Page 10-Thursday; May 25, 1978-The Michigan Daily Kennedy the 1980 favorite, poii shows ByAPand UPI Either Gerald Ford or Ronald Reagan could beat Jimmy Carter if the 1980 presidential election were held today, but Edward Kennedy could defeat anyone from either party, an ABC News-Louis Harris Poll reported. The poll, conducted Yast week, showed Ford defeating the President 48 percent to 43 percent in the "trial heat" for the 1980 race. Reagan, the former California governor, would nose out Carter 47 percent to 46 percent. KENNEDY, although not a can- didate, would beat anyone, the poll showed. The Massachusetts Democrat would defeat Ford 52 percent to 43 per- cent and Reagan 54 percent to 42 per- cent. In the race for the Democratic Party nomination, Kennedy swamped Carter 60 percent to 35 percent. Among in- dependent voters, the poll showed Ken- nedy enjoying a 52 percent to 39 percent edge. California Gov. Edmund (Jerry) Brown, fares worse than Carter in the poll. AMONG DEMOCRATS, Carter defeats Brown by a wide 64 percent to 29 percent. Ina general election survey, Ford would defeat Brown by 52 percent to 38 percent and Reagan would beat Brown 52 percent to 40 percent. The Chappaquiddick incident, in which a car driven by Kennedy fell into a river and resulted in the drowning death of a young woman, does not pose a problem for Kennedy, according to the poll. ABC News said the percentages are based on telephone interviews last week with those who said they had voted in the 1976 race and with a small group of persons who were too young to vote that year but who now are over 18. In each case, the person interviewed was asked a variation of this question: "Suppose the election for President in 1980 were held today and Carter were running on the Democratic ticket and Ford on the Republican ... who would you vote for?" Kennedy: The frontrunner FTC ruling seen as test of group's power From staff and wire reports a The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) told that prices of similar eyeglasses sometimes vary by 350 per cent, yesterday ruled it is illegal for states and professional groups to restrict advertising of prices for eye examinations and glasses. Such restrictions currently exist in about 40 states, and the ruling could lead to lower prices for many of the more than 112 million Americans who wear eyeglasses or contact lenses. IT WAS THE first time the FTC, relying on a 1975 law, had made such a sweeping, industrywide ruling rather than regulating companies on a case- by-case basis. More than a dozen FTC decisions on what is legal throughout an industry-decisions that could run counter to state laws-are pending in such business areas as funerals, hearing aids, mobile homes, vocational schools and used cars. The American Optometr Association said the FTC "is overstel ping its power as a federal regulator agency" and that the association wou appeal the decision through the feder courts. A challenge in the courts coul amount to a test of the FTC's powers t regulate an entire industry. THE FTC ruling, approved by a 4 vote, is designed to increase price con petition in the $4 billion a year busines of eye examinations and sellin eyeglasses and contact lenses. "Where there is no price advertisin allowed, there is little incentive fo providers to offer a bargain," FT Chairman Michael Pertschuk said. The regulation also require ophthalmologists and optometrists t give a copy of the prescription to th What d'ya say there, Watson ol' boy? Think you could sell a few Daily subscrip- tions during freshman orientation? The pay is good ... $3.65 /hour. You can work full or part time. And with your . . . um . . . winning per- sonality, it should be a breeze. What d'ya say, Wotson? Give 'em a ring at the-Daily, 764-0560 WORK/STUDY ONLY consumer. This will enable the con- The Opticians Association of ic sumer to use the advertisements in America, whose members are likely to p- deciding where to have the prescription benefit from the FTC's action, endorsed y filled. it. The group said the regulation "is ex- id pected to make it a lot easier for con- al THE FTC STAFF said that prices are sumers to obtain helpful information about 25 per cent to 40 per cent lower about where to buy contact lenses and d where advertising is allowed. eyewear." to Mieh. sends slightly more n- s to Wash. than it receives NEW YORK (AP) - Twenty-one from "Animal and Health Plant Inspec- g states sent more tax dollars to tion Service" to "Water Resources r Washington than they got back in aid in Research." The foundation noted that C fiscal 1977, the Tax Foundation Inc. not all states can - or choose to - par- said yesterday. ticipate in all available programs. Economists for the foundation, a non- Here is a list of the states and the o profit research group, developed a amount they contributed to get $1 in .0 formula determining each state's tax aid: e costs for all grant programs. The Indiana, $1.43; Connecticut, $1.36; economists then compared the costs to Kansas, $1,34; Ohio and Texas, $1.31 actual amounts state and local gover- each; Illinois, $1.26; New Jersey, $1.25; nments receive in grants, as reported Nebraska, $1.23; Florida, $1.22; Iowa by the U.S. Treasury. and Missouri, $1.19 each; Maryland, $1.16; Virginia and Washington, $1.14 MICHIGAN nearly broke even, each; Colorado, Delaware and Nevada, paying $1.01 for every dollar of aid. $1.12 each; California, $1.08; New Indiana paid the most for federal Hampshire, $1.07; Michigan, $1.01; help. Residents sent in $1.43 for every $1 Pennsylvania, just over $1; Wyoming, in aid they received. Pennsylvanians 99 cents; Arizona and Minnesota, 95 came closest to exactly breaking even, cents each; Oklahoma, 93 cents; Ten- sending $1 and a fraction of a cent to nessee, 92 cents; Oregon, 90 cents; Washington for every $1 in aid. At the Massachusetts, 89 cents; Wisconsin, 88 lower end of the scale, Vermont cents; North Carolina, 87 cents; Rhode residents sent Washington 53 cents for Island, 85 cents; Kentucky, 83 cents; every $1 they got back. District of New York, 82 cents; North Dakota and Columbia residents paid 29 cents for South Carolina, 80 cents each; Idaho every $1inaid. and Louisiana, 79 cents each; Utah, 78 On an overall basis, the foundation cents; Alabama, 76 cents; Hawaii, 74 said, state and local governments cents; West Virginia, 73 cents; Arkan- raised nearly $22 billion from their own sas and New Mexico, 70 cents each; revenue sources to qualify for $66 Georgia and South Dakota, 66 cents; billion in federal aid. Maine, 64 cents; Alaska and Montana, THE FOUNDATION said the aid was 61 cents each; Mississippi, 57 cents; distributed in 97 programs ranging Vermont, 53 cents. Looking for the intelectul side oflife? Read the Michigan Daily