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May 23, 1978 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1978-05-23

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0m i chigan DAILY
Ann Arbor, Michigan Ten Cents

Vol. LXXXVIII, No. 15-S
Tuesday, May 23, 1978
Sixteen Pages



Belgian troops
exit Zaire;

KOLWEZI, Zaire (AP) - Belgian
paratroopers who helped evacuate
nearly 2,500 white foreigners pulled out
of this battle-ravaged African city
yesterday. French legionnaires
patrolled the dusty streets strewn with
corpses bloating in the sun.
The French and Belgians made
separate airborne assaults into Kolwezi
Friday and Saturday, ending a week-
long orgy of killing, rape and pillage by
rebel invaders.
Some 1,200 Belgian soliders boarded
C-130 transport planes and were flown
to a military base at Kamina, 130 miles
north of this copper-mining center.
IN BRUSSELS, Belgian Premier Leo
Tindemans said one battalion would
"stay at Kamina to guarantee the
safety" of Belgians remaining in
Zaire's southeastern Shaba Province.
Several thousand Europeans are still in
mineral-rich Shaba, with many living
4 ~~~~~~in Likasi and Lhmahes n
L ,southeastof Kolwezi.
An estimated 800 troops of the French
Foreign Legion remained in Kolwezi.
Commanders said their mission is to
pacify the province, known as Katanga
when Zaire was the Belgian Congo and
a Belgian colony.
Zairean troops began arriving in
large numbers Sunday.
reported the rebels killed at least 170
AP Photo whites after invading Zaire and cap-
Bound for Venus turing Kolwezi May 13. Some survivors
The first of two spaceprobes blasted off for Venus Saturday. Professors from the said 200whites wre killed.
University's Space Physics Research Laboratory built some of the spacecraft Frebels also killed some 150 black-
devices. See story, Page 3.
MCATs scored too low

Zaireans-both civilians and gover-
nment soldiers. They said around 200
rebels were slain by the legionnaires.
The legionnaires lost two killed and 14
wounded, they said. Belgian officials
said that the Belgian paratroopers suf-
fered no casualties.
IT WAS REPORTED in Paris that 50
French civilians and six French
soldiers who served as advisers to
Zairean army units were missing and
might have been taken as hostages by
the rebels.
President Mobutu Sese Seko, furious
at a Belgian government suggestion he
should have tried to negotiate with the
Angola-based rebels, said the Belgian
paratroopers were "the last to arrive
and the first to leave." He spoke to
See REBELS, Page 2
NEW YORK (AP) - "Son of Sam"
killer David Berkowitz, kicking and
biting guards who half-dragged him in-
to court, had his sentencing postponed
yesterday after he called his final vic-
tim "a whore" and told her anguished
mother: "I'd kill her again."
"You animal!" the mother shouted
back. Others who were close to the vic-
tims wept and shouted in outrage.
THlE DARK-HAIRED 24-year-old
killer had kicked, bitten and injured
three court officers and lunged toward
a window in a security office where he
was being kept not far from the seven-
th-floor courtroom in Brooklyn.
He was subdued quickly, his arms
were shackled, and, after a two-hour
delay, he was half-dragged by a horde
of uniformed officers into the cour-
troom of Supreme Court Justice Joseph
Berkowitz' behavior was in sharp
contrast to two weeks ago when, in the
same courtroom, he calmly pleaded
guilty to all the murders and attempted
IN PUTTING OFF sentencing until
June 12, Corso read into the record data
that indicated Berkowitz may have
planned his outburst well in advance.
Later, Berkowitz was taken back to
Kings County Hospital, where he has
been held since his arrest last Aug. 10.

From staff and wire reports
Medical colleges said yesterday that a scoring error on
their entrance exam resulted in too many low scores-only
three months after law schools discovered that a change in
their admissions test had produced a rash of high scores.
As a result, scores will be raised for 90 percent of the 27,300
persons who took the Medical College Admissions Test
(MCAT) on April 15, said James Erdman, director of testing
for the Association of American Medical Colleges. No one's
score will be lowered.
UNIVERSITY MEDICAL School Director of Admissions
Colin Campbell yesterday said he was not aware of the scoring
error. "I assume it will not be significant for the class we are
admitting this summer," said Campbell, explaining that those
applicants took the MCAT last year.
Campbell said he hopes the scores will be corrected by the
time the admissions office begins reviewing scores for next
year's candidates. "We are not going to use an incorrect
score," asserted Campbell. "In the past, when an MCAT has
been scored incorrectly, it has been up to the testing service to
make corrections and send them to us. In the past, they've
done that."
For most, the scores will go up one point on several of the
six sections of the exam, which is graded ona scale of 1to 15.

THE MEAN SCORE, normally set at 8.0, varied from 7.0 to
7.9 on the latest exam because the test makers used the wrong
formula for equating the results with previous MCAT tests,
Erdman said.
The test and the formula were prepared by the American
Institutes for Research in the Behavioral Sciences, Palo Alto,
Calif., Erdman said. The test, given twice yearly, is ad-
ministered by American College Testing of Iowa City, Iowa.
The nation's 122 medical schools, all of which use the exam
to help select students, have been told to throw out the original
results, which were released about 10 days ago. New scores
will be sent out by June 10 or earlier for those seeking to enter
medical schools this fall, Erdman said. Most of those who took
the April test were college juniors applying for admission for
the fall of 1979, he said.
A CHANGE IN the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT)
produced an unusually high number of top scores on the forms
of that exam given last October and December. Students who
took it then may have had an edge over those who take the
LSAT earlier in the year.
When this came to light in February, the test maker,
Educational Testing Service of Princeton, N.J., instruced law
schools not to try to adjust the scof downward because
See MCATs, Page 14

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