The Michigan D U.N. forces gear up in-Le TYRE, Lebanon (AP) - "I have Menegaux, said "many gunmen" were Jean Germain Salvan, the 46-year-old never seen a battle,so confused like it. killed. commander of the 1,233-man French There was shooting everywhere, and French U.N. forces in southern force, the largest and best equipped everyone was shooting at everyone." Lebanon beefed up their positions among the United Nations contingents. A French army spokesman yesterday yesterday following the fighting, which Salvan, who lost an eye in the Algerian thus described a series of clashes bet- began when the Moslem extremists war, was hit by five bullets that caused ween Moslem extremists and U.N. for- ambushed a French patrol. multiple fractures of the legs and hips. ces in which a Senegalese soldier, two Menegaux said the two-hour battle "Most of the bullets have been French troops and a Palestinian were was the worst since the U.N. Security removed, and the colonel is off the killed. Council dispatched troops to southern criticial list," a U.N. spokesman said. TWELVE FRENCH soldiers were Lebanon last month. It raised the total A U.N. force of nearly 4,000 French, wounded in the fighting Tuesday night, number of peackeepeers killed to eight. Senegalese, Iranian, Nepalese, Swedish and the spokesman, Capt. Jean AMONG THE WOUNDED was Col. and Norweigian troops was formed to Diggs'defense raises,$, 000 Detroit Mayor Coleman Young, 26 in Washington when the Michigan By MICHAEL ARKUSH Michigan Secretary of State Richard Democrat will face charges that he in- A Detroit attorney yesterday said Austin and several congressmen from lated salaries of staff members and over $7,000 has been privately raised to other states, accepted a kickback of some of the fund the legal defense feed of Rep. Millender claims Diggs, who has ser- money from them. Charles Diggs (D-Detroit), the ved 12 terms in Congress, has provided Michigan congressman charged with an excellent service to his community defrauding the government of $101,000. warrants public assiastance for his The attorney, Robert Millender, who case. heads a committeeto solicit money for MILLENDER SAID the committee's Diggs' defense fees, said the funds primary goal is to raise funds for Diggs" came from private donations and were and denied the committee would get in- not part of the official fundraising cam- volved in any section of the 35-count in-4 paign. He indicated that no money has dictment against the congressman. yet been collected from the campaign. Millender did, however, say he believed MILLENDER SAID the campaign that Diggs would be exonerated. But he has begun, however, and the first public insisted that was his personal opinion fundraiser will be held in Detroit on and said he was uncertain of the com- June 1. mittee's position. Joining Millender's committee are Millender said all funds collected will be sent directly to Edward Bennet Williams, Diggs' Washington attorney. GEO 's future Williams was unavailable for comment yesterday.D The Diggs trial is scheduled for June iY"E'= 1' 'o- oily-Thursday, May 4, 1978-Page 5 banon replace Israeli troops that invaded southern Lebanon March I5 a few days after 35 Israelis were killed in a raid by, Palestinian terrorists near Tel Aviv. MENEGAUX SAID the fighting began while Salvan was holding a "crucial meeting" with representatives of various Palestinian and Lebanese guerrilla groups in the Tyre region. Be said rocket-propelled grenades, mortar rounds and machine guns were fired at a U.N. jeep and a truck carrying food. When Salvan received word of the fighting, he quickly ended the meeting and sent one jeep and an armored per- sonnel carrier to the scene of the clash, three miles from the Ghassan,Borro barracks, headquarters of the French troops. The patrol ran into an ambush, and Salvan dispatched another unit of jeeps and armored vehicles, said Menegaux. Mohammed Tamraz, a Palestine Liberation Organization envoy who at- tended the meeting, offered to drive Salvan to the scene of the fighting to help end it. "COL. SALVAN and Tamraz stood in the Palestinian's Toyota car waving with their hands to the gunmen to cease firing," Menegeaux said. "But the am- bushers sprayed them with bullets. The colonel was hit in his legs and Tamraz' driver, Qassem Manna, was killed." A French soldier in a nearby jeep was killed in the gunfire and another was wounded. In Beirut, mainstream and radical Palestinian guerrillas said their forces were not involved in the fighting. Lef- tist Lebanese militiamen in Tyre also denied involvement. on hearings (Continued from Page 3) JUDGE SPERKA ruled last August that the University was guilty of an un- fair labor practice, and the ad- ministration appealed his decision. MERC refused to rule on the appeal un- til Sperka decided the student- employee question, and referred the problem back to the judge. When next week's hearings are finally over, MERC will consider the University's appeal in light of Sperka's findings. GEO feels that the administration is dragging out this complicated legal process in order to destroy the organization through attrition. However, Milbrath said that the University's tactics may backfire, sin- ce bringing the GSAs together for the hearings could renew the strength of GEO. Milbrath said that GEO has already lined up teaching assistants from 10 departments to testify, primarily from theliterary college. DISCO Lessohos at DEINCE SPICE 3141 S. State COLL 995-4242 for schedule and registration information. PREPARING 1- FR EXAMS? ily o - entemslvdayused I reviw . 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