Page 6-Saturday, May 27, 1978-The Michigan Daily U.S. ready for neleae ,st deal WASHINGTON (AP) - The Carter nuclear tests, citing fears that the Control and Disarmament Agency, told was signed in 1963. The 1963 acc administration is ready to negotiate a Soviets might cheat undetected. Jones reporters yesterday that the duration of bans tests in the atmosphere and five-year treaty with the Soviet Union also said U.S. warheads need to be the proposed test ban is one of the derwater, but not underground. to ban nuclear explosion tests, ad- tested periodically for reliability. issues that would have to be resolved in ministration sources said yesterday. The military fears are the major negotiations. Great Britain will also be asked to reason that the administration is However, the Americans and the THE AMERICANS were unwill sign such an agreement, according to seeking a five-year agreement and is Soviets have clearly resolved most of then to an all testing unless the Sovi the sources, who asked not to be iden- unwilling to accept an indefinite test the major obstacles to a comprehensive allowed inspectors into their country tified. ban the sources said test ban, which they have been balking check on compliance. The Sovi THE ADMINISTRATION decision to about since the partial test ban treaty refused. press ahead was made despite objec- PRESIDENTIAL press secretary tions by the military, particularly Gen. Jody Powell, traveling with President e fc David Jonea of the Air Force, the in- Carter in the Midwest, said the ad- coming chairman of the Joint Chiefs of ministration decided an agreement of Staff. "limited duration would be Jones told a congressional committee preferable." EAST LANSING (UPI) - Attorney "The U.S. government has had last week that he opposed a total ban on Paul Warnke, head of the U.S. Arms Zolton Ferency saidyesterdaythat U.S. bury radioactively contarinat ord un- ing iets y to ets to ted Gromyko urges U.S. to ban neutron bomb (ContinuedUtrom Pagel1 Soviet bloc-superiority in Europe makes the weapon less desirable to the Soviets. ON ANOTHER subject, Gromyko said there were "grounds to expect a successful completion" of Soviet-U.S.- British talks in Geneva to prohibit nuclear tests underground as they are already banned, by a 1963 U.S-Soviet agreement, in the air and under the sea. Sources in Washington said yesterday that the administration was ready to negotiate a five-year general test ban treaty. Gromyko, meanwhile, said "possibilities exist for resolving the remaining issues" concerning a new strategic arms limitation treaty-SALT II-on which he will negotiate with Car- ter and Secretary of State Cyrus Vance in Washington this weekend. Gromyko declared that immediately after signing SALT II, "the Soviet Union would be ready to enter into negotiaions which should lead-with all the necessary factors taken into ac- count-to a substantial. reduction-I repeat reduction-of the levels of strategic arms and to a further limitation of their qualitative improve- ment." Rep. Lucien Nedzi, at his request, has agreed to explore the feasibility of using military nuclear waste disposal sites for the deposit of PBB- contaminated cattle. "Representative Nedzi has agreed to ask the Intelligence and Military Ap- plication of Nuclear Energy. Subcom- mittee to look at the feasibility of burying the remains of poisoned cattle in already contaminated waste disposal sites," Ferency said. The East Lansing Democrat, a can- didate for governor and attorney for 12 demonstrators arrested at the state's PBB burial pit near Mio, said the federal depositories already are con- taminated. materials on more than one occasion and I don't see why we should have to contaminate even more ground by burying poisons in Michigan," Ferency said. "FOR EXAMPLE, it may be possible to reduce PBB-poisoned cattle to ashes without producing toxic fumes and then bury the ashes in ground that will be contaminated and useless for thousan- ds of years." The Michigan Supreme Court has, at least temporarily, halted the state's plan to bury contaminated animal car- casses at the huge Mio pit. Area residents fear PBB will seep from the clay-lined pit into their water supply. 'Memoirs' not selling SPECIAL THIS WEEKEND M Pinl 6owling -B0illiards at Reduced Rates Saturday, Sunday, and Monday Open 1 PM MICHIGAN UNION (Continued fromPagel) don't want to support a "crook." "It is because of the author. They just don't want to contribute to a crook," said an employee of the Community Newscenter. Besides refraining from purchasing the Memoirs, some students have been delighted to hear that the book is not very successful. "MOST PEOPLE seem happy when they hear the book is not getting any money," said Jo Fischer, an employee at the Centicore Bookshop. The Community Newscenter repor- "WHY DO THE HEATHEN RAGE?" Psalms 2:1 and Acts 4:25 Webster says "a heathen is one who does not believe In the God of The Bible." This fits In with what God says in the Second Psalm concerning the heathen. The great Protestant denominations such as Lutheran, Episcopal, Methodist, Presbyterian, etc., were founded and developed by men who believed in The God of The Bible, that the Scriptures of The Old and New Testaments are the infallible Word of God, the Supreme Authority for Faith and Practice. Or, in other words, "The Law and The Testimony" "Bind up the Testimony, and seal The Law among my dis- ciples - Should not a people seek unto their God? For the living to the dead? To The Law and The Testimony: if they speak not according to this word, itlIs because there is no light in them." Isaiah 8:16, 19, 20. The Law and The Testimony were the great Foundation Stones of The Reformation of the 16th century begun by Luther, and established by Calvin, Knox, and other mighty men inspired by God. The same great Foundation Stones, The Law and The Testimony, were also the basis of the 17th century Revival and Reformation, sometimes called the Puritan Reformation. The Law and The Testimony were words frequently on the lips of John Wesley, and were the great Foundation Stones of the 18th Century Revival led by Wesley, and which Revival saved England from experiences similar to those of France at the time of her Revolution when the streets of Paris ran with blood, and which Revolution was greatly contributed to by Voltaire and his cohorts as they mocked, despised, and rejected The Law and The Tes- timonyt Not only did the Wesleyan Revival greatly bless England, but its fire leaped across The Atlantic Ocean and kindled itself in North America by thehands of such men as Whitfield, Asbury, Coke, Jonathan Edwards, and others, and spread rapidly over our country, producing such men in political and civil life as George Washington, Patrick Henry, etc. Patrick Henry "cried aloud, spared not, lifted up his voice like a trumpet:" "Give me liberty, or give me death!" As an in- dividual have often thought of and thanked God for what Patrick's zeal and efforts, along with kindred spirits, has meant to me personally, and our nation, but have often thought that he "stopped short," and should have gone further and said "Give me righteousness, or give me death," for without the "righteousness of God imputed tous by faith" we go to death in time, and in eternityl Liberty without righteousness usually produces "license," which in turn produces and provokes the "wrath of God" upon men and national Through the blessings of God which have come from our rich and godly heritage we have freedom and liberty, which we have turned into "licensel" The great and inspired men of God mentioned above were all in one accord in one respect "They believed in The God of The Bible." Not only that "it contained The Word of God," but it "was The Word of God." They accepted at face value the first recorded words spoken by Christ after His baptism by John, and They Holy Spirit visibly descending upon Him from heaven in the form of a dove: "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by "EVERY WORD" that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Matthew and Luke 4:4. In TheSecondPsalmGodsays:"Ask of Me, andi shall give TheetheheathenforThneinheritance."Thiswasaddressed to "His K ing H e set up," butsurely it is appropriate and pleas- ing to God for us to make this same prayer in Christ's Name, for His sakel ted yesterday that they have failed as yet to sell any copies. They received twelve copies of the book last week and have no plans to order any more. Most book store owners deny that the book's relatively high price has been a significant deterrent. They concede a few more books might be sold if the price were reduced, but the difference would not be substantial. One local book store, B. Dalton, reported the book is selling very well. The store's owner, Nick Tanis, said the store has sold 20 copies in 20 days. "The Nixon book currently ranks second on our best seller list nationwide among our more than 300 stores," said Tanis. The manager of Border's said he believes the fact that most people ex- pect the Nixon book to be very "unrevealing" is a key reason for its failure to sell. "I agree that people have a feeling what the Nixon book is going to say, and they don't need to buy it," said Joel Gable, manager of Borders. our PREPARE FOR: th MCAT "fOAT " [SAT " GRE GMAT' -OCAT-VAT- SAT NMB 11,11,I, ECFMG-"FLEX-VQE NAT'L DENTAL BOARDS NURSING BOARDS Flexible Programs & Hours There Is a difference!! KAP N EDUCATIONAL CENTER Test Preparation Specialists Since 1938 For information Please Call. (313) 662.3149 For Locations in Other Cities, Call TOLL FREE: 800-223-1782 P. O. BOX 405, DECATUR, GA. 30031