The Michigan Daily-Saturday, May 27, 1978-Page 3
GM plans defense for
S. African
General Motors Corporation
developed a secret contingency plan
last summer for the defense of their
South African operation in the event of
race riots in that country.
The plan has drawn a variety of
comments from those on and off cam-
pus who have been involved in the year-
long debate about University invest-
ments in corporations which do
business in South Africa.
Released last week by the Interfaith
Center on Corporate Responsibility
(ICCR), the plan indicates that General
Motors South Africa (GMSA)
executives expect the entire auto in-
dustry in South Africa to be taken over
by that country's Ministry of Defense if
a national emergency were declared.
The document, dated July 20, 1977,
also shows that the South African
government requested GMSA to supply
several types of trucks "for Defense
Force purposes."
GMSA executives expressed concern
in the document that "refused to com-
ply (with the South African govern-
ment's request) might be interpreted
as reflecting doubt on the motives of the
Company." The report stated this
"could lead to direct loss of other
government business and seriously af-
fect GM South African's share of the
vehicle market and very likely threaten
its viability."
GM OFFICIALS have confirmed the
sale of trucks to the South African
government. The trucks, indicated in
the document were sold to the gover-
nment's central purchasing facility. A
GM spokesman said GM didn't make
military vehicles, but the government
adapts the trucks for whatever purpose
they want.
The University, which owns more
than $1.8 million worth of GM stock is
being pressured by a variety of groups
and individuals to sell all investments
in corporations which do business in
South Africa.
These groups insist that American
corporations operating in South Africa
See GM, Page 7
Three tribes sue 'U'
Three Indian tribes - the Chippewa,
the Ottawa and the Potawatomy - who
have filed a lawsuit against the Regents
claiming that under a 160-year-old
treaty the University should provide
free education to the tribes will have
their case heard on August 21, after
seen years of waiting.
In what has been termed by the court
as a class action lawsuit, the Indians
claim that under the 1817 Treaty of Fort
Meigs, in which several thousand acres
of Indian land was transferred to
whites, a trust was created for the
benefit of the tribes involved.
As a result, the Indians further claim
that the University is obligated to
provide free elementary, secondary
and higher education to the members of
the three tribes concerned.
THE INDIANS charge that the
University has neglected its fiduciary
obligations as trustee of the alleged
trust. They seek to replace the Univer-
sity as trustee with Paul Johnson, an
Indian activist.
Roderick Daane, the University's
general counsel, will argue that trust
does not exist and the land was an
outright gift.
Elmer White, the Ann Arbor attorney
who is handling the case for the In-
dians, said he has "put seven years of
his life into this lawsuit." He has done
extensive research on the subject and
claims that Article 16 of the Fort Meigs
Treaty confirms the trust and the
University responsibility to provide
education to the Indians.
"I would think a university with
veritas (truth) in its motto would want
to know the truth about its beginnings,"
said White.
The Indians also ask that the Univer-
sity, along with providing education,
include books, supplies, shelter, food,
clothing, medical and dental care.
Circuit Court Judge Edward Deake
has declared August 21 the day of the
trial's commencement. The lawsuit
was filed on August5, 1971.
Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
From here to eternity
Two sunbathers enjoy a moment of solitude in the quietest of all places.
Holiday closings
There are plenty of closings and cancellations to
note because of the holiday. And topping off the list
is us! The Daily will take a vacation too, we won't
publish Tuesday, but we'll be back on your doorstep
bright and early Wednesday morning.- Also, the
UGLI, the Graduate Library, and the Public
Library will all be closed both Sunday and Monday.
A smoking escape
Like a modern-day Hansel dropping a trail of
bread crumbs, a kidnapped driver threw cigarettes
onto an LA freeway from the back of his truck as
two hijackers piloted the delivery van. You see,
Dave August was making a delivery to a liquor
store in an LA suburb when he was grabbed by two
men and thrown in the back with a load of cigaret-
tes. August decided to bail out, but the smokes were
between him and the rear door, so he pitched them,
leaving a trail three-quarters of a mile long. But
motorists, rather than come to his rescue, stopped
to help themselves to the freebies until August him-
self tumbled out onto the road. August is okay but
the LA motorists are a few smokes closer to the
Happenings ...
. . begin this Memorial weekend with a piano
recital in the Union at 10 this morning ... at 1 p.m.
at the Sawan Kirpal Ruhani Mission on Hill St., J. S.
Khanna will speak on "The Surate Shabd
Yoga-The Science of the Soul" ... SUNDAY,
the Outing Group will meet at the Huron Street en-
trance to Rackham at 2 p.m. . . . at 7:30 and 9:30
Cinema Guild will present free showings of D. W.
Griffith's Way Down East . .. MONDAY, you
can start your holiday off bright and early by
joining Audubon Society member Dave Baker for a
trip to Ohio to see Kentucky Warblers, Lark
Sparrows, and other good stuff-meet at the Pit-
tsfield School parking lot at 7 a.m.. .. a little later
in the day, 1 p.m., you can attend the Hillel picnic in
the -Arb, meet .at tGeddes Rd. entrance - . . other,
than that, just enjoy your vacation.
Keeping your cow's head above
Dixie Whitaker had to take the bull by the horns
when she looked out her window and observed her
prize Brown Swiss swallowing her swimming pool.
As a herd of bull heifers stood watching the perfor-
mance, Whitaker fearlessly rushed out to hold the
bull's head above water until the fire department
arrived, and dragged it to the shallow end. Neither
Whitaker nor the bull were available for comment.
On the outside
Today will be sunny, hot and humid, with ahigh
this afternoon of 88, and a humidity to match.
Tonight's low will be a muggy 65. More of the same
is expected for Sunday, with a high near 90, and
rising humidity. There is a chance of rain in the af-
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