The Michigan Daily-Saturday, May 27, 1978-Page 13 (Contnued from Page 12) ~.RIDING LESSONS. Exprienced, qualifie inltruc- SECOND CHANCE-Music and Meal Deal. Eatlin tar-leainer. 482-4579 evenings. SS,1527 rsauarantlSun-Thars beween 4and 9p.m. and enter WANT TO FLY AS ANAIRLINE FLIGHT ATTEND- nigh club free. ____plc ANT'? Oar Newsleter and Information Packet will Operation Smile: kep younupataed. FREE INFORMATION. Call aolt-Free: I-OW-634-617. Mn-Fri. Skyline, 1515 E. Naw trougk May 30. Trnpicana, Suite 727MI, Las Vegas,NV 89109. 26,527 AVON-662-4401 -- . cFtc PARTY SERVICE-We will sel-np, serverand clean up at you artey. 66-7297. 4GJ527 OFFSET AND XEROX FASlTLLtW COT DUPLICATING COPY QUICK-769-0560 1215.tUnversty CUSTOM T-SHIIRTS--We gal 'em. Many styles. Many colors. Lettering available. Also lear ni forms. The. Ian Skop in Ike Ann Arkar Ian. S a a.8p m.cFtc WE NEED) creative sunnmer nupervision far 8 year old Alec. Room and'board in Ann Arkor far summer in exckange. Salary negotiable. Ref evences re- quested. Callk665-9458 ate7p.m. 13E527 RICEMAN FOR COINGRSS5 wants to ire brigkt ca-campaign manager.CaIt Ray Rickman at 3113- 962-0113 or 822-1139 toe details. 251H531 HtOUSEKEEPER, tll-time. temporary, same week- ands. Apply in person to Univesity Towers. 536 S. Forest. An Equal tOpportunity Employer. la116S SUBJECTS WANTEDS Earn $t in car kane. Participate in interesting researek an kuman memory. Call im, 763-0044 between 9Sam.-5 p.m. 5OH615 STUDE'NTS-Sparetime ark available, Wrie G. Hal, 2417 L-I-T-W,.688 UM, Yp.silanti, MI 48197, ptaH609 WE NEED CREATIVE summer supervision foe year old Ales. Roam and koard in Ann Arkor far summer in exckange. Salary negotiable. References requested. Call 665-458afterl7p.m. 7111527 WtORK-STUDSY STUDENT needed to transcribe and type lectures on Near Eastern literature. laces tlexible. Contact Prot. Windfuhr, 764-03t14. 01-1755 PER~iSONWANTEDI a-days weekly Ior ligbt bocore-cesaning. C'all after 5. btA5-08917. 8211527 BI ltYSITTEIO N.E. Any Arbor. toe girl. 9, and los.2.tLive-inpreferrrtd,useofciarcanobe arrangetd. C:all collect t-54-166ttt. t-S pem. and on wet-beads. 87115277 AtANT11-IIf- kIELAOI.EItIDRIVERI toe wy 1974ilat. ;u t o-s alilerosa in ,June-July. tall 971-2417. 90115277 1"1111h:t[:I1%lBOSTOtN te 1-7f 0 J. 751 , ld l t ()eee e.. Ilrteseo. .MA I AICII. t~NSCIETI~tC e-ieleot acagees. set n;)-iin nsma ll group hoteooler adult 10 Aces Aebsee. tootd 5salaryplus roomw andset rd O otasc.1.I Ve-plank at +94-7tttt. 70115277 IA AlIIME JANITiIIOIAL WOIRK close tee camspus. C alt I 7SS 91)1, eseniogo SnloreItt. 71531 Models and Clerks wianted, Apply is person. 215 S. PFourtb Act. 5711607 TOIPLESS WAITRESSES WANTED. Days. Call be- tween 11-7.434a-45ws. 411531 (WANTED) -COLLEG(E representatives toe 2 major breweries. Part-time on campus promotional ac iviis. Mus be energetic andstutgoing. Tremn dousexperience itk builtininceties.Send resumes to P.O1. Sax M-1366l, Ann Arbor, MI 481W6. 731-1603 IIPENING SOON---E, William and Tbompson.- SACA TACOt. Noo-iring counter, cook. mainten- avcer. Apply within or call99-01405, 6411571, 0UafJI:'T.0 WANTEI11 Earnr9:3 isnstar bor.Participate in interes.ting researekchaon tuman memory. Call im, 761-10144 b o n 9a.m5pm 5011571 Ji n Th eD a ilY TYPING. Any kind of manusript. Selctrie type- wtee.1117-.5979. 70lJ57 WANT TOIPLY AS AN AIRILINE PLIGHT ATTEND- ANT. Oun New.lItter and Information Packet will keep you updated. FREE INFOIRMATIOIN. Call Toll-Free: 1-800-6.34-6167, Mon-Fri. Skyline, 1515 E. Tropicana, Suile727MI, Las Vegas. NV a89109. 26J527 PROIFESSIOINAL Typing.,lDissertattiotns, Teem Papers. Legal Brefs. flates reasonatble. OCtl1 Judie. 4:34-562t6 TYPING-Professional/student rastes. Fast. reliabtle service. Ask toerSBartara, 665-4201. 24 boors. cJtc Professional direction---heses papers. 557-2755. cJtc PROFESSIONAL TYPING J&J COPYING/TYPING SERVICES We bandle dissertatioens, resumes. legal,. term papers. Rackhbam Quality guaranteed. 1202 S. University 7 days 662-6401 LOtS ANGELES. June 22nd. licensed dreivers only. 094-394.891306 WANTED-1 used 10tsopteed bike in decent ceonditioen. Ca 11662-9:3248oa 761-590, 1.2 WIND BREAKERS 406 E.LiertyattDitisisn MUST SELL 197t Impala, V-8. pawer steering and brakes, needs lone-op. $300.6681-77w1. 84N527 1172 DATSUN 240Z, 2611010 miles, mefallic Pacific blue. AM-FM cassette stereo, Jennen coaxial speak- ers, new Bilstein gas nkock, 4 new Gonodyear radials. New exkaust system. Annen Sprint magnesium wheels. Very good condition, Ziebarted. Many lane- ing accesso-ries. $3,519.662-9854 after 1. Ask foerirk. 07N602 1971 DATSfIN 120,.35 MPG, $551.663-7880. 77N525 7. MUSTANG II, autamatie. AM-FM radio, one onelowmileagesrxcllenttloatin. Contact Mobeen at1665-438or662-9498. 19N60l2 ROAD, EARTH, FENDER amps.; SM and PE micropkones; Gibson 110, Leo Pact guitars and more. Aplo Music Center, 769-140(1. pexte CLASSICAL. GUITARSti- 401 tell list. 665i-73148. exte PEVEY SASS AMP..,71111w- llts.oe15 in. speaber. Call Dennis, 761-94311. pexte UISED MAR8TIN D1-l with case, like new. Call D~on, 761-9431. pcXtc CLASSIC METAL (CLARINET toe sate. Virtually impossible In find. $38 or best tfter. Josh, o66t- 7911. dX527 LOOKING FOtS STEREO?. Try Academic Audio Io lbe towest prices in laws. 6655-151, ask far John. AKt: NtORWEGIAN ELKEHOU~ND PUP1S.tiGood wastchdogs, goodelwith cbildrena. Call 48:1-597:1 alter 10 a~mdTc We're Gonna Put Avon On Everybody's Lips. 662-4401 cMtc CAMPUS APARTMENT, great location. One minute ernm campus. July-August sublet. Call 615-7771. dU531 SUBLET-June Ia August, 2-bedroom modern apartment, furnished. air, cupboard, laundry. Campus area. $160/month. 761-9477. 17U06 I BEDROOM EFFICIENCY formonth of .July. Motre time is optional. 5 min.ftam campus..662- 164t11 55U527 NEED FEMALE subletter for lovely apartment, 817 per month, saw tilt September. Call 995-3970. dU537 SUBLET Roams k Rottmmates- -Immediately I k 2 Bedroom Apartments-July-Aug. Furnished, on-campus locatiosa Modern Apartments AVAILABtLE IMMEDSIATELY Roomtsnin bouse sea campus Call 018-6981 M/F ROOIMMATE needed in house witb 4 people. 2 min. from UM campus. Dishwasher, sun deck, garage. Ca11769-2173.15Y527 Join The Daily SBirth defects are forever. Unless you help. TO PROTECT THE UNBORN' AND THE NEWBORN March of Dimes GET INTO THE SWIM OF THINGS THIS SUMMER! Summer Subscription prices: "--.--------------------...-n $6.50 Spring /Summer Term (1ll) h _______________________________1 $7.00 by mail outside Ann Arbor (Please Print) Lnst Name First Middle ntil 3.0Srng(ia 1a nOut of Town Subscribers CityStae Zp Mut bPe-p y,!