Page 6-Friday, May 26, 1978-The Michigan Daily A the me then dec 'Finishing JOSHUA PECK human motivation, for if When I was nine, I read an account of bag of foul produce Wedne heyday of vaudeville, its perfor- the opening of AACT' rs and audience. I was incredulous Touches, I would soon havt n that anyone with even a grain of to let fly with the worst I ha ency could have thrown rotten Where, oh where, to star nishing Tou hes Kerr's abysmal script, I by Jean Kerr even Tracy and Hepburn had trouble saving it. Lat Ann ArborCivic Theatre act, the show's first u LydiaMendelsson Theatre moment finally arrives ty Cooper.,....... ........ Thelma Sterling Cooper, the lead, is in thea ff Cooper ....................... Joe Medrano her next-door neighbor, ghie Cooper... . Robert Avsharian behold, her husband does n vin Cooper ......................Phil Potter ASIDE FROM this and ed Whitten ... ...... Dick Phillips or three other of the show's eeCop............St enFlynn licia Andrayson . b.. ris McMullen is basically the same obv sie Ketchum ............... ... Amy Rothman Kerr and her colleagues churning out for the last d bby Jacobs, director; Don Stewart, set designer; half - a sort of couSin nathan Lawniczak, eltne designer; Kathleen drawing roam comedy, Schaadt, costumesdain om oey quality is several strata b etables, garbage and the like at per- its Continental relati mers while they were on the stage. I "basically the same schlocl t to thank Ann Arbor Civic Theater is a new and disturbing el broadening my understanding of an attitude about drugs a Ka Jef Hu Ke Fr Ste Fe Li Jo veg fort wan for Touches' that Kerr imagines to be open and I had had a apropos to the 70's, but that manages to sday night at be nothing more than disgusting. s Finishing When will Kerr and her ilk recognize e been moved that alcohol is not a health tonic or id to offer. therapeutic truth serum, but a crutch t? With Jean for the miserable? Finishing Touches suppose, as makes scarcely a negative suggestion might have about liquor, though the imbibing is e in the third practically incessant. Director Libby npredictable Jacobs must take some of the blame for when Katy this failing as well. irms of Fred, Homosexuality, too, falls under the and io and playwright's flippant pen. Contrary to ot walk in. what the characters think, the topic is perhaps two not a joke. Whether one supports or op- incidents, it poses the efforts of gay liberation, ious schlock scorn is inappropriate to the issue. Yet have been that is just what it is handed here. ecade and a. GIVEN SUCH material, perhaps the to British Civic Theater should not be judged too though its harshly. But then, they send people to elow that of jail for being accomplices to murder. ve. I say The acting ranged from pitiable to k," but there mediocre, with occasional exceptions ement here: provided by Thelma Sterling and Chris nd sexuality McMullen, as Katy Cooper and Felicia Andrayson. These two, while uneven, earned their laughs at times through reasonably good timing. Neither character, however, had either the sub- stance or presence to win sympathy, even from Wednesday's em- -barrassingly appreciative audience. At the other end of the limited spec- trum are Steven Flynn and Dick Phillips, as Katy's oldest son and her ert adulterous neighbor, respectively. Flynn, who manages The Movies at ton, Briarwood, seems to have seen Star ond, Wars one time too many; his delivery .rr and movement are mechanical to the flops point where they rival those of C3PO. A remarkable achievement, really, to wander through an entire performance without once producing a believable ut- terance. PHILLIPS IS not quite as appalling, though he certainly makes a bid. The main problem with his characterization is that we are asked to believe that Katy would consider jumping into the sack with him. But who would fall for a guy who sounds like a talk show host? Joe Medrano as Jeff, Katy's straying husband, is adequate, but that perhaps typifies much of the difficulty with the whole production. The old dictum that comedy (did I mention that the show is a comedy?) is harder to do than drama, is correct. If Medrano were the protagonist of a serious show, we might be able to overlook his lapses and come away with a positive feeling on the whole. But when, time after time, Medrano tries to evoke laughter and misses, he begins to stand out. And without being outstanding. Mention must be made of the special effects, which unintentionally provided two of the show's funniest moments. What we are told is an approaching car sounds more like a crashing 747. Then we are treated to an alleged rainstorm, which somehow avoids dousing two candles that burn throughout. At one point in the show, unin- teresting Elsie Ketchum, played unin- terestingly by Amy Rothman, asks Katy Cooper, "Am I depressing you?" You most certainlyare, Ms. Rothman. You and your whole undertrained troupe. RECORDS recorded, of all things, a children's album. On one side of the record is an adequate if unspectacular rendering of Benjamin Britten's Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra, an excellent piece for indoctrinating the kiddies into the delights of highbrow music. But, af- ter settling Junior next to the old Marantz speakers and setting the needle on the flip side, the attentive parent is in for a surprise as the velvety, slightly nasal voice of David Bowie intones, "This is the story of Peter and the Wolf. Each character in this tale is going to be represented by a different instrument in the or- Peter and the Wolf chestra The Philadelphia Orchestra, with Bowie makes a charming storyteller, Eugene Ormandy, conductor, and having no doubt practiced his inter- DavidBowie,narrator pretive skills on his own little son, RCA ARLI-2743 Zowie. His participation in this venture might even get dyed-in-the-wool rock David Bowie, alias the Man Who Fell audiences listening to classical music, to Earth, who brought you Ziggy Star- as Vincent Price's appearance in dust, Diamond Dogs and the Jean American International horror films Genie, in his never-ending effort to keep encouraged teenagers to read Poe. the public guessing what he's up to, has -Anne Sharp MSTAKES, GOOFS d CENSRE SCEES Rotor", Abbott & Costello a Stn .erk " "OF-Vast LWugni Dos Ricklas "L00PERS" Mistakes from Movies and TV. MANN THEATRES VILLAG MIDNIGHT SHOWS e .APE Vs LAGESHOPPING CENTER . . . FR L i.-SAT.-SUN. X69-300I