NAACP's Wilkins tied
is the unnamed black leader mentioned
by the FBI as having discussed with the
bureau the removal of Dr. Martin
Luther King as leader of the civil rights
movement, the Washington Post says.
The Post quoted unnamed sources
yesterday as saying Wilkins was the
leader referred to in a Dec. 1, 1964 FBI
memo that dealt with the bureau's
campaign to discredit King.
In addition to the Post report, the
Atlanta Constitution said yesterday
that a comparison of the FBI memo
with Wilkins' testimony to the Senate
Intelligence Committee indicates that
Wilkins may have been the leader who
met with the FBI.
Wilkins, retired executive director of
the National Association for the Advan-
cement of Colored People (NAACP),
was unavailable for comment. But his
wife Aminda, reached in New York
Tuesday, called the Post story an "ab-
solute fabrication."
"I heard him tell that to someone
else," she said.
The Post said that Wilkins told the
Senate Intelligence Committee staff in
1975 that the FBI memo was "self-
serving and full of inaccuracies."
Quoting informed sources, the Post
said FBI documents show hat Wilkins
met on Nov. 27, 1964 with Cartha
DeLoach, who then was FBI assistant
director. They discussed the bureau's
The Michigan Daily-Thursday, June 1, 1978-Page 3
to King ouster plan
attitude toward King, the Post report nonprofit Center for National Security
said. Studies.
DeLoach, now a business executive in In a telephone interview on Tuesday
New York, said in a memo written Nov. with the Atlant Journal, DeLoach said
27, 1964, that the meeting ended with he has "a vague recollection of some
Wilkins promising to "tell King that he black leader coming to see me. I don't
can't win in-a battle with the FBI and remember who he was. I have no idea
that the best thing for him to do is to what we talked about."
retire from public life." In her comments, Wilkins' wife said
FBI official J.A. Sizoo wrote the Dec. she and her husband knew the identity
1 follow-up memo and suggested fur- of a black leader who the FBI wanted to
ther action against King. Addressed to groom to take King's place as the
late FBI Assistant Director William nation's civil rights leader. But. she
Sullivan, it picked up some of would not reveal the person's identity.
DeLoach's Nov. 27 remarks but deleted She said she did not think the man
Wilkins' name. knew anything about it and that the FBI
The Sizoo memo was obtained under selected him because he would be
the Freedom of Information Acty by the "amenable to them."
'U' receives
grant to aid
The Andrew Mellon Foundation has
given the University $354,000 to support
the new composition program
developed in the Literary College
(LSA) to improve students' writing
The English Composition Board
(ECB) will use the grant to help run the
first year of its program designed to
counter what many educators have
described as an increasing inability
among high school and college students
to write well. Every ye
a cornucop
MOST OF THE award, $254,000, is to bangles spo
be used in the freshperson composition But alas
program, tutorial writing sessions, a another trin
writing workshop, upper level writing without-M
courses, and research on the teaching THE WH
of effective writing. The remaining dramino Wi
$100,000 from the New York foundation Michigan's
is marked for a series of conferences on I-94.
and workshops in high schools, com- M Go B
munity gatherings, and smaller yellow labe
colleges in southern Michigan and nor- Village Cori
thern Ohio. Rod Johnso
The program will extend writing in- been pretty
See 'U', Page 7Whenas
Coleman, V
Happenings .. .
.begin and end early today for all you
aspiring vampires with a lecture on "Current
Topics in Blood Banking", at the Towsley Center at
8:15 a.m.
Dogs denied equal protection
Gold fish don't have to be licensed. Cows don't
have to be licensed. Even marmoset monkeys don't
have to be licensed, so why are dog-owners forced
into paying 15 bucks a year in California to license
their dags? They won't have to, if Municipal Court
Judge Mario Gonzalez's ruling that Los Angeles
county's dog licensing law is unconstitutional is af-
firmed. "A cat owner has the option of whether or
not to license his car. Horses, cows, sheep,
monkeys, pigs, birds do not have to be licensed,"
said Judge Gonzalez in deciding Tuesday not to
issue an arrest warrant against a woman with an
unlicensed Afghan. This is a violation of the 14th
Amendment, claimed Gonzalez, which states that
no citizen of the U.S. would be denied "equal protec-
tion of the law." Perhaps a higher court will con-
r L
'To/ e, Hoamm
Go Blue'
ear University students and fans are
oia of maize and blue colored goodies
rting the all-too-familiar slogan 'M G
, that old slogan now graces the ex
ket designed to fill you with spirit fro
Go Blue wine.
KITE, SLIGHTLY sweet wine comes f
nery in Paw Paw which sits smack in
wine country, about 90 miles due west
lue wine, sold in a green bottle un
1 with large letters, has been sellinge
ners for only a week. Despite slow sal
an, a Village Corner worker, said "rew
good, nobody's been greatly outraged
sked why he named his wine "M Go
endramino Winery owner, said, "I th
wine full of spirit
sell." He said he saw bumper stickers with the slogan and
deluged with thought it would be nice to name a wine M Go Blue, and have
,baubles and all those people advertising my wine."
0 BLUE.' BUT TO COLEMAN the wine is more than a gimmick. "I
xterior of yet hope to win a gold medal with it (the wine) this year at the
)m within and State Fair," he said. "It's not a one shot type of deal."
from the Ven- Coleman,a full-time employee of the Ford Motor Co., said he,
the middleo plans to make the wine every year.
thef AnndArborNo stranger to vinological success, Coleman served his red
of Ann Arbor table wine-called "Red Table Wine." "No fancy labels in my
.der a simpl winery," he said-to the national governor's conference last
elusieleatyear and won a gold medal at the State Fair.
exclusivelyne Both Coleman and Village Corner expect the M Go Blue
ction to it has wine to do well this fall during the football season. Johnson
i about it" said he expects a number of repeat sales. Coleman put it this
aBlue, John way, "anyone who buys that first bottle for the name is going
aught it would to buy the second bottle for the taste, believe me."
sider giving the right to vote to mynah birds.
Spit it out
"I don't spit pretty, but I get it all out," says the
new tobacco spitting champion of the Webster
County Woodchopping Festival. "It's got to be in the
are of the tobacco," said champ Jerry Meadows of
Parcoal. "That's where you get your power."
Meadows was urged to enter the contest after
achieving a spit measured at 17 feet at the coal mine
where he works. "My buddies decided if I could do
that well in low coal, I should do even better out in
the open where I could get an arc on the tobacco
juice," said Meadows, who works for Sewell Coal
Co., Low coal is a seam of coal less than 36 inches
high. Meadows didn't do quite as well in the open as
he did in his mine, but his spit of 16 feet, six inches
won the contest. "Shucks, we thought it would take
20 feet to win," Meadows said. In winning the tile,
Meadows bested defending champion Ada Hamrick
of Shinnston, who spit 22 feet last year. "She took a
big chew and had too much juice to spit," suggested
Bill Gillespie, assistant state agriculture com-
missioner who served as festival emcee. "She
should have had half as much juice and gone for
A foreign substance
Police called it "the biggest pot bust in McAlester
history" until they found out that they had the
wrong weed. Two off-duty police officers paid three
Texas men $3,600 for 18 kilos of marijuana, the sur-
prised the men by arresting them. Then, the police
got a surprise. One of the 18 packages police seized
did contain marijuana. However, the rest were
filled with alfalfa. "I think what they had in mind
was to sell it to the first sucker and then get out of
town," officer Herbert McIntosh said of the men
arrested. "Every time I meet someone now, they
say, 'How are you, Alfalfa?' I guess this is the
biggest alfalfa bust in McAlester history."
On the outside ...
we've a beautiful day in store, with a high of
80 under sunny skies and a mild, westerly breeze.
Tonight's low of 59 will make it easy to get to sleep.
Look for increasing temperatures and'a chance of
WfC fYair iF 7T , ]aF;..aT t z" L3i " ";,,...:ii y .