l' 4 pn O lfJ~ YoM yor -. vli y1nrv~n 1 pi rbi Page 8-Thursday, May 4, 1978-The Michigan Daily MEETS MEXICAN LEADERS TODAY: Gas price issue plagues Vance WASHINGTON (AP) - Secretary of State Cyrus Vance, who left yesterday on a three-day visit to Mexico, will be able to offer nothing new on the two major problems in U.S.-Mexican relations, natural gas and illegal aliens, State Department officials say. Congress has not completed action on the gas pricing legislation President Carter proposed more than a year ago or on the legislation dealing with illegal aliens that he sent to Capitol Hill last August. MEXICO, WITH NEW gas fields being discovered almost monthly, wan- ts to sell to the gas-hungry United States. Several companies in Texas want to buy Mexican natural gas and resell it. But the Mexicans are determined to get a price of about $2.70 per thousand cubic feet for their gas, a figure pegged to the world price for an equivalent amount of fuel oil. The Texas gas distributors were willing to pay that price but the Carter administration refused to approve the contracts while it was asking domestic producers to settle for a controlled price of $1.75. Secretary of Energy James Schlesinger said the ad- ministration would allow no more than the $2.16 the United States now pays for some Canadian gas. WITH THAT, THE negotiations broke off. Mexican officials said Mexico would either use the gas itself or sell it elsewhere. But using the gas itself would require costly conversion of Mexican factory boilers. Selling it abroad would require costly equipment to liquefy the gas and ships to carry it. State Department officials, who asked not to be identified, said they believe Mexico has no better market than the United States and that a deal eventually will be struck. But they said Vance can offer no flexibility as long as Congress is deadlocked on the ad- ministration proposals. Similarly, Vance is unable to show much flexibility on the problem of illegal aliens. The administration's bills are just now coming before congressional hearings. CARTER IS ASKING Congress to make it illegal for employers to knowingly hire illegal aliens. He also is asking for an amnesty to illegals who arrived here before 1971. For those who came between 1971 and 1977, he is suggesting a partial amnesty that would allow them to stay in the United States for five years. He also wants to augment the Border Patrol and stop the flow of more illegals. More than a million illegal aliens wre caught along the Mexican border last year. Carter's proposals are not popular in Mexico. Mexican officials say the Mexicans are doing menial work that Americans don't want. They have suggested that Carter might better address the problem by legalizing the cyclical flow of workers. But, as with the gas-pricing issue, the administration is unwilling to negotiate with the Mexicans while it is negotiating on the same subject with Congress. So, Vance will listen. Officials said he is interested in the Mexican response to an American offer made in January to sponsor rural development loans for Mexico in the World Bank, on the theory that providing jobs in Mexico is the best way to end the migration of workers. z he'llworshi ( / v your goldenbody Long before there's summer sun you'll be a golden goddess with Tan -A -Mat, NASA-discovery, miracle Mylar keeps you warm in 500, yet won't get hot. Tarns richer, deeper, faster -- without burn. Light but rugged Sed ckor mney order. r use yur Bank-d. Americard or Mastercharge - include card number and expiration date. Mail to Tan-A-Mat, Suite 568, 745 ayer, lFair Haven, M! 48023. f TO BE A GODDESS OF TH E SUN * Nixon: Brezhnev tried to force Mideast pact CHICAGO (AP) - Former President Richard Nixon says Soviet Premier Leonid Brezhnev, at their second sum- mit meeting, tried to get him to impose a Mideast peace settlement on Israel, based on Arab terms. In an excerpt from his book "RN: The Nixon Memoirs" published in today's editions of the Chicago Tribune and other newspapers, the former President says the conversation oc- curred on June 22, 1973, during their stay at Nixon's San Clemente, Calif., home. EARLIER IN THE day, in Washington, the two leaders had signed a treaty renouncing the use of force between the United States and the Soviet Union. The former President writes that he was reading in bed that night when Brezhnev knocked at his door wanting to talk. "For the next three hours we had a session that in emotional intensity almost rivaled the one on Viet Nam during Summit I," Nixon writes. "I pointed out that there was no way I could agree to any such 'principles' without prejudicing Israel's rights." NIXON SAID OF their first meeting in Moscow on May 22, 1972, that Brezhnev's initial "tone was cordial but his words were blunt." The main issue at the, meeting was the renewed American bombing of Haiphong and Hanoi in North Viet Nam. The first summit resulted in agreements on cooperative space ex- ploration and an anti-ballistic missile treaty, and the Interim Offensive Agreement, setting a temporary freeze on the numbers of intercontinental ballistic and submarine-launched missiles. Nixon said he feels the hardest fought battle of the third summit meeting oc- curred in Washington and involved U.S. opponents of the talks. Liberals, he said, were angered by Soviet repression of dissidents, while conservatives wan- ted to limit trade with the Soviets or ban it altogether. AND HE SAYS the military feared the summit meeting "might actually succeed in producing a breakthrough on limiting offensive nuclear weapons or a limited nuclear test ban." Nixon added: "This convergence of anti-detente forces would have existed regardless of any domestic political problems. But Watergate had badly damaged my ability to defuse, or at least to circumvent them." He added, however, that he does not feel his Watergate problems had any major effect on the meeting itself. OFFICE OF MAJOR EVENTS presents WARREN ZEVON WED., MAY 24, POWER CENTER, 8 P.M. RESERVED SEATS $7, $6 Tickets go on sole Thursday, May 4, at Mich. Union Box Office (763-2071) Mon.-Fri. 11: 30-5:30. No personal checks. Please, no smoking and beverages In auditorium. ALL KINDS OF FOLKS ENJOY BELL'S PIZZA! S. State and Packard CALL 995-0232 Open from 1 o.m. to 1 a m. FREE DELiVERY From 4:30 p.r