Page 4-Friday, June 2, 1978-The Michigan Daily omichigan DAILY Eighty-eight Years of Editorial Freedom 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI. 48109 Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 22-S News Phone: 764-0552 Friday, June 2, 1978 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan High Court chokes America's press W EDNESDAY THE Supreme Court seriously endangered the doctrine of freedom of the press. The court, by a 5-3 majority, said that under the Constitution, newspapers deserve no special im- munity from searches by warrants. A court- ordered subpoena gives a paper time to contest thecase on Constitutional grounds-but a warrant allows police to enter a newspaper's office unan- nounced and forceably take specified infor- mation. The High Court did not say that newspapers deserve absolutely no more consideration than other businesses when a decision is made to use either a warrant or a subpoena. But the court said newspapers cannot expect special consideration, leaving much discretion up to the individual judge issuing the warrant or subpoena. This has grave implications for the freedom of the press. The confidentiality of sources, necessarily sacrosanct to a journalist, will be greatly damaged by the decision. If police at any time can come into a paper's offices and ask to see cources, obviously a source will think twice before giving risky information to a reporter. Also, it's terribly easy for police to uncover other confidential information they weren't looking for when conducting a search. The ruling stems from a 1971 incident, when police searched the offices of the Stanford Daily News without a subpoena. Using only the power of a search warrant to forceably search and sieze materials, the police looked in vain for photographs that might have helped in identifying a group which had harrassed and injured police. Certainly, some judges will be cautioous in issuing a search warrant. But since the Stanford incident-reputed to have been the first case of police using warrants to seize information from a newspaper-other cases of forced searches have occurred in California, Montana and Rhode Island. Without the time period a subpoena allows a newspaper to contest the order to give infor- mation, the Pentagon Papers would never have been released. Information which helped the Washington Post uncover the Watergate scandal would have been snatched up long before publication, for example. The editor of the Stanford Daily News termed the decision "a sad day in the history of the American press." And with the new precedent, many more sad days for the press will undoub- tedly follow. SPRING SPORTS STAFF BOB MILLER ...................... ................ Sor Editor PAUL CAMPBELL. .......................ExecutiveS r Edito HENRY ENGELHARDT ........................ ...... Executive Sports Editor CUB SCHWARTZ ........... .................Executive Sports Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Gary Kicinski, GeoffLarcom, Dave Renbarger, Jamie Turner, ASSISTANT NIGHT EDI"LRS: E i sb pre, L z ac - Soviet dissidents Sotdsneed Jimmy Carter By Michael Arkush The Russians have done it again. Two weeks ago, theysen- tenced Yuri Orlov, a 53-year-old physicist and a prominent mem- ber of the dissident movement, to seven years of hard labor and five years of internal exile, meaning banishment from Moscow. Orlov, who was imprisoned for 15 months before he finally received a "trial," organized a group to monitor Soviet com- pliance with the human rights provisions of the 1975 Helsinki Conference. He was the only in- dividual who seemed capable of combining rival dissident fac- tions into one unified movement. THE RECENT Soviet action is not surprising if one reviews its long history of internal crack- downs, going back to the Stalin purges of the 1930s. Soviets have stacked Siberian labor camps with anyone they accused of "an- ti-Soviet agitation." Only a trickle of citizens who apply for emigration visas are allowed to leave the country. The Orlov case is part of an in- creasinglominous trend in Soviet internal policy. Ever since the Carter Administration assumed a tough stand on the human rights issue, the Soviets have begun to worry about the growing dissident movement. The Soviets fear the dissidents are en- couraged by Carter's policy's to intensify their struggle for human rights. Thus the Soviets are left with no alternative but repression of dissidents. Kremlin authorities decided to test Jimmy Carter to see if he was willing to risk an arms limitation agreement by con- tinuing his support for human rights. FIRST, THEY arrested leading dissidents Anatoly Shcharansky and Alexander Ginzburg. Carter and State Department dignitaries criticized the Russians but nothing was done to release them. The,Soviets subsequently apprehended numerous other dissidents who were very active in Moscow and Tbilsi. And the Russians have suc- ceeded. Carter has moderated his remarks on human rights. In or- der to secure a new SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) agreement. At Belgrade, where a conferen- ce was held earlier this year to speeches on human rights during the first few months of his presidency aroused many dissidents to criticize the soviet egime, and he cannot abandon them now. In SALT negotiations, Carter must let the Soviets know he won't tolerate continued mistreatment of dissidents. ... even when an arms agreement is reached, will it be worth 12 years of Orlov's and other dissidents'lives?' Orlov measure international complian- ce with the Helsinki accord, the U.S. delegation chided the Soviets, but eventually signed the final document which omitted any mention of the human rights violations. SO ORLOV is on his way to 12 years of incarceration and we still have no SALT pact. And even when an arms agreement is reached, will it be worth 12 years of Orlov's and other dissidents lives? The Soviets see he U.S. has weakened its human rights position, so they immediately seize the opportunity to continue purging the activists. As a token measure, the House of Representatives voted 399-0 to send to the senate a resolution asking the soviet Union to free Orlov-a measure which will ac- complish absolutely nothing. Carter must reaffirm his strong dedication to human rights, especially now when the Soviet dissidents are being harassed daily. His strong U.S. trade to Russia should be used to exert pressure on the Soviets. Carter and Congress should push a motion to restrict the sale of wheat and other com- modities to only nations which uphold basic human rights. Certainly, Carter would be severely criticized for risking a SALT accord but more importan- tly he must uphold the principles which this nation was founded on. Not only in Russia but throughout the world. Before he was arrested, Orlov was reportedly standing outside a courtroom where a political trial was taking place when he told New York Times Correspon- dent David Shipler, "If you're not careful, in 20 years what is hap- pening in there will be happening in your country." He may be right unless Jimmy Carter takes a firm stand to pr- otect democracy. Michael Arkush is a Daily staff writer. LETTERS TO THE DAILY: U.N. session merits attention To the Daily: The following telegram has been sent to President Jimmy Carter by persons attending the recent "Community Forum .on Arms Control" in Washtenaw County:' "We, the undersigned citizens of Washtenaw County, Michigan, meeting .. . with our Congressmen in a day-long coun- tywide 'Community Forum on Arms Control,' urge the United. tates government to give Special Session on Disarmament to be held in New York from May 23 to Junte 28, 1978. "This session, first of its kind in the history of the United Nations, comes at a time when world spending for arms has risen to more than one billion dollars a day. "As the country that exports more arms than any other nation and possesses the mightiest nuclear arsenal in the world, the offer credible disarmament initiatives and to give serious at- tention to proposals offered by other nations. "We demand an end to the ar- ms race." -Pamela S. Cubberly, Chairparson Forum Arrangements Committee First United Methodist church * Ann Arbor, Michigan : w I e et he a4*,ni . ,' lhlSioxn tc