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May 20, 1978 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1978-05-20

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n Daily-Saturday, May 20, 1978-Page 3

'U' history
Fifty years ago, only sixty blacks at-
tended the University. University
regulations barred them from dances
and from swimming facilities. Blacks
were to enter buildings such as the
Student Union via the back door.
Lenoir Stewart, a black University
alumnus from the class of 1928, retur-
ned to Ann Arbor this week with vivid
memories of the University's attitude
toward minority students.
A SLIGHT WOMAN who wears her
hair pulled back in a french bun,
Stewart participated in the formation of
what was perhaps the first inter-racial
campus organization in America, the
Negro Caucasion Club (NCC).
"We were trying to make the people
in this community aware of the con-
tributions of Negroes," says Stewart of
the club's purpose. "I think it was a
very successful program," she adds.
Formed in 1925, NCC's goal was to
promote full equality for all races. At
its genesis, it consisted of 26 students
and a faculty advisor.
ONE OF NCC's projects was to
analyzes the roots of racial prejudice in
the community.
"There was no place (in the city)
blacks could eat, except at a black
restaurant," said Stewart. Many
restaurant proprietors argued that if
they served blacks, the whites would
boycott their restaurant.
To gain admittance to the segregated
eating establishments, Stewart said
NCC staged what may have been the
first Ann Arbor sit-in. Some members
of the club planted themselves at a
table in a local restaurant notorious for
See BLACK, Page 10

When the music's over u D
A pair of concert-goers talk things over as a warm Spring breeze drifts through a Hill Auditorium window. The tryst took
place after Thursday night's Bob Marley show.
New 'U' hospital plan proposed,
Executive Board, the report made the and $25 million from private gifts, and
The replacement for the University following preliminary assumptions limited hospital revenue.
Hospital would be built on the site of the upon which further planning for the " The size of the new hospital would
existing hospital, according to a report new facility would be based: be defined through analysis now under
submitted to the Regents. . "That the present site, plus the St. way.
The report, which contains the most Joseph property will best accom- FINAL ACCEPTANCE of the
elaborate details of planning for the modate the project." proposed site is contingent upon im-
new University Hospital to date, was . The project would be funded plementation of plans for access roads
presented to the Regents by University through various sources including $140 to the hospital. A formal site. recom-
President Robben Fleming at yester- million under the State's building bond mendation to the Regents is expected
day's monthly meeting. program, possible Federal funds for this fall.
ENDORSED BY the Hospital construction or equipment, between $20S R
dSee REPORT, Page 6

We goofed
On Thursday we reported that City Administrator
Sylvester Murray demoted City Clerk Jerome
Weiss after discussions with Mayor Louis Belcher
and the Republican caucus. Murray's office has
pointed out, however, that the Democratic caucus
was consulted as well. We apologize for the
On a personal note
Yesterday we noted that we received a handsome,
"handwritten" note from Congressman Carl Pur-
cell Thursday, only to find another personal memo,
identical to the first,while opening the rest of our
mail. It seems our beloved representative tried to
pull a fast one on us by sending machine-duplicated
copies of the memo. But we caught on quickly. And
yesterday, lo and behold, we received yet two more
of the "personal" noted from our man in
Washington. Looks like someone forgot to turn off
the Xerox machine.
Happenings ...
A..a begin with a reminder that the Multi-Ethnic
Alliance of Ann Arbor and the Ann Arbor Public
Library are co-sponsoring two displays a the main
branch of the library this month.-One is a cultural

exhibit arranged by the local chapter of the Polish
American Congress, the second is a display on the
Greek wedding. . . Corntree Co-op, 1910 Hill, will
be having a-family fair from 9:30-5.... the Inter-
faith Council for Peace sponsors a "Call to Arms
Control" community forum at the First United
Methodist Church, 120 S. State. Registration takes
place from 9:30-10:30. There will be workshops from
10:30-noon, followed by a brown bag lunch and more
workshops from 1-2:30. The forum will be
highlighted by a 3 o'clock "Community Analogue on
Arms Control" featuring Rep. Carl Purcell (or a
Xerox copy thereof) and Rep. Bob Carr (D-E. Lan-
sing) ... a day-long conference on health care
begins at 9:30 at Rackham Amphitheater. Panel
discussions and workshops will run until 5 ... the
University's Artist and Craftsmen Guild sponsors
theFarmington County Art Fair at the Farmington
Community Center on Farmington Rd., just north of
10 mile. The fair will be open from 10-
8... SUNDAY, THE Corntree Co-op family fair
continues from 9:30-5 ... the Farmington County
Art Fair likewise continues from noen to
5... celebrate Historic Preservation Week at Cob-
blestone Farm from 1-5. There'll be an open house,
flower show, civil war demonstration and county
dancing ... MONDAY happenings don't begin
until 7 when William DeTuk presents an hour-long
carillon concert from Burton Memorial
Tower' .. City Council meets at 7:30 in the Council
Chambers, second floor of City Hall ... the Cham-
her Musie Celebration presents a festival df'Mozart

at 8in the Pendleton Room of the Union.
'Back to school
Pity poor Eugene Krauss. The 32-year-old
millionaire says he wants more out of life than a
fancy house, trips around the globe and a well-
endowed bank account. So he's decided to change
careers and become-of all things-a professor.
"The business world is tremendously stimulating
and rewarding, but I just don't think it's the end
goal of a lifetime," he explained. Krauss built his
fortune after dropping out of college and branching
out from the family business. Now, after returning
to school and graduating from Columbia magna
cum laude Wednesday, he'll begin studies there in
the fall for his clinical medicine degree. eventually,
Krauss hopes to teach at a medical school and do
research in cell biology and neurology. Bet there
are plenty of profs right here who wouldn't mind
changing places with you, Gene.
On the outside .. .
We had a hunch this weather was too good to last.
It will be cloudy and windy today with late after-
noon thundershowers. The high should be in the
mid-70s with the rain ending by midnight. It will be
somewhat cooler Sunday with ahigh of 6 expected
under partly sunny skies. Have a nice weekend.

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