concluded, "make it
imperative for Israel to maintain its
military readiness until a joint and
cooperative approach to arms reduc-
tion is adopted."
He said figures from the Stockholm
International Peace Research Institute
and the International Institute for
Strategic Studies in London showed
that in 1975 the Arab "confrontation
states" had an advantage of 3-to-1 over
Israel in tanks and combat planes, 5-to-
1 in troops, 9-to-1 in artillery and 12-to-1

in surface-to-air missiles.
"By 1980," he said, citing the same
sources, "the airpower of the Arab
states will equal the combined Warsaw
Pact forces and constitute double the
airpower of NATO and three times that
of ... China."
Herzog also accused Egyptian
Foreign Minister Mohammed Ibrahin
Kamel of "attempting to mislead this
assembly" Wednesday with a_"blatant
falsehood" alleging Israeli military
cooperation with South Africa and with
the statement that Israel has not
agreed to a Middle East nuclear-free
zone. Herzog said Israel has repeatedly
offered to negotiate for such a zone.

California tax vote
may establish trend

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at the UNION
Open 'til
1 a.m. tonight

WASHINGTON (AP) - City officials
are worried that California voters will
approve a drastic cut in property taxes
next Tuesday, saying that could touch
off a "ripple effect" taxpayer revolt
throughout the nation.
"There are related tax measures in a
number of states" said Alan Beals,
executive director of the National
League of Cities, regarding Proposition
13, a question on the California ballot.
"WE ARE concerned that approval
in California will provide a boost to ef-
forts across the country," Beals said.
Efforts to impose strict tax limits or
to abolish property levies completely
are pending in a number of states
besides California. Housing inflation
and the resultant increase in property
tax bills are taking huge bites out of
many family budgets, and in state after
state, lawmakers are hearing strident
calls for tax relief.
Leaders of the league of cities and the
Municipal Finance Officers Association
discussed yesterday the national im-
pact of approval of Proposition 13, the
so-called Jarvis-Gann initiative.
THE INITIATIVE is named after tax
critic Howard Jarvis, 75, a onetime
newspaper publisher and munitions
maker who now heads a landlords'
association, and Paul Gann, a retired
realtor and tax reform activist.
It would limit property levies to one
per cent of market value, but an ad-
ditional one-quarter per cent would be
permitted temporarily to pay off local
bonds outstanding at the time of the
election. By cutting property taxes by a
statewide average of 57 per cent, an-
nual collections will drop from $12

billion to about $5 billion.
The city officials warned that tax-
payer efforts to impose ceilings on
property tax collections, or to eliminate
property taxes completely, would bring
chaotic cutbacks in government ser-
vices and reduce the ability of gover-
nments to borrow money.
PROPOSITION 13 has gained wide
approval in public opinion polls.
California officials say that if it passes,
the result will be broad cuts in
programs such as libraries, special
education and social services, and
significant reductions in education,
police and fire protection. Election day
is June 6. The new rate would go into ef-
fect would have an immediate impact
on local government revenues.
Some believe Proposition 13 may be a
blessing in disguise, at least for cities
outside California. Because Jarvis-
Gann style tax reform would force such
a radical shift in government financing,
this argument goes, reluctant state
legislatures will finally develop tax
plans to lessen the dependence of local
governments on property tax revenues.
The fiscal officials say alternative
budgets drafted by California budget
directors indicate dramatically
reduced services if the initiative
passes. They say the impact would be
similar in other states that may em-
bark on Jarvis-Gann style tax reform.
"In public education, the wage bill is
80 per cent of all spending," said John
Peterson fo the association. "You don't
have any choice. You have to punt


Women and Achievement
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tions women face as students and in planning
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