Page 22-Wednesday, May 3, 1978-The Michigan Daily Mox. utin1eering#i. FUNDAMENTALS OF MOUNTAINEERING What is mountaineering all about?Funyyou should ask. Because we just happen to have an answer. (Ah-h, life's little coincidences.) Mountaineering is a skill, a science and an art. Yet anyone with a thirst for excellence and normally developed moor skills can master it. Simply study these damentals and follow them faithful ly v Step one ' Re " appropri- . Okay, here's t' .'ately enough ,*where the fun be- starts by select gins. Hold the mountain .ing the correct sitefirmly in your left hand, To do so, pick up ne Y U v he jugrasp the mountain -a bottle of Busch".OS l,. Ue top with your right This is commonly eeaIt hand and twist called heading for the cQtS the little fella off. mountains. e yAiloruluThere you go. a Once poured, pacing becomes paramount. As any seasoned " mountaineer will tell you, the only way to down a mountain is slowly, smoothly and steadily - savoring every swallow of the brew that is Busch. If you're a bit awkward at first, don't be Now for the discouraged. Perfection takes practice. Soon enough, having 30tricky part. emptied your l s and filled your soul you t o will be a $4 Neophytes, listen mountaineer up: the proper pour o u is straight down LA the center of the glass. Only in* this way will -' the cold, invio- . rating taste ofC0,°,0;_ the mountamn came to a head.. Before Murigte M ~lounaneern v uut eern.F.g Mounaneern Doixt't each for a bee Head far he-moimt ins. s All* *nt_ g I ,r'Ili to sc A-1-.- o.-S I-- c. ..