Page 10-Thursday, May 4, 1978-The Michigan Daily
Carter energy plan makes gains
WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Carter's beleaguered energy program
made some headway in Congress
yesterday as a proposed natural gas
compromise appeared to pick up new
support and energy conferees announ-
ced they're ready to go public with it.
A meeting was set for today so House
and Senate negotiators can begin
takin'ormal action on a tentative
agreement that took more than five
months to draft in closed-door
natural gas from federal price controls
beginning Jan. 1, 1985.
At the same time, Sen. Russell Long,
chaiman of the Senate Finance Com-
mittee, hinted yesterday that his
previous obituary on the President's
crude oil tax - the other tough part of
the energy bill - may have been
The Louisiana Democrat said the
long-dormant conference committee on
the tax portions of the President's plan
will get underway now that agreement
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on natural gas prices seems to be im-
THE TAX WOULD make U.S. oil as
expensive as imported oil over a three-
year period and increase the cost of
gasoline and other petroleum products
by about seven cents a gallon.
Long said he now feels there is a
chance the tax can be revived.
However, he said winning approval for
it will be difficult and will take some
keen salesmanship by Energy
Secretary James Schlesinger.
"He's proven to be a good catalyst on
the natural gas bill," Long said, a
reference to the energy official's active
participation in drafting the proposed
gas-pricing compromise.
LONG SAID Schlesinger would also
be invited to participate in meetings of
the tax conferees.
Congressional sources said enough
votes now appear to be lined up to win
approval of the natural gas com-
promise - although it's still extremely
"It teeters back and forth. They may
have the votes now, but could easily
lose them again," said one
congressional aide who asked not to be
Ohio) a top House negotiator, told
reporters, "We would be very reluctant
to go to conference if we didn't have the
Earlier in the week, House leaders
acknowledged they were at least two
votes short of summoning the needed 13
votes among the 25 House conferees. It
was not immediately clear where these
additional votes were coming from.
S. African women suj
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa attention whenever a vacancy is called
(AP)-Black women waiting in lines at that officials have resorted to
an unemployment office to sign up for strongarm tactis with a sjambok (a
jobs have been whipped, beaten with traditional African whip) and water
rubber hoses and doused with water by jug."
government employees in the past two PLURAL RELATIONS Minister
weeks, a Johannesburg newspaper Connie Mulder said there would be an
reported yesterday. immediate investigation of the
"The incidents most frequently occur allegations in the report and vowed to
in the rush towards the office window take action if the charges prove true.
when a job vacancy is announced," the "If the facts are correct, I find such
Johannesburg Star reported. "It is in behaviour incredible," Mulder said.
the scramble to catch the supervisor's Three investigative sreporters for the
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PRUPOSE: To grow in God's love in a healthy, honest,
united and positive environment.
FOR INFO: CALL ART AT 769-6054, after 7 p.m.
newspaper, including a black woman,
charged in the story that "physical
violence and humiliation are being in-
flicted on the unemployed quite in-
discriminately" at a government labor
exchange office here. The reporters
said they witnessed the beatings on four
separate days at the government-run
West Rand Bantu Board.
THEY WROTE THAT the white head
of the female unemployment section,
identified as J. Cronje, and two black
assistants, beat the black women with
rubber hoses and sjamoboks.
Cronje also threw water on the job
A majority of Senate conferees has
supported the compromise. Several key
late-minute agreements reached by the
negotiators would:
-Allow pipeline companies to pass
on to consumers nearly all the extra
cost of shipping gas from Alaska to the
lower 48 states through the trans-
Canada gas pipeline when it is com-
pleted in the early 1980s.
-Exempt most food-processing plan-
ts from a provision, insisted on by
House conferees, that would make in-
dustrial users, and not homeowners,
absorb the initial brunt of the higher
cost of gas resulting from deregulation.
-Allow the industry to pass on all in-
creases in state severance taxes on
natural gas - but initially only to in-
dustrial users.
1fer abuse
seekers "in spite of the bitter cold," the
newspaper said, and the women were
"subjected to abusive language."
"We only do it to keep them away
from the window," the newspaper
quoted Cronje as saying in explanation
for the alleged beatings. "Sometimes
the black constables have to keep them
in line." The newspaper said he refused
to elaborate.
IT SAID SOME of the women
allegedly beaten were elderly, and
others were young women with babies
strapped to their backs.
(Continued from Page 1)
According to Hight, after Edwards
entered the house to get Wooten, the
police kicked in the back door and
rushed in with guns drawn. Wooten was
found in a basement furnace room and
handcuffed. He was not armed.
Following his capture, the police tur-
ned Wooten over to the Washtenaw
County Sheriff's Department. Wooten
was returned to the Washtenaw County
Jail on Hogback Road and lodged in a
maximum security cell. The Ann Arbor
police credited with his capture were
officers Johnson, Wright and Dye.
WOOTEN HAD BEEN convicted last
December of raping and beating a
young Ann Arbor woman. He was
prosecuted as an habitual criminal and
sentenced last Friday to a minimum of
60 years in prison without possibility of
Wooten made his escape two days
later, possibly with the help of other
prisoners. The Sheriff's Department
immediately launched an all-out search
for him. Wooten was spotted several
times Sunday but was not seen again
until his capture.
Wooten was the first prisoner to
escape from the new county jail since it
moved from its old.Ann Street location
ji dwntown Ann Arbor. .
Psalms 2:1 and Acts 4:25
Last week we promised that we would speak on the ABC's did we never know it, that when Jesusbegan H
of Christianity. This after stating most of us don't know the went back to his home town of Nazareth, wha
scriptures, or realize the Power of God nor the ABC's of the folks so mad that they took Him out of tow
Christianity. Here they are, consider them: off a precipice? But they did not know Who the
"A"- ABANDON SELF. "B"- BEAR THE CROSS. "C"- with, and He just walked away and left thenm
COMEAFTER ME.JESUS CHRIST,GODI Who we are dealing with in ourchurchanity
"A"- ABANDON SELF: The first thing the would be fo- believe In Christi Test it out with the questlo
ilower of Christ is called upon to do Is to "deny self.""Foxes John 5:44: "How can you believe, which rece
have holes, and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of one another, and seek not the honour that co
Man hath not where to lay His head;" and with these words only?
Jesus turned back one follower. - And to still another who "C" - COME AFTER ME: If we have not lea
said he wanted to follow after he had attended to some other the ABC's of Christianity it is because we neve
affairs: "He that putteth his hand to the plow and looketh the B's:I itla because we failed to learn the A
back Is not fit for the Kingdom of Heaven." Some one has deny self. In The Sermon on The Mount Je
written and expressed himself as believing that most of our every one that saith unto Me Lord, Lord,s
present day "revivals" are a farcel There are groundsfor such Kingdom of Heaven, but he that doeth the wi
an attitude: we call folks to join the Church, accept Christ, which is In Heaven. Many will say unto Mein1
without teaching and impressing upon them the ABC's of Lord, have we not prophesied in Thy Name? an
TheFaithl cast out devils? and in Thy Name done me
"B" - BEAR THE CROSS: Crossbearing does not mean works? And then will I profess unto them, I no
just patiently enduring the aches and pains and disap- depart from me, ye that work Iniquity." Ho
pointments and losses more or less common to allmen In the church members are definitely and deliberat
flesh, but rather the Cross of Christ means the rejection and fort day by day to learn of and to know Him, wt
suffering at the hands of an evil world, men, and devils life eternal? .
because of their hatred and rage against the righteousness "Let us head the conclusion of the whole ma
and holiness of God, His Word, Moral Law - Ten Com- and keep His Commandments; for this is the
mandments. man. For God shall bring every work Into ju
In John 7:7Jesus said: "The world hates Me, becausel tes- ' every secret thing, whether it be good, or whe
tify oftit, that the worksthereof are evil."Have we forgotten, or Eccles. 12:13,14.
is ministry and
it He said made
n to throw Him
y werefooling
i Do we know
?We think we
n He asked in
elve honour of
meth from God
rned the C's in
r really learned
's - abandon,
sus said. "Not
shall enter the
ll of My Father
that day, Lord,
d in Thy Name
any wonderful
ever know you;
w many of us
ely making ef-
hom to know is
atter: Fear God
whole duty of
dgement, with
ther it be evil."
P. O. BOX 405,DECATUR, GA. 30031