The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, May 31, 1978-Page 5
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Alimony laws discriminatory?
MS. PRIMUS, on behalf of the ACLU,
HINGTON (AP) - The Supreme denies him and all other divorced men NOTING THE "detrimental aspects informed a group of welfare mothers
said yesterday it will decide equal protection under the law, attor- of face-to-face selling," Justice Lewis that they could sue their doctors for
er laws providing alimony neys for Orr said. Powell Jr. said for the court that "the performing involuntary sterilizations.
nts only for divorced women potential for overreaching is signfican- Ms. Primus offered free ACLU legal
iinate against divorced men. ELEVEN OTHER states have laws tly greater when a lawyer, a services to one of the women.
ustices also ruled that lawyers providing alimony only for women, and professional trained in the art of per- Her action, said Powell, "comes
Ily may not drum up business by those laws hang in the balance of the suasion, personally solicits an un- within the generous zone of First
ally contacting potential clients high court's eventual decision. The sophisticated, injured or distressed lay Amendment protection reserved for
t lawyers for non-profit groups states are Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, person." - associational freedoms. The ACLU
so when seeking "litigation as a Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, New Chralik, who was disbarred after 'engages in litigation as a vehicle for ef-
e for effective political ex- York, South Carolina, South Dakota, asking two young women seriously hurt fective political expression and
n." Tennessee and Wyoming. in a car accident for perpission to file a association, as well as a means of
In a pair of decisions, the justices lawsuit for them, had charged that communicating useful information to
HE ALIMONY case, the court drew a distinction between lawyers who Ohio's ban on such solicitation in- the public."
idy the validity of an Alabama solicit clients "for pecuniary gain" and fringed on his free-speech rights. The court's vote in Ms. Primus' case
aking only women potential those who volunteer free legal help to Powell also wrote the court's opinion was 7-1, with Justice William Rehnquist
nts of alimony. further the goals of an association wuch that provided the ACLU and other civil dissenting.
am Orr, a San Francisco as the American Civil Liberties Union. rights groups with a significant victory. REHNQUIST SAID he didn't see any
s executive charged with being The court unanimously refused to In it, the court ruled that South Carolina substantial difference in the two cases
in alimony payments to his ex- back down from traditional bans on so- was wrong to apply its disciplinary involving lawyers.
in Alabama resident, charges called "ambulance chasing" by rules to Edna Smith Primus, who was In other matters yesterday, the
elaw fosters sex discrimination. lawyers as it upheld the disbarment-of publicly reprimanded by the state's court:
lates the Constitution because it Cleveland attorney Albert Chralik. Supreme Court. -Agreed to study a request from
- Massachusetts authorities that it
" " "significantly relax the restrictions now
ax cut esecretly visitedimposed on police searches. Ina case
G R... that could lead to a watering-down of
the court's Miranda ruling on the rights
of criminal suspects, the justices said
lanoi for U.S. relations talks they will decide whether suspects'
statements ruled inadmissible as trial
G KONG (AP) - A Paris-based Western diplomats here say could has maintained that the cornerstone of evidence may be used to justify a sear-
Manhattan bank executive made make Hanoi much more anxious to its foreign policy is not to be dependent ch warrant.
t trip to Hanoi last month and establish normal diplomatic ties with on any single power. -Agreed to decide under what cir-
ith top Vietnamese officials to the United States. cumstances poor persons charged with
normalization of relations with ONE SOURCE said the Chinese ONE OF THE stumbling blocks to minor crimes are entitled to court-
nited States, a well-informed would probably be happy to see a nor- normalization has been Vietnam's appointed lawyers. At issue in a case
n source said yesterday. malization between Hanoi and demand for war reparations from the from Chicago is whether free legal aid
source said Ridgway Brewster Washington, a move that in their eyes Americans. Western analysts say should be given to all persons facing a
, a former American diplomat would undercut the Russian influence Hanoi now may. be ready to drop the possible prison sentence.
w Chase Manhattan's director of in Vietnam. demands, which have been rejected by -Ruled, in effect, that television and
ational relations in Europe, Diplomatic observers say the Soviet the United States. radio stations are under no obligation to
a week in Vietnam and returned Union, on the other hand, would un- The last round *of U.S.-Vietnamese provide air time to persons opposed to
personal message for President doubtedly try to use its influence in diplomatic talks was last December product commercials. The court let
Hanoi to prevent any trade nor- and the next formal meeting is expec- staqnd rulings that the "fairness doc-
MESSAGE reportedly con- malization with the United States. ted to be later this year, although no trine" imposed on broadcasters almost
several suggestions for relaxing Vietnam's Communist government date is set. never applies to commercials.
of U.S. trade restrictions against Viet-
nam, an intermediate step leading to
resumption of relations between the
two countries which were at war until
the North Vietnamese conquest of
South Vietnam on April 30, 1975.
In New York, a bank spokesman con-
firmed that Knight made a trip to Hanoi
late last month; but described it as "ex-
ploratory, and on bank business." The
spokesman said he could comment no Th
further. yo
But the highly reliable source here, wi
who asked not to be identified, said in
Knight ranged over broader topics con- I
cerning U.S.-Vietnamese relations.
IT WAS NOT clear whether the trip tra
was made with the tacit approval of the be
Carter administration to test the yo
prospects for normalization, or whether tic
it was a project of Chase Manhattan's ch
world-traveling President David Cr
Rockefeller, known for his ventures in Es
personal diplomacy. Li
Knight served as U.S. ambassador to
Belgium from 1965-69. He joined the
bank in 1973. The source saidr .
Rockefeller has used him on special
assignments in the past. .
Disclosure of Knight's trip came at a
time of souring relations between Viet-
nam and China, a development that
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