] Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 18-S MrDichI TgFriday, May 26, 1978 II I I n Sixteen Pages Ann Arbor, Michigan Ten Cents Tension marks arms talks __wf Delegate Paul Newman steals show at U.N. UNITED NATIONS (AP) - A delight to secretaries and spectators and a distraction to diplomats, actor" Paul Newman is stealing the show at the General Assembly's special session on disarmament. He's the fir- st big-name crowd pleaser since Henry Kissinger. An adoring throng, including many U.N. office workers, follows the blue- eyed Hollywood star wherever he goes. But Newman, 53, ttse latest in a long line of entertainers the United States has booked into the U.N. Assembly, says he's trying to keep a. low profile.' By The Associated Press Weapons negotiations between the United States and the Soviet Union headed for a new and possibly climactic round yesterday against a backdrop of strained relations between the two superpowers. "The level of tension is fairly high," said a senior U.S. Offical before Secretary of State Cyrus Vance met at the Soviet Mission with Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko. THE NEGOTIATIONS will be shifted today to Washington and culminate tomorrow when President Carter is likely to summon Gromyko to the White House. What the Carter administration regards as Soviet and Cuban adven- turism in Africa has clouded prospects for a weapons limitation treaty by the end of the year. On top of that there has been an un- precedented Soviet strategicbuildup in Europe which was condemned by Vice President Walter Mondale in a policy speech to the U.N. special disar- mament conference. SPECIFICALLY, he deplored the. deployment of the SS-20, a new, mobile intermediate range missile that Mon- dale said menaces civilian as well as military targets. Mondale asked: "Who can justify this "I'M JUST learning the job. I'm trying to feel my way in," he said. At the U.N. Plaza Hotel, where Newman and other U.S. delegates are housed, bellboys and hotel guests ignored such Washington luminaries as Sens. Charles Percy (R-Ill.), and Charles Mathias (R-Md.), to shake hands with, or just get a glimpse. of him. At a Swedish reception here Wed- nesday evening, the crowd surroun- Newman ding Newman was at least six deep, according to Martin Halqvist, a spokesman for the Swedish Mission. "We were delighted he showed up." Another diplomat described the scene as a "stampede." "I THINK it's just wonderful, his presence adds a human dimension to this extra-serious affair," says Margaret Saunders, a secretary from Barbados. escalation in nuclear arms." Later, a senior U.S. official briefing newsmen anonymously said Mondale's speech reflected "real concern." He said the administration decided "it ought to be put on the table and discussed frankly," even if it had "a negative spillover" on the weapons negotiations. THE CARTER administration has tried to keep the arms talks isolated from U.S.-Soviet bickering in other areas. At the same time it has told the Kremlin that senators already skep- tical of a weapons treaty are becoming even more suspicious. The Soviets are aware of the potential impact on ratification of a treaty which they are understood to want as ear- nestly as the U.S. administration but are prepared to run the risk of an- tagonizing fence-sitters as well as op- ponents. Repression of Soviet dissidents, typified by the conviction last week of Yuri Orlov, head of a human rights monitoring group, also has hurt chan- ces for ratification. THE VANCE-Gromyko talks are cen- tered primarily on U.S. efforts to con- strain development of new Soviet missiles. The Russians want the treaty to per- mit testing and.deployment of one new missile system on each side. The Soviets also want their bomber, known to the West as the Backfire, not to count against their total of long- range bombers and intercontinental ballistic missiles. VANCE DOES not expect this issue to be resolved between him and Gromyko. Rather, it is Vance's view that the deadlock over Backfire can only be broken by Carter and Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev. Chief U.S. arms negotiator Paul Warnke, on the other hand, said in an Associated Press interview this week that all key issues would have to be set- tled before there could be a summit See D'ESTAING, Page 2 CONTAMINATION LASTS A LIFETIME: Expert reports on PBB By UnitedPress International able to hopefully come up with Dr. Irving Selikoff said yesterday mean, however, that contaminated something." tests on Michigan farmers show the mans wser lontm ihated Selikoff declined to speculate how human body is able to rid itself of only a humans will suffer long-term health ef- long that might take, but said he has small percentage of PBB - even fects. "hopes that it's not going to be years." during a lifetime. Selikoff said he is hopeful that some The primary objective of the Novem- The New York researcher, who agent will be discovered that can flush ber tests was to determine if PBB had currently is studying PBB's effects on PBB from the body. any damaging effects on farmers' the state's general population, said he "There will be other methods found," sperm. The sperm of about 100 young expects residents of quarantined farms he said. "I. have confidence that our farmers was compared with that of to retain 90 percent of the PBB they pharmacologists looking at this will be college students. ingested. HIS FINDINGS were based on blood tests taken last November and com- pared with 1976 blood tests. Selikoff told University researchers and doctors that he and his assistants "snuck in" to the state last winter in order to avoid some of the publicity that has followed them during other visits. "We did not find any significant The House Agriculture Committee approved a plan yesterday which would limit PBB testing at most Michigan dairy farms. See story, page 11. decrease - only about 10 percent will be metabolized out over a lifetime," he said. AFTER THE lecture, Selikoff told reporters non-farm residents also probably will carry for the rest of their lives 90 percent of their- amounts of con- tamination. Couneil refuses to rehire black By DAN OBERDORFER City Council Wednesday night rejected a request to reinstate a black City Hall employee who was laid-off two years ago because of alleged racial discrimination, The resolution, introduced by Councilman Ken Latta (D- First Ward) asked that former planning department worker John Morton be given a job as an assistant to the city planner at a salary of $16,500 and also be provided with back pay. COUNCIL VOTED along party lines to defeat the request 7-4, with Democrats in favor and Republicans against. The Republicans rejected the request because they said it would set a bad precedent. Councilman Louis Senunas (R- Third Ward) suggested if Council approved Morton's request, it would soon be asked to arbitrate "hundreds" of complaints from disgruntled employees. Republican Mayor Louis Belcher added Council did not have jurisdiction to rule on the case. "The chain of command leads to the planning commission," he said. "There are no provisions in the City Charter for Council to overrule.either the city administrator or the planning commission on per- sonnel decisions." CITY ATTORNEY Bruce Laidlaw backed him up, saying Council's job was setting policy. He did say, however, Coun- cil could act if its policy was not being followed. .There is evidence of unlawful discrim- ination against (Morton) and fellow black employees.' -Michigan Civil Rights Department Councilwoman Leslie Morris (D-Second Ward) said there is no doubt Morton was discriminated against. She pointed out that an investigation by the Michigan Civil Rights Depar- tment a year ago concluded there is "evidence of unlawful discrimination against (Morton) and fellow black em- ployees." She COUNCIL ,Page 5